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Posts posted by vegan_rossco
Today fucking ruined me! Such a good session, covered in bruises!
115kg / 253lbs x 3 reps
110kg / 242lbs x 3 reps
110kg / 242lbs x 3 reps
these have never moved so quickly! Feeling positive about max testing now!
8 sets!
90kg / 200lbs x 3 reps
lots of stone runs,..
120kg reallllly easily!
140kg wasn't going up today..
basically put 50kg on the sled with my friend sitting on the top of it. Total weight 135kg
Finished off with triceps pushdowns
Getting stronger my friend!!
Contest well be a blast, maybe me and Mike should go with bom-boms and be like cheerleaders "is bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S, I said this shit - is bananas":)
To your sucuss:)
I think you should! ! Bound to win if you do!
he's coming to our gym in August to teach stone technique and bus pulling
I've booked myself in for my first strongman comp!!!!
Although as it's October it'll be my second... Isle of wights strongest man is September I think but no details as of yet. This one is in Sussex which is probably a 2 hour drive which means 5am ferry to the mainland :,( big group of guys from my gym all going should be fun
Will train specifically for it once the push pull is out the way
3 singles at 90%
200kg / 440lbs x 1 rep (nice and easy)
200kg / 440lbs x 1 rep
200kg / 440lbs x 1 rep (not quite a grinder but pretty slow)
Log press
50kg x 5 reps
50kg x 5 reps
60kg x 3 reps
60kg x 3 reps
60kg x3 reps
60kg x 3 reps
60kg x 3 reps
60kg x 3 reps
30kg x 5 reps
40kg x 5 reps
50kg x 5 reps
50kg x 5 reps
50kg x 5 reps
Seriously need to fucking sort out my pressing...
Honestly wasn't in the mood for these...
150kg x 5 reps
170kg x 3 reps
190kg x 3 reps
finished with some seated rows (plate loaded machine. )
Taking tomorrow off! In again on Friday
SKWATS! Went really well, no issues really.
150kg / 330lbs x 3 reps
150kg / 330lbs x 3 reps
150kg / 330lbs x 3 reps
PAUSED SQUATS (beltless)
100kg / 220lbs x 5 reps
100kg / 220lbs x 5 reps
100kg / 220lbs x 5 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
all very quick! Getting close to max testing so I'm liking how this is going!
finished off with some tricep push downs,
Training deadlifts and log tomorrow, hopefully with some strong friends
Fucked training off for the day, overheard it was heaving in there as it's probably the only gym in my area that isn't closed for bank holiday Monday. .
Will be in tomorrow morning first thing! SKWAAATS (and bench)
Just seen that rob has left the forum, ah man I can kinda see why it's so dead around here these days
I still stay in touch with chris (esqinci) and Jaime (broccoli n beans) on Instagram, Jaime posts a lot of training vids which is cool.
And I'm friends with Yash (cpt fit) on Facebook he's a bloody aeroplane pilot!!! Haha.
God knows what happened to James (M forklift) he just kinda disappeared one day lol.
Il still keep a log on here for a while at least though mate, I make journals on paper and lose them so I need this haha
Hi guys,
Its with a heavy heart that I say this, but Ill not be keeping a log here anymore, in the last several days Ive went back to including meat in my diet again, therefore I dont feel its right to post here anymore. I just want to take the opportunity to thank everyone and wish all here the very best of luck for the future.
Best wishes
It's been a pleasure rob, always nice chatting to you!
All the best my friend
Where did you go on holiday Mike??
I recently had a pretty awful stomach bug and the worst thing was not being able to get to the gym, you must have had withdrawals right?
Cheers Mike-!!! I've had possibly the best two days of training this week ever!!
Yesterday's deads
120kg x 2 reps
120kg x 2 reps
120kg x 2 reps
120kg x 2 reps
120kg x 2 reps
120kg x 2 reps
120kg x 2 reps
120kg x 2 reps
120kg x 2 reps
120kg x 2 reps
All realllllly fucking quick!
Overhead was a right off to be honest, niggles in my shoulder need looking at.. Won't bother logging it until the shoulder is mended.
150kg x 5 reps
170kg x 3 reps
190kg x 3 reps
200kg x 2 reps
220kg /484lbs x 1 rep!
240kg /528lbs x 1 rep!
Video on my Instagram of the last two sets,
I know it's only a hex bar but locking out 240kg was a real confidence booster!
De finely could have gone heavier but I needed to be fresh for the atlas stones tomorrow (today) and I'm too close to pr week to get myself injured
Finished off with hamstring curls
Today!!! (Like half hour ago)
90kg x 3 reps
90kg x 3 reps
90kg x 3 reps
90kg x 3 reps
90kg x 3 reps
90kg x 3 reps
90kg x 3 reps
90kg x 3 reps
All done with the SSB, all went up pretty quick!
After warm ups...
107.5kg /236lbs x 5 reps- easy.
107.5kg /236lbs x 5 reps- slightly harder.
107.5kg /236lbs x 5 reps- even easier than set 1..
did a few run throughs, from 40kg up to 100kg. And then attempted the big 120kg stone!
120kg /264lbs stone - lowest platform!
Went up quick into my lap but struggled getting it on the platform, got there eventually!
Threw the 100kg around like it was nothing, easily put it on the 3rd platform along, got to be like 5ft something.. The highest is just under my height (6ft)
Finished off with some tricep push downs
The skin and hair on my forearms is all ripped and bruised... Gonna need a long weekend of recovery now
Screwed up a bit today... Busy weekend of eating crap and sleeping badly
I left my knee sleeves at home and accidentally skipped my speed squats.. Was 2 sets in before I realised I was squatting heavy... And it didn't go well!
3 sets for 5 reps turned into 5 sets for 3 reps.
140kg / 308lbs x 3 reps
140kg / 308lbs x 3 reps
140kg / 308lbs x 3 reps
140kg / 308lbs x 3 reps
140kg / 308lbs x 3 reps
SPEED BENCH, 2 second pause at the bottom and explosive up
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
80kg / 176lbs x 3 reps
ISO lat pull down
30kg x 10 reps
40kg x 10 reps
50kg x 8 reps
50kg x 8 reps
I used to pull 150kg on the pull down machine at my old gym, I guess all machines are different, got a real nice pump from this which was nice.
5 sets to failure
Couldn't be fucked to do any curls haha
Couldn't quite get the 3x8 so I compromised and did 4x6 so at least I got the 24 reps in!
130kg / 286lbs x 6 reps
130kg / 286lbs x 6 reps
130kg / 286lbs x 6 reps
130kg / 286lbs x 6 reps
Got sidetracked talking to friends and ended up on the atlas stones
Stone run (from high to low) 40kg, 60kg, 80kg, 100kg.
100kg /220lbs went up fucking quick!!
Tried the 120kg stone a few times but couldn't get it.
100kg stone on low platform
100kg stone on low platform
100kg stone on second platform pb!
Could have gone a platform higher I reckon but at this point my forearms were grazed and cut up.
Just did a bunch of leg extensions to finish, gym got a bit busy with grunting curl monkeys so I was happy to head home for some bagels!
Speed deadlifts on Monday! With some back assistance work.
Bench and log went well today!! Triceps are smashed up!
after warm ups
100kg / 220lbs x 8 reps
100kg / 220lbs x 8 reps
100kg / 220lbs x 8 reps
All touch and go, no problems really!
just one set to failure,
70kg / 154lbs x 15 reps
Helped a friend of mine on the atlas stones and had to convince myself not to have a go today... Maybe tomorrow!
Warm ups
30kg / 66lbs x 8 reps
30kg / 66lbs x 8 reps
40kg / 88lbs x 8 reps
Working sets
60kg / 132lbs x 5 reps
60kg / 132lbs x 5 reps
60kg / 132lbs x 5 reps
60kg / 132lbs x 5 reps
I'm going to find a decent log/overhead programme to follow I think, not entirely sure on my 1rm though so might be best to find out before committing to a programme
Tricep push downs! Superset with the Viking press (no weight)
Seated tricep extensions to finish
Squats tomorrow! And maybe some atlas stones and medleys!
havehad the busiest weekend/week!!
Only trained yesterday and will get in tomorrow too!!
DEADLIFTS week 8 of my 12 week programme
Lots of warm ups
And then
187.5kg/412lbs x 3 reps
187.5kg/412lbs x 3 reps
187.5kg/412lbs x 3 reps
There's the link if you wanna see the vid!
Speed squats! Super light today, all about the speed
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
Hex bar deadlifts
Can't remember the weight really...
110kg x 5 reps
130kg x 5 reps
160kg x 5 reps
160kg x 5 reps
Hamstring curls and bicep curls to finish, bench and log tomorrow-
Little vid of the 100kg stone from the other week!
Will post up my deadlifts tomorrow too!
Gah! Forgot to log yesterday's training!
Really enjoyed it! Bit of a push day!
Was supposed to just be lighter speed reps on bench but I did that thing that us males do and ended up going heavy... At least it want till the end!
Speed bench!
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
80kg/176lbs x 3 reps
Competition bench (paused with press and rack command)
110kg/242lbs x 1 literally looked like another speed rep.. So I took it up a notch
120kg/264lbs x 1
definitely more difficult but still a pretty quick rep considering its 5kg off my max. Really looking forward to testing my maxes in a few weeks now, I can see big things coming!!
That 110kg was planned as my opener for the push pull meet.. Now it'll probably be a warmup ;p
Log press 5/3/1 week 2
Lots of warm ups at 30kg (empty log)
50Kg/110lbs x 3 reps
60kg/132lbs x 3 reps
67.5kg/149lbs x (3 or more) 4 reps. Could have been more but my triceps were shredded.
Finished up with loads of tricep push downs.
Training with the big boys tomorrow!! Got some heavy ass deadlifts planned ))
Hopefully at the weekend il get a chance to train with the powerlifting/strongman guys from my gym, currently they do evenings which is impossible for me as a 5/6am worker aha!
Alone today!! Which was fine, tried something new too!
(Eddie halls deadlift routine)
Knew I wouldn't get the 3x10 but I least wanted the 30 reps
120kg/264lbs x 10 reps
120kg/264lbs x 8 reps
120kg/264lbs x 7 reps
120kg/264lbs x 5 reps
Felt a bit sick after those haha
Speed deadlifts! (Again Eddie halls routine which calls for 10 sets of 2 at 50/60 % for speed)
I decided to use chains today as I've never used them before! Kinda awkward but looked pretty cool haha
100kg/220lbs +40kg/88lbs of chains x 2
100kg/220lbs +40kg/88lbs of chains x 2
100kg/220lbs +40kg/88lbs of chains x 2
100kg/220lbs +40kg/88lbs of chains x 2
100kg/220lbs +40kg/88lbs of chains x 2
100kg/220lbs +40kg/88lbs of chains x 2
100kg/220lbs +40kg/88lbs of chains x 2
100kg/220lbs +40kg/88lbs of chains x 2
100kg/220lbs +40kg/88lbs of chains x 2
100kg/220lbs +40kg/88lbs of chains x 2
Think I would have been better off going heavier on the bar with the chains, the momentum I picked up from the floor at that weight was too fast to feel them towards the top haha
Did some barbell rows on the plate loaded machine, and even did some lying leg curls on a plate loaded machine, wanted to get more done but so busy at home today!
Yeah I'm look No forward to it
Training for the push pull has begun!!
I'm applying the same principles in eddie halls deadlift programme to this training cycle in bench press, but I'm gonna do it in half the time because I've gotta get my ass in gear!!
90kg/200lbs x 10 reps
90kg/200lbs x 10 reps
90kg/200lbs x 10 reps
Easy stuff really!
Felt like carrying on so drop set to 60kg/132lbs for some close grip pressing got about 12 reps.
I'm using Jim Wendlers 5/3/1 for my log pressing!
Warm ups
30kg x 4
45kg x 4
45kg x 4
Working sets
50kg/110lbs x 5 reps
55kg/121lbs x 5 reps
60kg/132lbs x (5 or more) 7 reps, could have been more but triceps were fried making lockout really tough.
Did some tricep pull downs and some shoulder lateral raises, just a few sets to failure each.
Squatting tomorrow with some speed deadlifts to finish
Hahaha you guys!
No potatoes so far today just lots of bagels
IVE SIGNED UP FOR MY FIRST MEET!!! 2nd July this year!
it's a push/pull which I'm not stoked about, and the weight category's are only under 90kg and 90kg+ as its a small gym to save time. So I've got to make a decision, cut 5kg or bulk like a motherfucker! ....
I choose the latter! (Obviously)
It's being held at the gym where I train so thats a positive, time to build the poverty bench!
Goals are:
230kg deadlift
130kg bench (at least)
I'm under no illusion that il even come close to winning, there are some fucking monsters on this island! But it's all a confidence boost for me so when it comes to a sanctioned meet il be ready!!
I should not have gone in today.. I feel absolutely mashed right now!!!
I need to be a bit more careful that I don't slip too far into strongman that I'm not using specificity and getting my PL lifts up haha
I'm going to utilise Eddie halls programme for deadlifts on these now, with a few slight adjustments, so today was all about speed!! 21 reps in total with 50% of my new desired max (I want 180kg/405lbs)
I used the safety squat bar to give my elbows, wrists and shoulders a little rest.
90kg/200lbs x 3 reps
90kg/200lbs x 3 reps
90kg/200lbs x 3 reps
90kg/200lbs x 3 reps
90kg/200lbs x 3 reps
90kg/200lbs x 3 reps
90kg/200lbs x 3 reps
had a discussion last night about improving my overhead strength, luckily the neutral grip of the log doesn't feel uncomfortable on my shoulder so it's time to build that strength!
Nothing impressive today but I'm working on it.
45kg/100lbs x 5 reps
45kg/100lbs x 5 reps
55kg/121lbs x 5 reps
55kg/121lbs x 5 reps
55kg/121lbs x 5 reps
45kg/100lbs x 8 reps
45kg/100lbs x 6 reps
lower back is aching and sore from deadlifts so I couldn't shift too much weight today.
50kg/110lbs in each hand for 30 metres
60kg/132lbs in each hand for 30 metres
70kg/154lbs in each hand for 30 metres
70kg/154lbs in each hand for 30 metres
Finished with some arms, tricep pull downs and ummm...curls...
Taking the weekend (including Friday) off, heavy session on Monday planned!
You're doing Ben Nevis?? That's awesome man! My dad did it back in his 20s (he's a Scotsman)
I never thought of doing anything like that but I can definitely see the appeal
Anyways, I'm really glad you and rob are still using this forum! Love chatting to you guys
Hey Mike, for me I find in fairly easy, gaining mass I go with higher carbs and 5-6 feeds a day, leaning out high fat / low carb with refeeds. I stick with Dr Dardens recommendation on protein of 0.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, that may seem pretty low, but I honestly dont believe we need a lot of protein.
Totally agree!! When leaning out I go super high on fats and low on carbs but not quite keto. I don't know how people can do that aha you tried it?
Hey rob, I'm sitting at around 95kg body weight atm and had every intention of cutting down to 90kg to compete at that weight, but after a discussion with someone tonight who really knows his stuff I've been convinced to stay where I am and just stay in the 100kg weight class giving me 5kg of room to bulk up
Well I'm not vegan now as you may know already, just veggie, been knocking back those skyr yoghurts (50g of protein each!!!) but also going pretty high carb (loving my roast potatoes!)
Tonight was pretty cool! A group of really strong guys invited me to the gym for an evening deadlift session and I loved it! Didn't get much else done as I'm up at 5am tomorrow for work.... The atmosphere was incredible!! i can never go back to a commercial gym! Anywaysss here goes
After warm ups
175kg/385lbs x 4 reps.. Missed the 5th
175kg/385lbs x 5 reps
175kg/385lbs x 6 reps! Grinded through those last two.
Then literally just some pull downs on the ISO machines they have, some guy was using the AstroTurf and after waiting for 20 minutes to do some medley stuff I just gave up and went home haha
Back in tomorrow afternoon for squats and logs
Ps Mike, I'm gonna start putting more strongman vids onto my Instagram, you don't need an account to have a browse so feel free to check it out just search rosscosgrove
Jeez forgot how strong you were Rob!!
Rossco's meet prep/powerlifting journal
in Online Training Journals & Blogs
I think its safe to say the forums dead.
Don't think I'll be logging here much anymore