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About jbrickzin

  • Birthday 09/25/1972

jbrickzin's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. What is helping my renewed dedication...Thanks Robert!!
  2. Been a couple years since ive been active on the forum, i am in some desperate need of motivation..The last time i was here i got plenty of it, maes me think why i quit..mostly emotional stuff and laziness..I managed to get my weight back down below 200 for the first time since winter 2011, before my surgery..I think it is time to get down to banging some dumbbells lol.. glad to be back
  3. yeah change the header from fit before 40 to fit before 43 to go with my current age...here some some beginners pics i guess since i have recommiting myself to get back on track...... http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p79/jbrickzin/me-2.jpg http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p79/jbrickzin/me2-1.jpg http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p79/jbrickzin/me3-1.jpg
  4. until now that is..lol I am Jesse Brickzin, 42 and from Minnesota, I recently bought Robert's New Book recently has lit a fire in me to get my fitness levels up...In January i was 255 and by walking and some machine stuff at planet fitness I have managed to get my weight down to 198... So i am reading his book, going to get some dumbbell exercises going, Have a BOB punching man too for cardio lol...so overall i have the gear, just need the motivation back...
  5. I am Back! Last few months have been stressful and my fitness (lack of) went to hell.Finances, Family member moving, Stress at work and overall depression and anxiety issues have all played a role in my downward spiral.Well here I am making a comeback and crawling out of this whole I dug myself into.I quit the gym so most of my working out will be from home now.I bought Body Beast last week and today was day one on that..This is going to be a challenge! so with this 90 day workout program, walking and trying to get back into yoga...cant wait to get back into shape...
  6. update been doing lots of walking...gardening(weeding part, did plant some blue pumpkin and peppers but they died when the freeze hit this past week... and that is about it.
  7. well today my workout consisted of raking and digging for 2 and half hours transfering a flower garden into a veggie garden and doing the thing dog owners love doing every spring after winter ..other than that been walking and doing body weight squats a lot, smacking bob around (no real program yet though) and I'll be starting Tai Cheng workout sometime this week..working on my flexibility and this should be really good to help with my rehab too.. also ordered a couple tubs of vega one natural flavor from Veganessentials as well as a Vegan Bodybuilding and fitness tshirt...
  8. no..started getting some pain in my reconstructed left Achilles..it is why i am doing bodyweight exercises to get more flexible..I think part of the problem is it does take a long time to heal..I am doing a lot more walking though..i do want to get back to the couch to 5k though.
  9. for the next few weeks i am going to do mostly body weight exercises..On Thursday was day one and did about 100 Air Squats, 30 Push Ups and some Mountain Climbers..Today I am going to do a similar workout.
  10. awesome...i am starting again myself this week after a crappy last few weeks.I am mainly going to stick with bodyweight exercises...doing something a little different.
  11. pisses me off that my Marley shirt fits better on him than me though...it will fit me soon enough
  12. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/418387_10150685039893970_514773969_9699237_855888422_n.jpg This Bob doesn't seem like a bad guy...North Stars fan and he likes Marley!! can't wait to get some sand in him though hehe...
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