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Posts posted by Ruhtroh
Yeah Bay Area!
Drat! Another bad workout.
Squats: (2, 2) 200 Awful awful awful awful
BP: (5, 3) 160; (7, 6) 135
Inverted rows: (3x5) 125 *PR*
Dips: 8, 6, 5
Been stressed from final projects and exams. Can't wait to go home! 5 nights, and then I'm back in business!
I can't imagine pausing for four seconds with 240 pounds resting on my chest... hehe
Squats: (5, 3, 2) 200
OHP: (3x5) 90
DL: (1x5) 235, (1x2) 275
Pull-ups: 5, 3, 2
Prone bridges: + 45 pounds: 50 seconds, 40 seconds
DIY chocolate? You made your own chocolate? How?
Thanks for the words, both of you. Feeling better about OHP. I feel like my form has improved a bit.
I definitely eat too many carbs. It's an easy way to get calories around here. There are juices and vegan cookies (Alternative Baking Company... delicious).
Squats: (5, 5, 3) 200 *PR*
BP: (5, 5, 3, 2, 2) 160 NO! Time to deload.
BB rows: (3x5) 120
Dips: 8, 7, 6 *PR*
Reverse crunches: (3x12)
Uhhh... I'm getting porky. I weight 194 fully clothed, fed, hydrated.
I want to cut some weight off, but I'll keep going! BULK!
I have the same problem. I feel limited in doing squats not because mu muscles are weak bit because i feel weakness in my knees. I also wondered would it help to wear bandages I saw heavy weight lifters wear?
You could post a video of your squats and ask people to look over your form
Squats: (3x5) 195
OHP: (3x5) 85+ (microloaded with collars)
DL: (1x5) 225, (1x3) 275, single at 295
Chin-ups: 7 *PR*, 5, 3
Weighted prone bridges: +45 pounds for 45, 30 seconds
Not a bad workout! Finally!
OHP went up pretty well.
Chin-ups felt great today! Personal record of 7, even though I gained weight!
Hang in there, room mates can be tough to deal with. Are you living in a dorm? What are the food options like there? Sorry if you've already mentioned that somewhere.
Thanks for the concern. I'm doing fine... was just annoyed with my body after that bad workout.
Yes, I'm living in a dorm. I'm in a forced triple--a double converted into a triple. It's not bad, just not as nice as home haha
They always have vegan food here, so I shouldn't have complained. I need to make myself eat more, is all. I should get a rice cooker and always have quinoa cooked....
Squats: (3x5) 190
BP: (3, 2, gave up) 160, reps at 135 AWFUL I went 5, 5, 5, 3, 2 last time I tried 160
BB rows: (3x5) 120 *PR*
Dips: 7, 6 unweighted
Bad workout.
I don't eat as well at school, nor am I as happy. Obviously this isn't good for my progress. My roommate drives me crazy. He is always in the room. Okay, now I'm mostly just whining, not proposing reasons why my lifts are suffering.
Nice going! I better hurry up with my OHP press progress...
Squats: (3x5) 185
OHP: (3x5) 85
DL: (1x5) 225, (1x3) 275 Deloaded
Pull-ups: 4, 2, 1 Ew
Prone bridges: (2x30) seconds +45 pounds
I'm back at school and can squat again. Call me a momma's boy, but I miss home already! It's nice to be one of the strongest people in the gym at home.
Leg press machine
Bench press: (5, 5, 5, 3, 2) 160
DL: (1x5) 305. TONS of reps at 225 and 135.
Quick workout today.
I've decided to deload the DL again because my form isn't the best. Will go back down to 225.
you should have a section "fat vegans" to show not all vegans are tiny little sticks i got a nice fat belly shot i could use
Haha yes!
My lop-sided deadlifts>Your messed up bike
OHP is simply a tough lift man. It's not different from bench in just a shift from chest to more shoulders, you have to balance that weight from the floor, a lot of core strength and it's way more taxing.
One thing I've noticed is you can squat or deadlift heavy before heavy bench and it won't affect it really. But doing them before OHP just kills your core strength before you get started.
Haha lop-sided deadlifts. Better than curls
Hey! Give me a break! I got some stretch marks from those curls!
Vegan shepherd's pie and... well, that's it, actually.
Deadlift: (1x5) 295... actually, 305! I accidentally had 10 extra pounds on one side! It felt awful haha
OHP: (3x5) 85 Lame, I know.
Prone bridge: +45 pounds for 45 seconds
Chin-ups: 5
Quick, lame workout today. I've deadlifted three times in a row, so I desperately need two rest days.
Why is my OHP so weak relative to my bench??
Thanks, Chewy and Robert!
Leg press machine (lame, I know)
Bench press: (5x5) 155 *PR*
DLs: (1x5) 285 (Oops! Should have done 295)
BB rows: (3x5) 115
Dips (couldn't add weight with the bar set up there)
Barbell curls
Some leg press machine (can almost max it out, and I have weak legs!)
Front squats: 5 reps at 95 pounds, 5 reps at 135. These hurt my wrists. I'll do some shoulder dislocations for flexibility.
OHP: (5, 4, 4) 85
Deadlifts: (1x5) 285, single at 315
Pull-ups: 4, 3, 3
Prone bridges: (3x30 seconds) +45 pounds
Bench: (1x5) 135, (1x5) 155, single at 165, single at 175 *PR*
Barbell bicep curls... don't hate me!
Chin-ups: 3, 3, 3
I'm pretty happy with my new bench 1RM. I probably could have done 180 or 185.
Ok, I'll see if I can clean the weight without breaking myself or anything else. And I'll have to by sure to not fall over on the front squat. It'll feel different than a back squat, I imagine.
if you have cleans you can clean the weight into a front squat and don't need the rack.
Thanks. I don't know how to clean, but I can sit on the bench and grab the weight from the bench press supports.
I'll give front squats a try.
Isn't there hydrogenated oil in Tofutti?
Ruhtroh's Training Journal!
in Online Training Journals & Blogs
Got back to the gym this afternoon...
I've decided to drop Stronglifts for at least at month. I'm going to go by feel. I need a break from the repetition...
I've gotten a bit weaker over the past couple of weeks from stress, so I don't feel like posting my routine until I'm back at my old strength.