I figured having a place to record my training details would make me more accountable. Ha. Here's what I did yesterday: -10 minute warm-up on elliptical -Warm-up with light weights targeting muscles I was about to work-out For each of the below exercises, I did 3 sets. The first set was 12 reps, the second set was 10 reps, the third set was 8 reps. For each set I increased the weight by about 5 or 10 pounds, depending on the exercise... Overhead Cable Shoulder Presses Front Lat Pull-Downs Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raises One-Arm Dumbbell Rows Behind the Neck Lat Pull-Downs Seated Cable Rows Shoulder Shrugs It felt very good getting back into the gym. As for food... Breakfast oatmeal w/ hemp seeds, 2 cups of coffee w/ soy creamer Post Work-Out smoothie (almond milk, brown rice protein powder, organic mixed berries, banana, agave nectar) Lunch Udon noodles with mixed veggies and tomato sauce Dinner smoothie (almond milk, brown rice protein powder, organic mixed berries, banana, agave nectar) Snack dried organic mangoes, small decaf soy latte, raw raspberry chocolate bar Before Bed cup of organic peppermint decaf tea, homemade lime popsicle (organic lime juice, stevia)