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About kareno

  • Birthday August 6

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  1. Hellooo! What a surprise to get an email notifying me of an update to this thread! Congratulations on your successes and journey, Sherrie!
  2. Holy cow, has it really been over a month since I posted in my online journal?? Whoa. I've been keeping track of most workouts in my hard-copy journal, but can't believe it's been a month since I've been on the website. Yikes. Been traveling quite a bit during the month of March, so my workouts have been less than consistent, but have been able to do a fairly good job getting them in, nonetheless. Went on the vegan cruise the first week of March, and went to a yoga retreat in Mexico the last week of March. Not a bad month, eh? Dylan, thanks for the note. Really nice of you to check in. All is well. Leaving California soon, and I'm pretty happy about that! How are things going for you in NY? Hope you're happy and well!
  3. That's a bummer. Sounds like a cool and funky place. Sorry you were disappointed. Thanks for sharing your experience. Does the place at least have a cool ambience?
  4. Hi Brezi, and welcome to the forum! Where in Colorado do you live? I'm from Colorado myself (Fort Collins), though I just moved away last year. Anyhow, like Kon said above, I would say to look through people's journals here and see what interests you. I'm also finding it's really important/helpful to keep a journal at the gym. I've started taking my journal to the gym with me and keep track of all the exercises, weights, and reps/sets. It's really helpful, not only to track improvements made, but also just to remember what kind of exercises to do - haha! You can also look at the website www.bodybuilding.com, where I believe they have lots of exercises demonstrated in videos there. Best of luck to you! Ask people specifically if you have certain questions. People here are really friendly, but you sometimes have to post direcly in their journals or on specific threads to get answers.
  5. Today's ARMS workout: Warmup: Eliptical machine for 12 minutes (fairly easy resistance, but quick pace) Cable bicep curl: 20x15, 25x8, 25,10, 30x6 Arm curl machine: 30x15, 30x12, 30x12, 30x12 DB hammer curls: 12x15, 15x12, 15x13, 15x12 Tricep rope extension: 45x15, 50x12, 55x12, 60x8 DB tricep kickbacks: 10x12, 10x12, 10x12, 12x12 Triceps dip machine: 45x10, 45x12, 45x13, 45x15 Assisted pull-up: 90x4 (I was wiped) Treadmill run: 2.36 miles in 25:10 (training for half marathon) I ate random stuff here and there today - mostly just leftovers and some fruit: sweet potato, quinoa, pasta w/ vegan alfredo sauce, salad, hummus. Pretty much over my cold, so feeling pretty good about that!
  6. Hey! Thanks for starting a journal! Great work in the gym! Hope you're feeling in tip top shape and get some energy back soon.
  7. Today's leg workout was a tough one! Warmup: Stairclimber - 10 minutes (42 floors) Bodyweight squats: 20, 20, 20, 20 Sled leg press: 50x15, 70x12, 90x10, 90x12, 100x10 Leg extension machine: 75x12, 75x12, 90x8, 90x9 Hib abductor machine: 80x12, 80x12, 90x12, 90x12 Hip adductor machine: 100x12, 110x12, 110x10, 110x10 Butt Blaster machine: 35x12, 40x12, 40x10, 45x8 Hamstring curl machine: 35x15, 40x15, 45x12, 50x10 Standing calf raises machine: 90x20, 105x20, 120x20, 135x20 Assisted pull-up: 90x8!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!! Bike (low): 25 minutes at easy pace Pre-workout: 2 oranges, some strawberries, small amount of crackers and hummus Post-workout: Vega protein bar (chocolate coconut, yummy!), 1/2 orange, couple bites of banana Steam, spa, sauna. Aaaahhhhh..... Dinner: tempeh, black beans, "cheeze" sauce, lettuce, tomato, and guacamole with a tortilla Snack: Lightly sweetened crunchy rice rolls from Trader Joe's
  8. Hi Shane, and welcome to the forum! I am trying to cut out a lot of the salt and sugar from my diet as well (and oil, too). I suspect you will have little problem cutting eggs out of your diet. Good luck, and welcome again! Best, Karen
  9. Phew! Today was quite exhausting! After getting up, I ran 4.17 miles, and at my best pace ever for that run (10:51/mile)! So, that was great. Then after getting a little snack and recovery at home, I headed to the gym for a chest/abs workout, as follows: Warmup: Rowing machine - 10 minutes Chest press machine: 30x20, 35x20, 40x15, 45x12, 50x12 Seated cable fly: 15x15, 20x12, 20x12, 20x12 Incline chest press machine: 40x10, 40x9, 40x7, 40x5 Chest press machine (narrow grip): 45x15, 45x15, 45x20, 60x7 Hammer Strength Ab Crunch machine: 10x15, 10x12, 20x10, 20x10 Cybex Ab crunch machine: 55x15, 65x12, 70x8, 70x10 Life Fitness Abdominal machine: 50x15, 60x16, 70x12, 70x12 Assisted pull-up: 90x6 (PR) Partner sit-ups with 6 lb. ball: 125 Bike: 25 minutes (~5 miles) I wanted to stay in the fat-burning zone, so I didn't eat too much today before workouts. Before the run, I had an orange. After the run, another orange and a Vega bar. After the workout, I had a half banana and a half Vega protein bar. Before dinner, some crackers and hummus. Dinner was rice, black beans, sweet potatoes, tomato and guac. Looks like I didn't get a lot of veggies in today. No greens, oops.
  10. Hey there, Cimm! Welcome to the Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness forum! And most of all, congratulations on your outstanding success with changing your diet! Way to take control of your health destiny! What a great tribute to the benefits of a plant-based diet. Thanks for sharing your story! Best wishes, Karen
  11. That cold caught up to me and dragged me down, so I spent most of Thursday lying on the couch. No exercise for me. Feeling a bit better today, and so I did make it to the gym tonight for a shoulder/back workout: Warmup: Eliptical - 12 minutes and some arm circles DB lateral raises: 5x15, 8x12, 8x12 DB front raises: 8x12, 8x12, 10x12 Overhead shoulder press machine: 40x12, 40x12, 50x8 DB shoulder shrugs: 30x15, 35x15, 35x12 Lat pull machine: 50x15, 55x15, 60x15 assisted pull-ups: 100x8, 90x5, 90x3 One-arm seated cable row with rotation: 35x15, 40x15, 45x15 Stairs: 25 minutes I bought some weight training gloves today, and that made quite a difference. So much more comfortable! Yippee! As for food, I started the day with a Vega One shake, lunch was some leftover Indian chickpeas, and dinner was some pasta and marinara with mushrooms and olives added, along with some asparagus. And some chocolate almond milk for dessert! I've lost 1.5 pounds in the past week, so that makes me happy!
  12. Hey Dylan. I'd say "congratulations" on winning the bet, but under the circumstances, maybe you'd have rather not won it? I can completely relate to what you're saying. Weight loss is a very sensitive subject for me as well, and I think Robert would agree when I say that we've been in the same boat as you. The best thing you can do is be supportive and motivate her by doing physical activities together. Since Robert and I have been living together, I have lost weight because we have been going to the gym and exercising together. I just haven't had much motivation to go to the gym on my own, but when we go together, it's actually fun for me. Though I'm sure there are times when he would rather go on his own or do his own thing once we get there, the fact that we do the workout together and he acts as my cheerleader and motivates me and tells me "just two more, you've got it" and "good job" and says "look at those muscles" and "lookin' good, babe".... All those things really motivate me to keep going. But, definitely focusing on keeping your encouragement positive, rather than negative. I guess that's my 2 cents worth.
  13. Hi Kika! Welcome to the forum! I hope you find the answers you seek here. Take some time to look around the forum and read the various threads and post on them so that people will answer any specific questions you have. I love that you and your husband are vegan! It's so great to see and meet compassionate people such as yourselves - especially a compassionate military man! You two are lucky to have one another! Anyhow, welcome again!! All the best, Karen
  14. Hey there, and welcome to the forum! That's awesome that you've been vegetarian since forever! I'm trying to figure all this stuff out, too, so I probably can't answer your questions all that well, but I agree with Dylan above, in that you should read through the posts on the forum and reach out to specific people, or post in certain threads to get the answers you are seeking. Keep at it, buddy! Vegan is the way to be! Haha! Best, Karen
  15. Hi Scott! I'm from Colorado, too (Fort Collins, specifically). I moved away last year, but hope to make it back at some point. Your story is awesome and inspriring! Congratulations on taking control of your health destiny! Welcome, welcome, welcome! I hope you'll stick around the forum and help others out on their journey as well, since you have done so well yourself. Your story alone is worth sharing at every opportune time! Best wishes, Karen
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