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Posts posted by catulk

  1. The path to veganism opened up a whole new world of food, friends, books, websites and restaurants for me! I researched and tried all types of foods I had been unfamiliar with before like flax, hemp, quinoa, amaranth, tempeh, coconut milk, athletic supplements like Vega, and websites like this one! I certainly found there was far more to it than a life of salads. And, I don't have to worry about getting enough protein!

  2. It sounds like you might have similar problems as me. To get enough high quality carb calories in a vegetarian/vegan diet drives my fiber grams per day through the roof since all the proteins and fats contain fiber as well. I'm very petite so it's easy to end up with a belly that feels like a bowling ball. Getting too much fiber per 1000 cals is my issue. Excess fiber can actually interfere with good nutrient absorption. Potatoes and rice are good options for higher calorie / lower fiber density. Does anyone else have some good options they've found? I've been trying to build some mass and have had to start drinking more vegan protein powder drinks to help

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