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This is good advice! I am going to try this during tomorrow's workout!!!
So, I have been gradually trying to get back into the gym since I went Vegan cold turkey. I am having some trouble trying to get back to the weight I was tossing up before I cut out the animal products. Even though I have been gradually building back up, I have noticed that I am experiencing dizzyness halfway through my workouts and have to sit down for a few minutes until it dissipates. I think I am eating enough prior to workouts (packing in some carbs for energy), but it's weird. Thoughts anyone?
Yeah... after doing some more research, I think I am going to stick to my Vega and Nitrofusion (though the latter has some chemicals in it as well). It's amazing what a 1/2 cup garbanzo beans and 2 cups of soy milk can do to pump up the protein/calorie content of either of the shakes, and both have tolerable tastes. I'm gonna stick with what I know...
So in my unending quest to find the perfect protein supplement, the owner of my local supplement store told me about a product called Humapo. The thing is, the website is all fluff and science, no concrete facts like... how many grams of protein per serving? I am always a little leary of companies that don't show their nutrition labels. Also, the website talks about a"propreitary blend" of special proteins (all vegan friendly), but it just sounds like a bunch of chemicals to me... hardly a WHOLE food. Has anyone tried this? Does anyone know how many grams of protein are actually in this product? I would hate to sink $45 into a product only to find that it's no good. Thanks! http://humapro.com/
So in my unending quest to find the perfect protein supplement, the owner of my local supplement store told me about a product called Humapo. The thing is, the website is all fluff and science, no concrete facts like... how many grams of protein per serving? I am always a little leary of companies that don't show their nutrition labels. Also, the website talks about a"propreitary blend" of special proteins (all vegan friendly), but it just sounds like a bunch of chemicals to me... hardly a WHOLE food. Has anyone tried this? Does anyone know how many grams of protein are actually in this product? I would hate to sink $45 into a product only to find that it's no good. Thanks! http://humapro.com/
First off let me say that my family has always been very vocal about how weird they think I am, and I try to ignore them for the most part. However, I am sure that my new vegan diet is going to raise a few eyebrows. Here's my dilemma... I am an African American G.R.I.T.S (Girl Raised in the South), so I grew up around meat, meat, and more meat usually prepared in some unhealthy fashion. Where I come from, if it's not battered and deep fried, it ain't good. With the holidays fast approaching, I am sure that I won't be able to hide my new eating habits when I bypass pretty much everything that will be on the table. I have yet to understand why my family thinks LARD is a staple ingredient for vegetables...ewwwww... I was able to squeak through a family visit a couple of weeks ago incognito. I don't think anyone picked up on the fact that I wasn't eating what they ate (I brought my own food), but I am really not ready to put up with the negative comments about something ELSE I am doing (they blame my fancy education for all these changes. Apparently, I have forgotten where I "came from"... Anywho... any suggestions on how to deal with this? It's amazing to me that I say nothing about their choices to eat meat or not exercise, etc. (Hence the epidemic of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease in my family), but they always find the need to criticize everything I do. How can I endure another holiday with my family without being accused of "acting white"???? I never realize that healthy diet choices were race related.... yet I digress.... Thanks!!!
Sorry to give this much information ...but I have had a not-so-pleasant issue three weeks into my newly vegan diet. I did it cold tofu ladies and gentlemen!!! I decided animal products were out and switched my diet in a day. For the most part I have overcome the initial hurdles (sugar cravings, crankiness, initial fatigue, etc), but I am now having a problem with terrible gas. I'm not talking about walking around like a human whoopee cushion, either. I'm talking about painful gas that is getting trapped somewhere in my intestinal tract and won't budge. In some cases, I have found it very uncomfortable to stand upright, and sleeping is the pits right now. Sidenote: I work in Gastroenterology offices everyday. In my world, you get praised for farting, so I'm not embarassed to let one rip when needed (how unladylike, huh). In fact, I have been PRAYING to fart!!! I researched the topic and have seen that this is probably just my body's reaction to increased fiber intake, but when will it end? I tried my grandma's remedy and chugged come Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar which helped initially, but I had the same problem again today. I also tried baking soda in warm water which provided temporary relief, but I was wondering how long this will last. I'm NOT going to change my diet as some websites suggest (gradually eliminate animal products) because I am on a roll. Any home remedies I can try? I'm SOOOOOO uncomfortable. Thanks!
... and I did it COLD TOFU (instead of cold turkey....get it?)!!!! Anyway, I just wanted to reach out to like-minded individuals and hopefully find some more Southern Girls that have taken the plunge. I am also looking to get more involved in the Vegan Bodybuilding arena (formerly a meat-eating aspiring fitness / bikini model) and hopefully grow a budding business as well (hope to be a certified trainer in a few months) So, as we say in my neck of the woods... HOWDY YA'LL!!!!