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Everything posted by Rob PMFF

  1. 06/01/2011 Warm up: Bear crawl 40 M Spiderman pushups x 10 OHS w/ PVC x 10 2 min lat mobility WOD: Overhead Squats 65 x 5 75 x 5 85 x 3 95 x 3 105 x FAIL! Depth was really good on these, but I just couldn't do that last set. 3 rounds for time - 15 Overhead squats (65 lbs) 10 Hand release push ups 15 Front Squats (65 lbs) - was supposed to be OHS, but my right wrist was hurting pretty bad 10 Hand release push ups 15 Overhead Squats (65 lbs) - figured a way to hold the bar a little differently to take the pressure off my wrist 10 Hand release push ups Time - 6:14
  2. 05/28/2011 2 hours of Wing Chun - 1 hr punch, pak & tan drills - 1 hr Chi Sau
  3. 05/27/2011 BW: 207 lbs Stopped by one of the fire stations to use their bench Bench Press: 135 x 5 145 x 5 155 x 5 160 x 3 165 x 3 170 x 3 175 x 2 180 x 1 185 x 1 190 - FAIL! Had to dump the plates Dumbbell Flies: 25s x 10 x 3 Hammer Curls: 30s x 20 x 3 Shrugs: 45 lb plates x 10 x 3
  4. It was weird and I don't even know if I was doing it right. No one was watching, and me and another guy doing them were laughing the whole time. You lay on your back and touch right hand to left toes, left hand to right toes...something like that.
  5. That sealfit WOD looks really fun. Was that chosen by you or the coaches at your box? Sad about your knee keeping you from running & biking. I know you love to do those things
  6. Great pics. Looks like a great place. But no the stones we have aren't round and smooth. They are like natural boulders that you'd see on the ground somewhere.
  7. 05/26/2011 BW: 205 lbs Warm up: 2 min "perfect OHS stretch" 2 mins hip and quad stretching/mobility 30 secs on Airdyne bike at L3 output 30 monkey claps 30 dying cockroaches 15 air squats Warmup Front Squat WOD: Front Squat - build up to 1 RM 165 lbs - New PR! (by 30 lbs) (I don't like to brag, but my squat depth today was INCREDIBLE. I really couldn't believe how low I was able to go today. Way below parallel.) 5 rounds for Time - Thruster x 5 (Did 115 lbs for the first round, and 105 lbs for the other 4 rounds) Pullups x 10 (used the blue band for assistance) Rest 2 minutes Time - 14:40 (including rest)
  8. Is 195 OHP more than your BW? It's really impressive either way. 60 lbs more than I can do for a 1RM. Our crossfit gym recently got some boulders which made me think of your atlas stone training. I wonder if it will be similar.
  9. Everyone's burpees start to look sad toward the end, don't feel bad Squat numbers are looking good!
  10. Wow that is a lot of front squatting. 65 reps I counted Aside from fatigue, your knee wasn't bothering you much while you did this? I kinda like the strength wods, I feel like it shows how much progress you've made in a different way than the metcons.
  11. 05/24/2011 1 hour of Wing Chun wooden dummy kwon sau training - First time back since June 16 last year. He's opened up some day classes, which will be much more convenient for me. I was training and in walks one of my crossfit coaches He's been training off and on there much longer than I have.
  12. 05/23/2011 BW: 206 lbs I have gained 7 lbs back in the past month Warm up: Row 250 M 2 min hip mobility 2 min quad mobility 2 min shoulder mobility 15 air squats 10 spiderman push ups Row 250 M WOD: For max reps 1 minute Row for calories - 28 cals 1 minute rest 1 minute of Hand release push ups - 39 reps 1 minute rest 1 minute of Kettle bell swings (45 lbs) - 30 reps 1 minute rest 1 minute of abmat sit ups - 34 reps 1 minute rest 1 minute of Back squats (115 lbs) - 15 reps 1 minute rest 1 minute of Push Press (95 lbs) - 10 reps That was hard as fuck. Started to gas out after the sit ups and felt very thirsty, which was distracting.
  13. 05/19/2011 Warm up: 1 min squat hold 1 min overhead squats with PVC shoulder pass throughs 2 min "pigeon" stretch Karaoke drill 20 M each direction 5 T-drills WOD: 6 rounds of - 5 Pulls ups (blue band) 10 Ring dips (blue band) 15 weighted abmat sit ups (14 lb med ball overhead) 20 air squats Rest 2 min Time: 21:58
  14. 05/17/2011 Warm up: Row 300 M Partner Med-ball toss x5 standing, x5 kneeling (15 lbs) Walking lunge w/ twist x20 2 min shoulder mobility Row 300 M WOD: 4 rounds of - 10 burpees (as fast as possible) 15 pull ups (used various bands for assistance as fatigue set in) Run 400 M Rest 3 minutes Time: 25:13 This was way harder than it looked. Afterwards when I was sitting down trying to cool off, I felt like I was going to fall asleep. I think that's a new one.
  15. 05/13/2011 Warm up: Run 400 M 10 good mornings (empty bar) 10 ring dips (red band) 10 kip swings warm up power snatch WOD: 7 Rounds for Time - Sprint 100 M 4 x Power Snatch (105 lbs) 8 Ring dips (red band) 7 burpees Rest 2 minutes Time - 26:54 Whooooo my shoulders is to' up!
  16. 05/11/2011 Warm up: 10 good morning back squats - empty bar 10 jumping squats - empty bar 5 standing long jumps WOD: Back Squat 95 x 3 115 x 3 135 x 3 155 x 1 155 x 1 155 x 1 Row 1000 M for time Time: 3:28
  17. I want to collectively choke Man U...Especially after today.
  18. That does look great. Did you time yourself?
  19. This is a bit late on here, but I'm glad you got away from that collision with no injuries. The guy was a retired firefighter and he was scared of someone yelling at him? LOL what a wuss. Very glad you are okay though. I see cyclists every now and then and I don't often think of the danger they are probably in.
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