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Posts posted by oselifer

  1. By the looks of it you're doing a high-bar squat? If that's the case you shouldn't be to anal about your knees going past your toes as that's pretty much impossible to do if you want decent depth, instead you should focus on your knees not buckling inwards.


    I'm seeing three problems with your squat.


    1: You have a tendency to hyperextend your lower back

    2: You're not going below parallel..

    3: SHOES You shouldn't really be squatting in a soft sole shoe as it'll screw up your stability


    1)I will try to keep my lower back straight

    2)I am not going too deep as i had knee pain a month ago and don't want to strees my knees..


    Thanks for the suggestions.

  2. I had some knee pain issues after having some heavy squats so i checked things about technique and realized that my knees were passing the toes which is wrong and caused me problems..

    After solving this my knee pain gone but now i have some problems with my lower back..

    Could you have a look to see if i am doing sth wrong?




    Its 20x100lbs..I can add much more weight but my pains keep me back..

  3. It's hard for many to understand that bodybuilding and vegan bodybuilding are only a part of what I do.....I have so many other things going on....it does make it hard to excel in all of them but I can still do pretty well in all of them and truly excel in the ones that are highest on my list.....bodybuilding is only #3 these days so I feel pretty good with the year I had based on where bodybuilding fit on my priority list.....


    Always trying to improve though and I think I was at my best ever this year so I'll just keep moving forward.


    Don't worry...In life there will always be someone that will be better than you..No matter who you are..

    What counts is to enjoy what you are doing..And don't forget that you inspire a lot of people as a vegan bber..

  4. Yes good article. Also, 2500 calories of junk IS calorically equal to 2500 cals of clean food. As far as body fat goes, 2500cals is 2500cals...


    I don't agree..There are many reasons that junk food can make you fat with less calories..


    1)Hormones. Meat ,milk and animal products have hormones,from the animal itself and from its diet to grow faster..These hormones makes humans fatter...

    2)Fats in junk food are hyrdogonated which makes it harder for the body to turn in to energy so it stores it as fat..

    3)Junk food has too much sugar which makes more insulin to be excreted so again fat is stored in the body..

    4)Meat and junk food can make digestion bad and as a result water and toxins build up in the colon and in many parts of the body and the result is becoming fatter..

  5. I never understood the calorie theory...If someone is not hungry to eat 4000cals why should he eat that much?

    Why hunger isn't enough to inform us how much food we need?


    Do you think bears count calories when they want to bulk for the winter?


    And how almost every non vegan in our society is fat?Fat people i know do not consume so many calories...

    They usually take maximum 2500..And they only have one main meal...

    Why do they gain weight?

  6. I read in another forum a theory that eating too many bananas can be dangerous due to its high content of potassium..

    Here is what someone said:

    "It is possible to get too much posassium from bananas, and it could throw off a person's saline (salt) level, since the two work together.


    If the sodium gets to low and the potassium too high, it throws off the human electrolyte system, and can cause problems from mild gastrointestinal problems to kidney problems, to severe cardiac problems (cardiac arrest-death if) if the NA (sodium) gets too low (below 120 for too long) and the K+ (potassium) gets too high. (above 7-7.5)"


    All this seems impossible to me because 1)you have to eat 10 bananas to reach the potassium's rda 2)the body will inform you when its enough..


    Do you know anything more?

  7. haha, good point!


    FYI, for the record, I haven't missed a scheduled workout in weeks and have vomited in the gym twice in the past 10 days from my intensity, including throwing up all over the gym upstairs and downstairs two days ago after training legs.


    Oh yeah, and I'm going to be shredded wheat soon! I'm pressing heavy weights, doing a lot of compound lifts, adding pounds and supplementing everyday, working with a trainer, and getting swol again.


    I haven't been online as much because I'm preparing my own food (and tasha is helping) and I'm focused on contest prep, training, working, etc.


    Oh..and Yeah Buddy!



    Thats amazing!!If you could make a rocky style dvd with your training showing your improvement i would be the first to buy..

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