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Everything posted by Tarzan

  1. Tarzan


    You're a weird one, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. I've never known anyone be intolerant of meat like that before. It is great to know people are living the way you are, certainly with those same intentions and beliefs. I will be honest now and admit I am 'trolling', but only in the sense that I am trying to squeeze opinions and information out of people.
  2. Tarzan


    Big farms will continue to grow and their methods will become much less humane. The problem is we have a MASSIVE population on earth right now being supported by cereal crops that saved us all and made civilization as we know it. Nature is being completely destroyed just by growing those cereal crops. When you buy soy, rice, wheat, you are supporting the destruction of nature, the destruction of soil, the poisoning and murder of wild animals. You can only regain control over that when you understand the effect of our very existence on our natural surroundings. People need to take the risk of providing only for themselves and those around them with small farms. We have the technology, knowledge and ability to do that now. You are all being kept alive at the expense of nature. You think you are all being humane by not eating the flesh of animals that are born and raised to be killed while participating in a system of destruction of the natural world; intelligent animals used to roaming forests, flying through trees, not bred through thousands of years to be placid, stupid and to accept their fate.
  3. Tarzan


    I'm pretty sure I have seen it. When I say "I refuse to believe" something, you have to bear in mind that I will not form a belief without learning both sides. There are many sides to an argument and it is up to the individual to believe what makes most sense to them. It is interesting what you said about lack of food though, I do believe that plant foods were developed as a back up food source (when such plants became available), it has been shown that neanderthals (early carnivorous humans) in Spain had a supply of grains and tubers in the cave they settled in when the environment around them became completely inhospitable (they eventually resorted to cannibalism however so I don't know what message we can take from that). It has been shown time and time again that with the help of agriculture, humanity has had a much more stable and abundant food source that stores well and provides sufficient calories, advanced society could not exist as we know it without that. Hey look HxC_Nismo, Lyric is being civil and we are having a nice civil conversation despite them thinking I am ignorant and uninformed!
  4. Exactly what horse said! An INTENSE full body work out two days in a row is not going to be possible for most people. I have to make compromises every week. For example, one week I will sacrifice doing any hard back work for going hard with squats. Sometimes I will sacrifice both just to get a kick out of doing both. Sometimes I will blast at leg training and be so weak the next day i will not be able to spark up some bicep curls!
  5. Tarzan


    Remove your ignorance from my thread you smarmy wet shit.
  6. You're tall and have a good deadlift, can I assume you have long arms? That makes benching really tough to train.
  7. Tarzan


    Study anthropology for a while and come back at me. I've explained why I am vegan before, but you don't seem to be very good at reading.
  8. I wish you the best of luck with that, it really is a great way to live.
  9. There are some human specimens around that make me think there is still hope.
  10. You're fine, I'm not trying to cut you down at all. All I mean is that people were made from some much tougher stuff back in the day.
  11. OK, we will allow anecdotes about old people just so you can continue to grace this thread
  12. Those are some decent numbers. I reckon you'll hit those goals easy enough if you just stick to it, I'll be watching you.
  13. My granddad is 98 has half a lung, smokes a pipe still and has lived on almost strictly whiskey and bacon sandwiches his whole life. Old people are tough and should not be taken into consideration
  14. There was a significant population of vegans in the United States in the late 1800's: From Wikipedia: "In the United States, Reverend William Metcalfe (1788–1862), a pacifist and a prominent member of the Bible Christian Church, preached vegetarianism.[78] He and Sylvester Graham, the mentor of the Grahamites and inventor of the Graham crackers, were among the founders of the American Vegetarian Society in 1850.[79] Ellen G. White, one of the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, became an advocate of vegetarianism, and the Church has recommended a meatless diet ever since.[80]" "The International Vegetarian Union, a union of the national societies, was founded in 1908. In the Western world, the popularity of vegetarianism grew during the 20th century as a result of nutritional, ethical, and more recently, environmental and economic concerns. Henry Stephens Salt[85] and George Bernard Shaw were famous vegetarian activists.[86]" In Weston Price's own writings he claims to avoid meat and intended to travel the world to prove veganism was the healthier option. He was 60 when he set off on his travel around the world in the early 30's. If you were trying to suggest Weston Price died because of his diet, bear in mind that he was likely vegetarian his whole life.
  15. Tarzan


    I used to eat raw meat all the time, I know plenty of people who do. Cooking meat has only become necessary in recent times. Grains and beans have only been available to ANY humans in the past 10,000 years. In about the same time all the fruits and vegetables you are familiar have been selectively bred to be any use to humans at all. Dietary cholesterol is GOOD for you. Just because our intestine are longer than any other carnivores DOES NOT mean we are adapted to a vegan diet. You assume I am ignorant to these things, but I am not. You really need to bring more to the discussion than a few propaganda videos.
  16. I got bored so I did some bodyweight work. 1 arm pushups 3x8 each Pistols 4x20 each burpees with tuck jump and clap pushup Pyramid 1,2,3...10 and back down. Now I'm eating some dates and coconut milk, feels good.
  17. Most people are driven by the fact they look like shit if they don't go to the gym and eat right, you look great regardless. You must have some serious motivation!
  18. Weston Price was alive around the time of a great boom of veganism in America, I think he may have been a vegan/ vegetarian himself. He set out to prove veganism was the cure for all the "diseases of civilisation" and found that there was much more to human diet than he thought. It is definitely worth reading about from an unbiased perspective. The book that covers his travels is 'Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects' It is a very objective and dry read but fascinating nonetheless.
  19. Tarzan


    Cool story bro. Actually if you're looking for a discussion, humans do in fact descend from creatures that were herbivores with the occasional scavenging (as most animals will do given the chance), but that was our only common ancestor with chimpanzees and millions of years ago. Humans are not efficient predators, very true, but evolution has given us the ability to overcome that through intelligence and use of tools (like chimpanzees), our bodies have adapted in that time to consume the flesh of animals and through millions of years of evolution we no longer have the ability to efficiently digest plant matter. We do not share the same digestive system as any herbivore, we cannot digest fibrous plant matter and get anywhere near the nutrients that ruminants can. Any society that has become dependent on plant foods has been shown to be weaker, sicker and less robust than their meat eating counterparts. I think it is cool that people can make the choice to eat only plant derived foods and still be healthy (thanks modern innovation!) But I will not believe that man has evolved as a herbivore.
  20. Kimchi is a korean vegetable ferment, often containing chinese cabbage, radish and a spice paste of Chilli, Garlic and ginger.
  21. Tarzan


    It is important to always remember there is a natural order in this world, whether you are a rabbit in a carrot patch, a lamb in a slaughterhouse or an armed to the teeth warlord, there is always someone willing and able to fuck your shit up. My whole life has been a process of coming to terms with that. Dexter... I don't know but it seems to be a TV show of some kind. I think we can agree that people from any walk of life are likely to have poor nutrition, there seems to be a policy of misinforming the population regarding diet. I am always glad to learn from anyone who has a passion for health, again, from any walk of life.
  22. Tarzan


    Killing comes naturally to me is all. I don't know if you're saying vegans have good diets because you do, or you agree that they do not but you and Sandra have a lot of knowledge.
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