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Everything posted by Greyfox

  1. I recently discovered the wonders of pepitas as a source of protein. I have a long list of food allergies(whey,soy,gluten,etc) and it limits my protein sources greatly so to find a new source really makes a difference. What I have found though is much more than a "supplemental" protein. There are certain effects that I have found that are directly related to my daily consumption of these seeds. The most impressive feat is the incredible and very apparent boost in energy and strength levels. Within the first week of eating these daily I have been lifting more than I ever have for much longer durations. This has helped with weight loss as well which seems to be contradictory to the consensus that these seeds have "too much" fat. Maybe the extra performance negates the fat calories? Another effect I found was hunger suppression, or to be more specific craving supression. They seem to really satisfy you throughout the day. And the last effect I found is they seem to accelerate muscle recovery time. This was a welcome surprise as well. I am not a Vegan nor a Vegetarian dues to my food allergies however my diet is light on the meat side which typically is limited to only one meal a day with any meat at all. That being said I strongly recommend these to any vegetarian who has any fitness goals in mind. There are some very good recipes out there if you look hard enough. My only regret is not knowing these things existed before. To me they are a Godsend.
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