Ryofire, it's devastating that your grandmother died from smoking - I'm sorry you went through that. It's a horrible and addictive substance that claims way too many lives. There are so many people affected by smoking - both tobacco & weed. However, like veganism (albeit not in the same "health" category), smoking is a choice people have. While it's not something you respect, it shouldn't affect the way you feel about someone who does smoke. Someone who smokes isn't any less deserving nor has less compassion than someone who doesn't smoke. And smoking has nothing whatsoever to do with veganism. Compare it to some other choices....there is sexual preference (heterosexual / homosexual), there is religion (christianity / budhism) - which one makes someone vegan? None of them, of course! I'm not saying that I agree with people smoking (I used to smoke but gave up about 9 years ago & won't look back) - but don't confuse the situation. It'd be great if all vegans didn't smoke - but smoking isn't non-vegan. End of story really. Joss x