I have been a lurker on this site for a while. I decided that it was time for me to start contributing. I saw Roberts post about 2012 updating logs, and it really made me start thinking. This is an absolute great idea. So thank you Robert for the motivation that I needed!! I feel that this is going to be another way for me to stay accountable for my progression to a healthier, happier me. By sharing this part of my life with you all. I am a bit nervous, but excited at the same time. I am also going to post some before and in between pictures. I am a bit uncomfortable even looking at the before pictures, but I am hoping that I can help even one person get motivated to become healthier, and happier. A few things about me. I am 24 years old, and have been a vegetarian for 3 years now. I am going to be going full vegan starting on the 1st. I feel its time I am 5"6, and at my heaviest I weighed almost 300 pounds The before pictures you will see I was around 270. The in betweens were taken Thanksgiving and Christmas of this year. I now weigh 197 pounds. My goal right now is to lose more weight, and get to a healthy weight that I am happy with. I am by no means an expert on exercise and weight lifting, but I get by. My bf and I have been going at this together for almost a year now. I lift weights about 4 times a week, and do cardio about 4 times a week as well. I usually do it in splits, different body groups on different days. Chest/tri ..back bi...sometimes shoulder/tri...legs/abs...etc. I'm not sure if this is the way I should be doing this, but it seems to be going well so far! I LOVE lifting weights, and I HATE cardio!!! I really really REALLY need to work on getting my cardio better!! I feel that is what needs to happen to help me lose weight.