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Everything posted by MoshxDeLaney

  1. Looking solid on those front squats man! I see you're back to 5/3/1. If I recall correctly you were off it for awhile. I haven't seen the new version; I'll have to check it out. Let me know how it works for you.
  2. Back in the gym after three weeks off. It's a rude awakening, to say the least. Muscle soreness is insane right now. Strength and energy levels are definitely down, but not for long. Only a minor stepping stone. 1.23.2012 bodyweight: 226 standing military press - 20kgx10x2, 30x10, 40x5, 49x5, 56x5, 64x7, 45x10, 9, 8 wide grip pull up - BWx8, 7, 6 dumbbell scapula rotation - 5x15, 10x20x3 super set with neck harness - 15x20, 25x25x3 1.24.2012 bodyweight: 228 deadlift - 20kgx10, 50x10, 70x5x2, 100x5x2, 148x5, 170x5, 193x6, 120x10x3 standing cable crunch - 120x15, 130x15x2 reverse hyper - BWx20x3 super set with neck curl - 5kgx20, 20, 15 1.26.2012 bodyweight: 229.5 bench press - 45x10x2, 95x10, 135x5x2, 175x5, 205x5, 230x7, 175x10, 9, 8 dumbbell row - 50x10 (per arm), 80x10x3 dumbbell scapula rotation - 5x15, 10x20x2 super set with neck harness to side - 10x15 (per side), 20x20x2 reverse pec deck - 80x15, 13
  3. Nice pull mate. You're fast as fuck off the floor
  4. Thank you Ryan and SeaSiren! Good luck to both of you in the coming year. I look forward to following both of your progress
  5. I had very little time to get to the gym last week, so I just decided to max out on my major lifts (never got to get in for squats, but I have a feelinug it would have been disappointing anyway). 12.27.2011 bodyweight: 234 military press - 20kgx10x2, 30x10, 40x5, 50x5, 60x3, 70x1, 75x1, 80x1, 85xmiss, 82x1, 50x10x3 pull up - BWx8x3 scapula rotation - 5x15, 10x20x3 super set with neck harness - 15x20, 30x25, 23, 20 12.28.2011 bodyweight: 234 deadlift - 50kgx5x2, 70x5, 100x5, 150x3, 180x1, 200x1, 230x1, 250x1, 260xmiss hanging leg raise - BWx15, 15, 12 neck curl - 5kgx23x3 12.31.2011 bodyweight: 234 bench press - 45x10x2, 95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 255x1, 275x1, 300x1, 315xmiss 300 went up really smooth so I was pretty confident about 315. I think I rushed myself into it. Next time. I'm leaving for tour tomorrow morning with my friends in Outlast so I'll be on the road for two weeks. I'll be doing plenty of push ups and pull ups on anything I can find.
  6. 12.16.2011 bodyweight: 233 squat - 20kgx10, 50x5x2, 70x5x2, 90x3, 105x5, 120x3, 133x6, 85x10, 10, 8 good morning - 40kgx10, 70x10x3 neck bridge - BWx10 seconds, 25s, 20s superset with reverse hyper - BWx15x3 I told myself I was just gonna go in and work up to my top squat set then leave, but once I did that I felt more energized than I anticipated, so I ened up doing a lot more than I planned. Squats felt a lot better than they have recently. I changed up my stance a bit and took a slower descent. The stance allows me to use all of the muscles in conjunction with one another, whereas before I felt them all working separately.
  7. 12/15/2011 bodyweight: 233 Bench press - 45x10x2, 95x10, 135x5, 195x5, 220x3, 255x8, 185x10, 10, 10, 9, 8 Dumbbell row - 60x10 per arm, 90x10, 10, 10, 9, 9 Dumbbell scapula rotation - 5x15, 10x20x3 superset with neck harness to the side - 5x15 per side, 10x25x3
  8. Thanks man! Yeah I haven't used a belt for anything since I've been back it the gym. I don't want to neglect any muscle. I feel like it's done a lot for my lower back. This is fucking mint! Inspirational after having one of those days when your thinking "is it worth it" absolutely beasted that mate! Shit like this I'd love to show the "you can't be big on meat free diets" folk Hear you about the belt. I'm belting up on my heavy 5th sets on deads & barbell rows but I'm aiming to be raw one day. See far too many ppl wearing belts on everything they do. Cheers man! Truly appreciate the kind words. I've been having a lot of those days recently, but sometimes you just have to weather the storm to appreciate the sun. I definitely agree with you about belts. People are way too fast to strap them on just to do some biceps curls or something. I think they definitely have their place when lifting heavy, I'm just trying to avoid using any aids. I'm the type of person to make things harder on myself so next time around they'll be easier.
  9. Thanks man! Yeah I haven't used a belt for anything since I've been back it the gym. I don't want to neglect any muscle. I feel like it's done a lot for my lower back.
  10. 12.13.2011 bodyweight: 235 deadlift - 20kgx10, 50x10, 70x5, 100x5, 120x3, 170x5, 195x3, 220x4, 125x10 hanging leg raise - BWx13, 13, 10 neck curl - 5kgx22x3 Still feeling totally worn out. I had a long day at work today, so that definitely didn't help. My energy was zapped and my central nervous system feels totally overworked. Kept accessory work to a minimum. I had a friend at the gym with me today and I had him record my 220x4 deadlift, so I'll upload that in a minute.
  11. Thanks man. Yeah I know I'm doing a little extra, but its mainly just prehab, not real taxing on the CNS. Been lifting on and off for about 8 years or so, only really gotten serious in the last year and a half. And one thing to keep in mind is I'm rather tall, about 6'4 (193 cm). Not sure how tall you are.
  12. 12.12.2011 bodyweight: 235 standing military press - 20kgx10x2, 30x10, 40x5, 52x5, 60x3, 67x8, 50x10, 10, 8 ultra wide pull up - BWx7, 7, 6 dumbbell scapula rotation - 5x15, 10x26x3 superset with neck harness - 15x20, 27.5x30, 28, 25 All of my muscles are still sore from last weak. I'm not entirely sure why, maybe I need to start eating more, but it definitely had an impact on my work out tonight. I had to cut all my accessory work short. I also did some tire flipping before lifting today, which could be part of the problem, but everything was still sore before I did that. Next week is a deload week, so I'm sure that will help. Until then, I'm gonna try packing in some extra calories.
  13. Looking forward to keeping track of your progress man. Good to see the vegan straight edge is alive and well across the pond as well.
  14. Here are some progress pics I took the other day. They were taken first thing in the morning, before I'd had anything to eat or drink or done any physical activity. Though I'm mostly concerned with strength and performance, I take measurements and progress pics one a month for reference and to make sure I'm not getting too fat. http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Mosh_DeLaney/Photo66.jpg http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Mosh_DeLaney/Photo63.jpg http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Mosh_DeLaney/Photo60.jpg http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Mosh_DeLaney/Photo59.jpg http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Mosh_DeLaney/Photo58.jpg http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Mosh_DeLaney/Photo56.jpg http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q47/Mosh_DeLaney/Photo55.jpg
  15. 12.9.2011 bodyweight: 233 squat - 20kgx10x2, 50x10, 70x5, 98x3, 112x3, 126x7, 80x10x5 good morning - 40kgx10, 65x10x3 reverse hyper - BWx25, 10 superset with neck curl - 5kgx22, 22, 21 I have no idea what's going on with my squat, but I seem to have really plateaued. Every rep is a grind and it's really taxing my lower body. I had to cut good mornings and reverse hypers short because my posterior chain was shot to shit.
  16. Make an account on photobucket.com upload your pics there, then copy the "direct link" in to the middle of some "img" tags like this [img=http://photobucket.com/blahblah] Solid lifting man keep up the work. Awesome man, thanks for the info and the kind words.
  17. Glad to see you're still here man, I got worried something happened. That's awesome you're doing strongman stuff; I'm actually looking to do some myself, but there really aren't any gyms in the area that offer that. I'm planning on making some homemade stuff soon, but I'd really love to train at a strongman gym. Take care of those shoulders.
  18. 12.8.2011 bodyweight: 234 bench press - 45x10x2, 95x10, 135x5, 185x3, 205x3, 235x10, 185x10, 10, 10, 9, 8 dumbbell row - 50x10, 90x10, 10, 10, 9, 9 dumbbell scapula rotation - 5x15, 10x26, 20 super set with neck harness - 15x20, 27.5x30, 20 Bench felt awesome today. With all of my warm up sets I got a nice pause on the chest on every rep and exploded hard to the top. I felt like I could've thrown 205 through the ceiling. When I unracked the 235 I definitely lost some tightness everywhere, but I still got ten reps with it, which was more than I was expecting. I feel really good about my form. Once I get my squat up some I'll start looking for a competition in the area. Back and shoulders were definitely feeling taxed from all the hang cleans I did yesterday. Decided to cut my scapula/neck work short because I just felt like they were too taxed and doing any more might have been counterproductive. Is anybody still reading this thing?
  19. 12.7.2011 bodyweight: 234 hang clean - 20kgx5x2, 40x5, 50x5, 60x5, 70x3, 80x2x2, 75x3, 50x5x3 dumbbell hammer curl - 50x8, 8, 7 (per arm) dumbbell real lateral raise - 10x15x3 box jump - 32.5"x5x3 I typically don't lift on Wednesday, but today I just felt the need to get into the gym and do some random accessory work. I really wanted to work on my hang clean form as well. Had a couple of the Oly lifting guys I've become friendly with critique my form, and I ended up making decent progress. I didn't really up the weight at all, just felt a lot better about the mechanics of it. Anyway, it felt good to get in and do some stuff I'm not used to doing.
  20. 12.6.2011 bodyweight: 232.5 deadlift - 20kgx10, 50x10, 70x5, 100x5, 160x3, 184x3, 207x7, 120x10x5 hanging leg raise - BWx12x5 reverse hyper - BWx24x3 super set with neck curl - 5kgx22, 22, 20 Went into the gym completely lethargic today. Slept weird, didn't work, which means not enough physical activity early in the day, and it's just a really dreary day. However, once I got into the gym I was totally focused and ended up having a pretty good work out. It looks like such a small work load when written out like this, but I'm totally beat, and everything feels properly worked. I took some progress pics this morning, but have no idea how to post them on here. Anybody who can help me out with that? Meant to take a video of my heavy set of deadlifts but got too caught up in the moment and forgot.
  21. 12.5.2011 bodyweight: 232 standing military press - 20kgx10x2, 30x10, 40x5, 49x3, 56x3, 63x10, 50x10, 10, 9, 9, 8 wide grip pull up - BWx7, 7, 7, 5, 5 dumbbell scapula rotation - 5x15, 20x25x3 super set with neck harness - 15x20, 27.5x30, 26, 23 Did 25 minutes on the elliptical before weight training. I rolled my ankle a few weeks ago, and I'm on my feet all day at work, so the healing is slow going. I would have loved to do some outdoor cardio today, but any of the stuff I can really do outdoors agitates my ankle. The regular pull up bar was being used by a group of guys, and I wasn't about to wait ten minutes for it, so I used a different one which changes the angle of the hands. It made it much harder, but I think I'll be using it from now on. It's a pain in the ass to get to, but I think it'll be worth the sacrifice.
  22. Thanks. Yeah I get crap sleep too. I get up at 2:30 AM for work, while still making time for friends and band stuff, which usually means little sleep most nights. Gotta still live my life
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