Hey guys, I've been vegetarian for 12 years and vegan for exactly 1 year and a month =]. Tired of hearing my friends moaning about how vegan are weak I decide to start weight lifting for the first time in my life. I thought about using this forum for keeping me motivated, keeping track of my goals, and of course hearing advices for more experienced people. I'm going to workout based on ripettoe starting strength routine and I'm going for a moderate calorie intake diet (at least for now , til I get used to eat more and more) Here is my current status: age: 22 height: 190cm (6'2 feet) weight: 83kg (182.6 pounds) http://i51.tinypic.com/2na77tz.jpg http://i51.tinypic.com/1zn7xaa.jpg http://i54.tinypic.com/2wgah3k.jpg I'll try to update photos on a monthly based routine.