Hello ladies & gentlemen I'm a young Turkish guy, 23 years old, was born in Belgium and still living here... My stats: 1m81 & 57kg, pretty thin... Recently, I decided to become vegetarian and despite everything I still hope to gain some kilo's in the near future... I'd like to reach 70-75kg I have to say that I had a a severe neck/skull fracture (occipital condylus fracture) and also a cerebral contusion in September 2010 while playing football, but God saved me and I'm still alive! I hadn't a surgical operation but I had to wear a strong neck collar. In the first 6-8 months it was a nightmare for me because had so many stress and muscle pain, but hopefully last months I feel better. I can easily walk and run, the fracture has healed but unfortunately that place is now a sensitive place for ever, so I have to watch out with abnormal movements But, I feel ok, no pannic... That's me in short, later I will post my feeding schedule and training schedule and hope to learn many many new things here on this beautiful forum Stay with love and Ciao! Aziz