Hello, my name is Will. I recently met Rob at the latest San Francisco Veg Fest, he signed a copy of Vegan fitness, and surely inspired me in my quest to make a complete body transformation. I have a good amount of lbs to lose, my descent into Veganism was young and was for moral and ethical reasons. In my teens I experimented with as many Vegan foods and dishes as I could find, and now with my love of food am looking to lose a good amount of fat and build muscle definition being that I work in the fashion/makeup/esthetics/ photographic industry, I want to feel like a good example of the work I do. I was reading Body For Life by Bill Phillips and was wondering if one could do it as a Vegan, after some in depth research the answer is a full yes, absolutetly, and I'm excited to enter the world, and meet others who could possibly share/give advice.