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Posts posted by dckur

  1. I was just using your example of 1:2.

    yes it is compared to meat or soy

    actually I think it is rational to compare with meat, cause it is muscle tissue like ours... so to build muscle you have to eat something that builds the muscle


    If I had the money I would buy the soy, but it has double price compared to whear protein isolate from UN

  2. In Israel there is or soy or wheat... (new product)

    the wheat comes with digestive enzimes so I think it will be close to soy...


    I know about lysine... but I don't think it's a big issue... cause the ratio instead of 1:1 is 1:2, not that bad for a portion of 20 g of protein...


    The main reason i bought it - is cause it was very cheap...


    for the money cost 1kg of soy, i bought 2.8kg of wheat

  3. I don't understand why grains and legumes complete each other into complete protein...


    I think it's more like a myth...


    If we take soy or beaf as an example for complete protein


    for exapmle you can see the ratio here http://i20.fastpic.ru/big/2011/0517/f5/71aec2927ba29994d022b68e847949f5.png


    In the plant based foods the problem is Lysine...


    so in animal products we can see ratio up to 1.1:1 for Lysine compared to other essential amino acids


    so lets look on grains that have how the myth say, defficency in one or more essential amino acid




    and we can see its true, Laysine is a problem there, with bad ratio of 1:2 for others agains Lysine


    so yo would expect that legumes would have 2:1 ratio to complete it top the quality of meat or soy


    but when we look at lagumes




    we see the best ratio is 1:1


    So the story of completion grains with lagumes to "complete protein" as meat or soy, is not more than myth...


    What do you think about my little research?


    you can see the tables here http://www.veganhealth.org/articles/protein

    or get it by yourself here http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/cgi-bin/nut_search.pl

  4. Don't cut that much your callory intake , eat normally just about RMR*1.15 + what you burn at workout + 200


    RMR = 9.99w + 6.25s - 4.92a + 166g-161


    w = weight in kilograms; if you know your weight in pounds, divide by 2.2 to get your weight in kilograms

    s = height in centimeters; if you know your height in inches, multiply by 2.54 to get your height in centimeters

    a = age in years

    g = gender = 1 for males, 0 for females


    You need to build some muscule, and that you can do a "cut" with negative calorie intake + cardio




    I'm not pro so... just my opinion


    P.s. in the second picture you look very very skinny, you should gain weight, it not looks so healthy...

    I would say you have about 12% fat maybe less.

  5. Welcome man, actually one of the reasons I love sport is cause I'm proving others every time they wrong =-)

    One of the reasons why I went vegetarian and than vegan at first time was because i was cureus how it feels and how I will servive ...


    Serviving good for 4.5 years now, training 6 day a week !

  6. You lost weight cause your calorie intake was inadequate...


    add natural(not friyed) nuts and seeds, like Walnuts Almonds Cashews Pecans Brazil Nuts or even Macadamia Nuts if you can affort it...


    peanuts very good, I eat 100% natural peanut butter every day... make sure you buy 100% peanut butter, cause a lot of skippy have a lot of sugar and bad fats added.




    whole bread very good with the peanut butter...



    This is how I maintain my weight...



    You can be on a low calories diet, and loose weight, or you can eat a lot of junk and become fat... There is no connection to the fact your vegan or not - all about numbers and calories

  7. My meals are:




    oat meal + little bit soy milk mostly water (sometimes I ad 2 tea spoons of 100% peanut butter)

    whole smolina + little bit soy milk mostly water

    kind of raw granola + soy milk



    about 50gr of different kind of nuts and seeds



    something from wheat like pasta



    beans etc.

    if im hungry i'l add on some soy junk (trying to give it up, but found it hard for now)

    and maybe little salad with whole tahini


    1-2 whole Rye bread slices + 2 tea spoons of peanut butter + some seeds or nuts above or i can add tea spoon of flax



    Big salad with whole tahini, also I add corn / hummus




    I workout for about hour a day, 6 days a week...


    I don't know if I really starting to gain fat, but after I added the 2st and 4st dinners, I think I gained some fat...

    I not gained that much fat in my opinion but this is not the goal




    I hope you will have some suggestions for me how to improve my nutrition

  8. I think you should separate religion from researches and official recommendations like RDA...


    For me raw foodism(as an example of 6-7% like you say protein diet) is more a religion - it's up to you to believe or not...


    If you want to know what science have to say, you can read this http://www.veganhealth.org/articles/protein





    You can survive at low protein diet... cause it's not like if you have deficiency you'll die next week...


    But you will build lower mass if any, compared to well planned vegan diet...

    You can also find it takes longer to recover after intense workout...


    I know some people , sit on low protein diet, cause they don't want to build additional muscule mass...



    Very often when promoting veganism you will tell to people that, protein deficiency it’s a myth… but yes maybe it’s rare cause there is no visible consicuances of not severe deficiency…

    But I think 50% of vegans are deficiency at essential amino-acids…

    Just look at the table at the site I gave ya, and you wil understand why I think so

  9. Hi, I'm new...

    22 years old, 4.5 vegan/vegeterian(a little bit hard for me to give up milk...)

    I'm more into the fitness stuff, and dancing, but in the future I definitely want to go into some more significant muscle mass

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