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About theVeganInitiative

  • Birthday 02/24/1980

theVeganInitiative's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. 4/5/14 Squat: 43.6x10,10. 63.6x10. 72.2x10 Bp: 43.6x10,10. 63.6x10,10 Rows: 43.6x10,10. 63.6x10,10 Ohp: 43.6x10,10 Rdl: 72.2x10,10 Curls: 43.6x10,10 4/7/14 Squat: 43.6x10,10. 72.2x10,10 Bp: 43.6x10,10. 63.6x10,10 Rows: 43.6x10,10. 63.6x10,10 Ohp: 43.6x10,10 Rdl: 72.2x10,10 Curls: 43.6x10,10
  2. 12/19/13 OHP: 72.2 x 5, 5, 9 Chinups: +5 lbs x 5, 5, 8 Front Squats (raised heels): 92.2 x 5, 5, 8
  3. 12/17/13 BP: 111 x 5, 5, 6 Rows: 92.2 x 5, 5, 10 Deadlifts: 177.2 x 5, 5, 9
  4. 12/15/13 OHP: 68.6 x 5, 5, 10 Chins: +2.5 lbs x 5, 5, 8 Front Squats (heels raised): 43.6 x 5, 52.4 x 5, 63.6 x 5, 72.2 x 5, 81 x 5, 92.2 x 5 Curls: 43.6 x 15 Calf Raises on Step: BW x 25 Crunches: BW x 25
  5. 12/12/13 BP: 107.2 x 5, 5, 8 Rows: 107.2 x 4, 4, 7 Squats: 107.2 x 5, 5, 10 kinda frustrated. shoulder is still bothering me. stomach is still bothering me. form pretty much sucks and strength is very low for the amount of time i've been lifting. gotta stay positive and keep at it.
  6. 12/10/13 OHP: 63.6 x 5, 5, 11 Chins: BW x 5, 5, 8 Deadlifts: 172.2 x 5, 5, 11
  7. 12/8/13 BP: 102.2 x 5, 5, 9 Rows: 102.2 x 5, 5, 12 Squats: 102.2 x 5, 5, 9 shoulder and back still bothering me - been taking time off. felt like giving it a go today. i'll see how i feel in a couple days.
  8. 11/21/13 Squats (low bar): 43.6x5, 63.6x5, 81x5, 102.2x5, 127.2x5, 72.2x8,10,10,10 (alt zercher/hi bar) RDL: 72.2 x 10, 10, 10 Leg Ext: 67.6 x 15, 72.6 x 13, 15 Calf Raises: BW x 22, 17, 17 Crunches: BW x 15, 15, 12 still a bit sore in hamstrings and calves from last lower day. also sore from last upper. thanks for checking in mrbear! i think i injured my middle/upper back doing heavy deadlifts a couple months ago but it's a weak spot that i have had pain in at times for many years from various exercising including running so maybe it's a core thing. i try to keep all my movements pain free but i have felt some pain/soreness in this same area since starting up again. i also have bursitis/rotator cuff issues in my right shoulder which comes and goes as well so it's all pretty annoying at times. just trying to keep on keeping on.
  9. 11/19/13 BP: 43.6x5, 63.6x5, 81x5, 92.2x5, 107.2x5, 72.2 x 10, 10, 10, 8 Rows: 43.6x5, 63.6x5, 81x5, 92.2x5, 107.2x5, 72.2 x 10, 10, 10, 10 Skullcrushers: 43.6 x 8 x 3 Curls: 43.6 x 8 x 3 workouts are still leaving me sore. had some pain in my back again on saturday but this time i'm working through it. hoping for the best.
  10. 11/17/13 Deadlifts: 115x5, 143.6x5, 172.2x5, 192.2x5, 115x10x3 Leg Extensions: 57.2x12, 10, 10 Good Mornings: 43.6x10x3 Calf Raises: BWx20, 20, 17 Crunches: BWx20, 20, 14 supersetted deadlift sets of 10 and leg ext. also good mornings, calves, and crunches. feeling the burn.
  11. 11/14/13 OHP: 43.6 x 5, 52.4 x 5, 63.6 x 5, 52.4 x 8, 8, 8, 7 Chinups: BW x 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3 CGBP: 43.6 x 10, 52.4 x 10, 63.6 x 8, 8, 7 Curls: 43.6 x 10, 10, 9 Crunches: BW x 20 Knees to Chest: BW x 15 these workouts are leaving me sore for days - first time working the muscles in over a month.
  12. 11/12/13 Squat: 43.6x5, 52.4x5, 63.6x5, 72.2x5, 81x5, 92.2x5, 102.2x5, 111x5, 122.2x5, 111x6 RDL: 43.6x8, 72.2x10x3 Calf Raises: BW x 20 x 2 Crunches: BW x 20, 18
  13. 11/10/13 Upper back and neck have been injured and bothering me since my last post. I have not been working out and trying to give myself a chance to heal. I'm feeling better but not 100%. I've been dying to lift again so I worked on a few exercises yesterday: Bench Press 43.6x5 52.4x5 63.6x5 72.2x5 81x5 92.2x5 102.2x5 92.2x6 81x6 Rows 43.6x5 43.6x5 72.2x5 81x5 92.2x5 102.2x5 92.2x7 Curls: 43.6 x 15, 10 Feeling pretty good. A bit sore from not having lifted in over a month but my injury seems to be ok.
  14. you are a great inspiration. would love for you to be posting again here. thanks for all the old posts and hopefully some new ones!
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