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Everything posted by veganMT

  1. What about Lysine? Would Lysine content make a difference? theres seems to be a huge difference in Lysine from Brown rice and Whey protein.
  2. whats your (regular and cut) diet like? (carbs/oils/fruit consumption/macros, etc) looking strong!
  3. lepiante, that is amazing insight, thank you! when you say fatty fruits for fats, do you mean olive oil and coconut milk/oil?
  4. Hi could someone give me advice on what I could be doing better diet wise please? I am toying with different carb/protein/fat ratios and i think I've lost my way! This is what I eat on a typical day: Breakfast: My veg blend smoothie: 1 banana, some berries, protein powder, 1 cup cooked quinoa, beatroot, celery, carrot, kale, ginger, 1Tbsp ground flaxseed. Mid-morning snack: some fruit typically, an apple,orange and banana. Lunch: Brown rice and tomato kidney beans or brown rice and lentils with added fats (1 Tbsp almonds and 1 Tbsp pumpkin seeds) Mid-afternoon snack: another apple Pre-dinner: more fruit, possibly a protein and fruit shake. Dinner: Big dry salad with cooked chickpeas in tomato sauce and 1/2 an avocado. The dinner is new as I was having another protein (beans/lentils) with grain (brown rice) meal but wasn't sure having grains at every meal is good or bad? I'm not currently using oils, trying to get my fats from nuts/seeds/avocados, seeing how it goes anyway. Exercise wise I'm doing (or trying to get back into I should say) daily fasted cardio (before breakfast) and full body weight training twice a week. I have seen some gains (I can see my abs under certain lighting) but wanting some more definition but still enough energy to train/work/live. Anyone got any improvement suggestions? Is it helpful to have grains at every meal? Do i need to eat more calories? All constructive feedback is welcome.
  5. I started using this few weeks ago: http://www.vitashine-d3.com/ I didnt realise how deficient I was, feel lots better and having better sleep too.
  6. my current workout jams include down to nothing and GIVE.
  7. I was going to suggest this, I noticed recently with myself when I cut out a lot of sources of carbs that my belly seems more cut. can either of you elaborate on this carbs and what you define as ok carbs? I eat fruit, veggies, beans/legumes and grains wise rice, quinoa, buckwheat and oats and am thinking of cutting out the rice.
  8. Awesome results. keep up the good work! Good to see lots of fruit in the mix and working for you too. I got a few quick questions; do you use any oils in cooking your food? Also is that breakfast#1 OR breakfast#2 or do you have both in one day? good ol' seattle...love the place for vegan treats! wayward cafe and is the pizza place across the road. well it used to be til i gave up the vegan (mock meat) junk food!
  9. for the high carb fans (including the OP), could you define carbs and which are OK and ones to avoid please. I have fruits, brown rice, oats and quinoa. Also nice work OP. keep it up!
  10. I guess I'll put this in the recipe thread.... so having spent way too much than I would like on protein powders, i was thinking; using the example brown rice protein. Surely it cannot be powdered brown rice (wholefood) minus the fibre (and somehow fat) right? That would make the assumption that the carbs are the fibre and the fat, i dont know how that is extracted. So my question is does anyone know how protein powder is made and/or have a recipe to make their own protein powder? Coming from wholefood sources, I imagine vegan protein powder, soy, pea, hemp, brown rice powders would be easier to make than say whey powder.
  11. After experimenting for a little while I am too coming to this conclusion. high carb, medium protein and low fat is where its at! good luck to the original poster on 801010, i toyed with it earlier this year and may go back to it. Just make sure you're getting enough "protein" foods (e.g. greens for 801010).
  12. I'm not sure what you're diet is like but when I started working out and saw a personal trainer, he had me on a 'low carb' vegan diet. I got so cranky it was unreal. I was miserable. I'm still not sure whether it was undereating calories or not enough carbs, but grabbing a piece of fruit(s) when I start to feel like has helped LOADS
  13. Thank you Mini Forklift, appreciate the input. What are the better/healthier oils you're referring to? Heres my (i)logic; I understand many people see canola(rapeseed) oil as rancid, due to it processing (very high heating, denaturing the rapseseed), but it has higher omega 3 content than coconut oil. Whereas coconut oil is pressed (more natural processing), has MCT and is touted as good for weight loss but is high in artery-clogging saturated fat. So today i did some research and figured that a better oil would be pressed (not destroyed in processing) and lower in saturated fats, which led me to think a high fat nut or fruit oil, would be best for cooking e.g. virgin macadamia oil or virgin avocado oil. I'll admit, i dont fancy going back to canola now from what I've read but i don't want to clog my arteries up either with coconut oil. So does anyone use these, macadamia or avocado oil? Tim Ferris mentions macadamia oil in 4 hour body and avocado oil seems to have a better 'fats' profile than macadamia.
  14. whats funny? trying to debate with science and i haven't been convinced otherwise. just trying out different things. be your own guinea pig, etc.
  15. 3 weeks in, eating no other oils but coconut oil and i've put on (unwanted) fat weight. I accept there are a billion other variables but i'll be sticking with getting my fats from limited canola oil and nuts and seeds from now conclusion: canola>coconut oil (for me trying to a achieve a low body fat physique e.g. a muay thai fighter physique)
  16. you're welcome: http://www.theb9.com/thread/897517/post-vegan-straight-edge-hardcore-posted-on-theB9-board/1
  17. anyone a sports massage therapist? i'm thinking about it. Worth it? does it pay the bills?
  18. New deftones album -Koi No Yokan. Really good!
  19. I guess it makes sense coco oil being better for you as its less processed but I'll have to test it. Since mid-november I'm trying no other oils but coco oil in my diet til xmas, then if I gain fat, (all other variables more or less constant), then I'll go back to canola (rapeseed). I'll let you know how I get on!
  20. Pretty self explanatory, what do you do for work/a living? I need some ideas/inspiration/motivation...I recently started working as an Occupational Therapy Assistant, thinking it would be a holistic way to promote health in mainstream healthcare (or should it be 'sickcare'**) but now I'm not so sure and pretty disheartened about the whole thing... **Don't mean to offend anyone, I think I just have a higher standard of health than what is offered. Don't even get me started about the quality of food they offer patients, its so appalling...
  21. Thank you Fallen Horse and Mini Forklift, this is the bit i'm interested in more science on: As along with the links earlier in this thread, this book: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Vegetarian-Sports-Nutrition-Enette-Larson/dp/0736063617 and this book http://www.amazon.co.uk/Plant-Based-Nutrition-Health-Stephen/dp/0907337260 all suggest coconut oil is bad and to stick with canola (rapeseed) oil. Also as far as I know, isn't there more omega 3s in canola than coconut oil? As a side note, my long term goal is to be lean but ripped i.e. A Muay Thai fighter physique (if that makes sense), so not huge. So shall I be using canola (less calories) or coconut oil (both used sparingly and getting other fats from a variety of flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, sunflower, etc)? Your wisdom (of all forum members) is greatly appreciated.
  22. Please feel free to contribute. Still confused about it...
  23. I was wondering in that case, if one is gonna use oils would it not be better to use canola (rapeseed) oil? it has similar calories to coconut oil but omega 3 to 6 ratio is better, according to nutritiondata.self.com: coconut oil: http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/fats-and-oils/508/2 calories per 1cup (218g): 1879 omega 3: ~ omega 6: 3923mg (100% non-hydrogenated) canola oil: http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/fats-and-oils/621/2 calories per 1cup (218g): 1927 omega 3: 19921mg omega 6: 40646mg Just trying to get to the bottom of this as I'm finding it really difficult to believe coconut oil is a good 'healthy' fat and better than canola oil Trying to find the lesser of evils with oils is the goal...and get ripped in the process
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