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Everything posted by ryansmith

  1. Your meals seems great to me. There is nothing wrong with your meal or your schedule. Just add some more fatty food on your list. Banana will be great to gain some weight.
  2. Going vegan has its own advantages rather than disadvantages.
  3. What do you want to do lose a weight? or you want to build a muscle. I am confused
  4. Hi Vegandoll, You need to change your diet pattern include lots of whole grain in your diet. Change your workout technique every week if it's not working. For me cardio exercise are the best exercise to lose your weight. Try squat jumping and side planks some of the effective cardio exercise. I am sure it's gonna work.
  5. For me change is a must. I all ways look for an alternate technique. Just change your diet a bit make a list of all whole grain foods and vegetables. Consuming lesser calories will all ways be your positive point, but your body need and adequate amount of calories for your muscle. So just balance your calorie chart and use some new technique of gym or yoga to cut down your weight.
  6. Loved the recipe provided by you in vegan outreach. Pasta and rice recipe was my favorite one.
  7. I would prefer squat jump one of the best cardio exercise. Helped me a lot to reduce the extra body fat from my body
  8. How about healthy vegetable smoothie. I consume it as my alternative break fast.
  9. Loved the 3 point. From today i am going to consume more of this stuff.
  10. My right arm is a bit more muscular than the left one(Right Arm Size:12inch, Left Arm Size: 11.30 inch ). I all way follow a proper guidelines than whats going wrong.
  11. Hmm it seems your digestive system is very powerful . I mostly drink water when i got hungry at inappropriate time.
  12. I don't know how much proportion of soya bean has to be used in a day. Because soya is good for health but my body can't control the heat of soya and it shows on my face. Can any one suggest me with the right proportion of soya to be consumed.
  13. That was really very help full to me. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  14. Thanks for publishing it for us. But i wanted to know is there any best alternative of of kale cause where i live kale is not at its peak.
  15. Consuming green leafy vegetables and fruit juice rich in antioxidants are the best diet. Drink around 8 to 9 ounce of water in a day drinking water will eliminate the toxic present inside your body and will help you out to loose your weight. And again doing a little bit of exercise in morning will do the rest.
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