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Posts posted by vegan_rossco

  1. Hey mike! If you ever come to the Isle of Wight on your travels I would love to show you around The Strong Room! Best gym I've ever been to! I reckon you'd smash those atlas stones bud

    A hex bar is just a trap bar mate or a shrug bar whatever people call them you just stand inside of it to lift basically, if I ever compete in strongman il need to be good at those as it carries over to the car deadlift



    Today's training was great! My shoulder is slowly on the mend! No more pain just a little discomfort!


    SQUATS! 24 total reps at 140kg/308lbs

    x 4 reps

    X 4 reps

    X 4 reps

    X 4 reps

    X 5 reps (ha what??)

    X 3 reps


    Did a little benching but kept it careful.


    60kg x 5 reps

    90kg x 3 reps

    105kg /231lbs x 2 reps

    105kg /231lbs x 2reps

    105kg /231lbs x 2 reps

    105kg /231lbs x 2 reps


    farmers walks

    40kg /88lbs in each hand for 30 metres

    50kg /110lbs in each hand for 30 metres

    70kg /154lbs in each hand for 30 metres

    70kg /154lbs in each hand for 30 metres

    Did a much lighter last set for speed

    50kg/110lbs in each hand for 30 metres, was almost a sprint haha


    MY SHOULDER MANAGED SOME PAIN FREE LOG PRESSING!!!! I'm fucking stoked about that haha , real light but I'm doing what I can atm.


    Not sure on the log weight but think this is right.


    45kg /100lbs x 5 reps

    45kg /100lbs x 5 reps

    Started super setting with tricep push downs too.

    45kg /100lbs x 5 reps

    45kg /100lbs x 5 reps

    45kg /100lbs x 5 reps

  2. The biggest problem with arms not growing for most people is that they waste too much time isolating eg curls/extensions etc.

    give pulling movements a go for biceps and pushing movements for triceps.

    My arms grew the most from frequently doing pull ups and increasing my volume on the bench press, and obviously you need to eat and sleep!! Good luck

  3. Hey rob!! I love the stones mate so fun!

    Yeah I like to go low on the assistance work although recently I've been doing a lot of strongman movements too, there's gonna be an Isle of Wights strongest man later this year and I wouldn't mind giving it s go provided my shoulder isn't playing up by then...


    There's been rumours circulating that the British Powerlifting unions 2018 British qualifiers are gonna be hosted on the island at the gym where I train!! It's got me super excited!!!!


    Anyways, this weeks training... I will keep on top of this!

    I've forgotten my training from last Thursday so...




    140kg/308lbs total of 24 reps

    4 sets of 6 reps


    Safety squat bar squats

    All paused and all beltless

    110kg/242lbs total 20 reps

    4 sets of 5


    Atlas stones!!

    Lots of reps with the 60kg/132lbs stone

    100kg/220lbs stone x 1 PB!!! On the lowest platform unfortunately but I'm working on it haha


    My shoulder fucked up last Thursday so I wanted to rest it, did some arm work so at least when I do bench il have some arms to budge it haha






    Still on Eddie Halls deadlift programme which called for 10 sets of 2 at 50-60%


    120kg / 264lbs 10 sets of 2, they were all very quick and technique felt spot on!



    Hex bar deadlifts

    150kg/330lbs 3 x 5 reps


    Did some pull downs to finish




    SQUATS !!

    same as Monday, 24 total reps at 140kg/308lbs

    Was a little sore from squats and deadlifts throughout the week so this was a lot more difficult today, ended up like

    140kg x 4 reps

    140kg x 4 reps

    140kg x 4 reps

    140kg x 4 reps

    140kg x 3 reps

    140kg x 3 reps

    140kg x 2 reps

    Those last 2 were shite.


    Atlas stones!

    Just did a bunch of reps with the 80kg/176lbs stone and some front squatting with the 60kg/132lbs stone


    Farmers walk

    40kg/88lbs in each hand for 30 metres

    50kg/110lbs in each hand for 30 metres

    60kg/132lbs in each hand for 30 metres

    60kg/132lbs in each hand for 30 metres

    I'm gonna start timing my heavier sets


    Finished with arms, bis and tris supersets


    There's a strongman open day/BBQ at my gym this Saturday that I've been invited to.. I find BBQS awkward for obvious reasons.. So might give it a miss haha

  4. Been away on my stag do and had a generally very busy week so haven't posted my recent workouts, so here goes .


    Last Thursday's training


    Max testing...

    After warming up

    150kg / 330lbs x 1

    160kg / 352lbs x 1

    170kg / 374lbs x 1 PB went up so easy so I made a bit of a jump on my next attempt...

    180kg / 396lbs x 0... Almost got it but oh wellsss


    Did a bunch of benching and stuff but can't remember,,,




    Yesterday's training.


    It's fucking awesome. Heavy focus on strength training, strongman and powerlifting equipment up to your eyeballs!! I'm in love haha



    140kg / 308lbs 3 sets of 5 reps


    Bench (paused) 115kg / 253lbs x 1

    105kg / 231lbs 5 sets x 3 reps



    I'm gonna start doing these once a week! Video on my Instagram @rosscosgrove

    40kg stone highest platform

    60kg stone second highest platform

    80kg stone for a few reps on various platform heights. Will find out the exact heights of the platforms for next time! Go check out the Instagram vid



    Today's training!


    160kg / 352lbs x 6 reps

    160kg / 352lbs x 6 reps

    160kg / 352lbs x 6 reps

    160kg / 352lbs x 6 reps

    Was supposed to be 3x8 but me and high rep deadlifts don't get along


    Hex bar deadlifts

    Not sure what weight I used as I didn't write it down but roughly 150kg for a bunch of sets for 5 reps


    Farmer carrys!

    40kg in each hand for 30metres

    60kg in each hand for 30 metres

    70kg in each hand for 30 metres

    70kg in each hand for 30 metres

    These were really tough!


    Should be squatting/benching in Friday


    in Eddie Halls deadlift programme today is about moving the weight as quickly as possible so nice and light at just 60% of my new desired max, it was supposed to be 50% but I miss loaded the bar..

    120kg / 264lbs x 2 reps

    120kg / 264lbs x 2 reps

    120kg / 264lbs x 2 reps

    120kg / 264lbs x 2 reps

    120kg / 264lbs x 2 reps

    120kg / 264lbs x 2 reps

    120kg / 264lbs x 2 reps

    120kg / 264lbs x 2 reps

    120kg / 264lbs x 2 reps

    120kg / 264lbs x 2 reps


    Yep 10 sets hahaha I won't question the beasts program! Especially if it puts upwards of 10kg on my 1rm in the next 10 weeks



    spent a bit of time working on my weak ass lockout.. Felt like I had the bar too high but roughly knee height

    150kg / 330lbs x 5 reps

    150kg / 330lbs x 5 reps

    150kg / 330lbs x 5 reps

    170kg / 374lbs x 3 reps


    Pull up

    4 x 5 reps

    1 x 10 reps!!


    That's all for today! Squat and bench on Thursday!

  6. really good session today! I spent way too much time chatting but I got it all done



    150kg / 330lbs x 3 reps

    150kg / 330lbs x 3 reps

    150kg / 330lbs x 3 reps

    150kg / 330lbs x 3 reps

    150kg / 330lbs x 3 reps



    all paused

    100kg / 220lbs x 1

    115kg / 253lbs x 1 easiest rep of the day..


    100kg / 220lbs x 3

    100kg / 220lbs x 3

    100kg / 220lbs x 3

    100kg / 220lbs x 3

    100kg / 220lbs x 3


    Pull ups 5x5

    Leg curls to finish


    This may potentially be the last week I train at my current gym, I'm trying out a new gym next week when it opens so il see how I feel after a session or two!


    I didn't put in enough time for warming and stretching due to some overconfidence..

    Still, moved reasonably quickly and the last 3 sets were pretty easy


    147.5kg / 324lbs x 3 reps

    147.5kg / 324lbs x 3 reps

    147.5kg / 324lbs x 3 reps

    147.5kg / 324lbs x 3 reps

    147.5kg / 324lbs x 3 reps

    Once I can squat 160kg/352lbs for 5x3 or at least 3x3 il be testing my 1rm!



    Dynamic/speed reps

    Maybe not as quick as they could have moved, still fighting some minor discomfort in my left shoulder.

    80kg / 176lbs x 8 reps

    80kg / 176lbs x 8 reps


    Pull ups 5x5


    Leg curls and leg extensions to finish

  8. Yesterday's deadlifts totally took me by surprise... I took my first leap into Eddie halls deadlift routine and not only could I just not keep up with it..wow I'm feeling it today too.

    After speaking to a friend I'm sticking with it and taking my time with it to hit the prescribed weight and reps


    3x10 @ 70% (155kg) of my new desired max (220kg)


    This is all I could manage, and they were all touch and go.

    155kg / 341lbs x 8

    155kg / 341lbs x 8

    155kg / 341lbs x 6

    I had to make up the reps with a couple of extra sets, ended with the 30 total reps at least...

    Next week is speed reps at 50% so il manage that for sure aha



    All at knee height, trying to build a stronger lock out, all done beltless and concentrated on dragging the weight up the thighs.

    150kg x 5 reps

    150kg x 5 reps

    150kg x 5 reps

    150kg x 5 reps


    Pull ups 5x5


    Leg curls to finish


    Much needed rest today after a terrible night sleep and the sorest back I've ever felt haha

  9. Good sesh today! Everything moved a reasonable speed, bench could have been quicker but my nagging shoulder pain and uncomfortable feeling in left tricep hindered me.



    145kg / 319lbs x 3

    145kg / 319lbs x 3

    145kg / 319lbs x 3

    145kg / 319lbs x 3

    145kg / 319lbs x 3

    I've been meaning to test my squat max lately, after I've hit my 500lb deadlift I want to give smolov jr a go.. I've heard it's pretty intense so don't wanna be deadlifting much at all whilst I'm doing it.



    (Touch and go)

    60kg x 10

    90kg x 10


    (Paused bench)

    112.5kg / 247lbs x 1

    100kg / 220lbs x 3

    100kg / 220lbs x 3

    100kg / 220lbs x 3


    Did some dips and pull ups to finish.

    Deadlifts in the morning )))

  10. Terrible session today, just didn't eat enough and wasn't in the mood to lift! Still got it done I suppose.



    142.5kg x 5 reps

    142.5kg x 5 reps

    142.5kg x 5 reps

    5 reps is starting to get a bit ambitious at this weight now, I'm considering doing 5 triples from now on so I can keep the volume the same at least but have more recovery.


    Bench, heavy paused singles.. That turned out to be a little too heavy for me today..

    After warming up.

    100kg x 1

    105kg x 1

    110kg x 1

    120kg x 0 caught the pins at the bottom of the movement, lost my tightness, lost my breath and just screwed up the lift. Clambered out underneath the bar with only part of my ego still intact..

    Finished with 2x3 @ 100kg


    I'm starting a new bench programme as of next week so hopefully I can improve my poverty bench in time to compete.


    Pull ups




    Leg curls, lots of leg curls.

  11. Ah, am with ya now lol. At the rate your going you'll be heading for a 550 or more. Something a guy Ive been following on HIT forums now for several (who deadlifted 620lb @165lb
    ), said "strength is finite, and with good programming you'll reach your upper limits quicker than you think". From what ive seen in those trying to optimise strength/skill in specific lifts (natural trainee's of course), he seems to be right on the money with that statement.


    Alls good here mate, and indeed...still HIT to the core baby:) In fact the misses asked me what did i want for our 20th wedding anniversary at the end of the month, thinking of adding a heavy duty and/or HIT Mafia tattoo on my forearm/s...faithful to the core lol.


    Yeah I hear ya, I want to be able to deadlift as much as poss in the 90kg category, I think the deadlift record in my fed (amateur) is like 250kg or something like that, so I'm working on the technique with some quicker and lighter reps.


    Oh man that is true devotion if ever I've seen it hahaha! I'm considering this conversation a verbal contract now dude, no backing out you gotta get those tatts!!

  12. Hey Ross, looking good mate, I think if I was to DL that much id be like your man thats back snapped on youtube lol. Reckon youll hit 5he 500lber before the contest is May?

    Weddings in May dude! Will be signing up to the closest meet I can as soon as I land back in the UK after my honeymoon haha

    Most likely to be the end of the year so yeah I hope I can get the 500lber!


    How's everything with you anyway man?? Still in that HIT life?


    Conventional only, basically gave up on sumos now aha


    After warm ups


    160kg / 352lbs x 3

    160kg / 352lbs x 3

    200kg / 440lbs x 1

    210kg / 462lbs x 1 PERSONAL BEST!

    Stoked, wasn't even aiming for pbs today but the 160kg moved way too fast

    215kg / 473lbs 2 failed attempts, moved quick off the floor but nothing past the knees.


    Block pulls

    Did these off of 20kg crossfit plates (which is all they're good for)

    200kg / 440lbs x 1 rep

    180kg / 396lbs x 3 reps

    180kg / 396lbs x 3 reps

    160kg / 353lbs x 5 reps


    Pull ups 4x5

    1 amrap, managed 10 reps


    Lots of leg curls to finish

  14. good job on the deads mate, watch that lower back though you are well into the danger zone with weight now did you see eddie halls world record? thats the most insane lift ive ever seen



    im just so unsure whether to pull sumo or not, it's just so much more comfortable right now but everyone's trying to talk me out of it haha

    Deadlifting a bit later today so il just see what happens

    Yeah I heard about eddies WR just after it happened but had to wait until Christmas to actually see it, was incredible and well deserved, Jerry Pritchett could have pulled it too though if he hadn't pulled a hamstring


    Yesterday's workout


    140kg / 308lbs x 5 reps

    140kg / 308lbs x 5 reps

    140kg / 308lbs x 5 reps



    went for volume and am currently suffering for it

    Vid on my Instagram

    50kg / 110lbs x 15 reps

    90kg / 198lbs x 14 reps

    100kg / 220lbs x 8 reps

    110kg / 242lbs x 1 rep... Literally fried after the previous sets and wasn't willing to go through the pain haha


    Pull ups


  15. squats felt strong today, but something's off with my deadlifts lately, will need some tweaking.



    70kg x 8 reps

    110kg x 5 reps

    Working sets

    135kg / 297lbs x 5 reps

    135kg / 297lbs x 5 reps

    135kg / 297lbs x 5 reps



    I'm pretty much giving up on pulling sumo, did a bit of both today and the conventional felt lighter, sumo felt a bit more comfortable though, especially on my lower back.


    70kg x 10 reps

    110kg x 8 reps


    Working sets

    157.5kg / 347lbs x 3 reps

    157.5kg / 347lbs x 3 reps

    157.5kg / 347lbs x 3 reps

    157.5kg / 347lbs x 3 reps

    157.5kg / 347lbs x 3 reps


    Pull ups 5x5


    Leg curls,


    My training journal must look sooooo boring haha

  16. Early session today, I'm starting to notice I'm spending way too much time chatting and hanging around lately!

    I felt pretty strong today, bench didn't feel too comfortable but moved reasonably quickly



    70kg x 10 reps

    110kg x 5 reps


    132.5kg / 292lbs x 5 reps

    132.5kg / 292lbs x 5 reps

    132.5kg / 292lbs x 5 reps



    1 rep is paused on every set

    100kg / 220lbs x 5 reps

    100kg / 220lbs x 5 reps

    100kg / 220lbs x 5 reps

    100kg / 220lbs x 5 reps

    100kg / 220lbs x 5 reps


    Pull ups 5 x 5


    And finished off with enough leg curls that my hamstrings grew a few Jean sizes..


    Resting up tomorrow!

  17. Ross!!! hows it going pal? i thought your island had floated away or something, good to see you back!


    All good thanks dude haha the islands still here unfortunately :P


    Today's session was much better but was slightly fatigued from work, wasn't too much of a problem as it was a pretty light training day!






    130kg / 286lbs

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps


    Sumo deadlifts! (I'm still deciding whether or not to switch to sumos permanently, they seem more forgiving on my lower back which has been rounding lately when pulling conventional)


    155kg / 341lbs

    X 3 reps

    X 3 reps

    X 3 reps

    X 3 reps

    X 3 reps


    Pull ups 5x5


    No time for assistance work, spend too long messing around



    I post alot of my training videos on my Instagram if anyone's interested- il post up a link

  18. Hey rob!! Glad you're still around dude, haha well we've been together since we were 18 and I'm closing in on 28 now so it's about time we tied the knot!


    Training today was dogshit, nothing felt right, rounded on the deadlifts despite them being light, forgot half my cues and had no real desire to be there. Oh wells, you win some you lose some!



    155kg/341lbs (75% ish of 1rm)

    X 3 reps

    X 3 reps

    X 3 reps

    X 3 reps

    X 3 reps


    BENCH (paused)

    97.5kg/215lbs (80% ish of 1rm)

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps

    X 5 reps

    Decided against a 5th set, set 4 rep 5 was a big struggle and butt came off the bench..


    Pull ups 5x5


    Nice and boring, just how I like it, most likely resting for the rest of the week now, small chance i'll go in Saturday for some squats, hopefully I'll be feeling stronger than today!

  19. This has to be the billionth time I've left and rejoined the site forum but I've got some big news,

    As soon as I'm married (this may) I'm gonna sign up for my first powerlifting meet!!

    I've already joined the amateur British powerlifting Union and keeping an eye on meets in my area, or as close to the Isle of Wight as poss,

    So anyway I'm gonna need to log workout here to keep me accountable would love to catch up with my vbb besties too


    Current body weight is 95kg so I have to decide whether to commit to 90kg or 100kg weight class, probably the former so would need to drop to 89kg to be safe!

    Current 1rms are

    Squat 165kg (ish)

    Bench 125kg

    Deadlift 205kg

    Really not happy with my total considering my current body weight so it's time to step it up a gear!


    Yesterday's workout


    3x3 reps 130kg

    2x3 reps 140kg

    150kg x 5 reps

    160kg x 3 reps


    Pull ups 5x5


    Leg curls, extensions etc.


    I post a lot of training videos on my Instagram! Give me a follow @Rosscosgrove

  20. Hey everyone, hope everything's cool! Will catch up with you all shortly I'm sure, been awol for a while as persusual... But I've still been training just not logging,

    Gonna use this to keep a log of my workouts from now on as Ive been on a programme for 4 weeks now and have no log of what I've done...


    Here was the last workout of week 4, Saturday leg day! 3-5 days, heaviest day!!


    Barbell squats

    110Kg /242lbs

    X 5 reps

    X 4 reps

    X 4 reps

    X 4 reps

    Drop set

    90kg/198lbs x 5 reps





    X 3 reps

    X 4 reps

    X 3 reps

    X 3 reps

    Drop set 110kg/242 x 3 reps


    One legged leg press

    130kg/286lbs x 5 reps per leg

    140kg/308lbs x 5 reps per leg

    140Kg x 5 reps per leg

    Drop set

    110kg x 6 reps per leg


    Leg curls

    140kg x 5 reps

    160Kg x 5 reps

    160Kg x 5 reps

    Drop set

    130kg x 7 reps


    Leg extensions

    140kg x 5 reps

    160kg x 5 reps

    160kg x 5 reps

    Drop set

    120kg x 5 reps


    Finished with abs


    Will post today's workout later

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