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Everything posted by MontanaVegan

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the brain was fueled by 100% carbohydrates
  2. I'm not sure about using coconut water for blood transfusions. But it has been used intravenously. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=link&db=pubmed&dbFrom=pubmed&from_uid=10674546
  3. +-------------------+ .:\:\:/:/:. | PLEASE DO NOT | :.:\:\:/:/:.: | FEED THE TROLLS | :=.' - - '.=: | | '=(\ 9 9 /)=' | Thank you, | ( (_) ) | Management | /`-vvv-'\ +-------------------+ / \ | | @@@ / /|,,,,,|\ \ | | @@@ /_// /^\ \\_\ @x@@x@ | | |/ WW( ( ) )WW \||||/ | | \| __\,,\ /,,/__ \||/ | | | (______Y______) /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ==================================================================
  4. You Are 16% California You are a bogus Californian. Go back to Montana.
  5. morning treadmill - 1:00 I've decided to not do so much treadmilling and more lifting. I'm just getting bored on the treadmill. Hopefully I can keep going for 1 hour per day. evening workout - squats
  6. morning treadmill - 1:40 evening treadmill - 1:00 24:20 on the treadmill for the month
  7. morning treadmill - 1:20 evening treadmill - 1:40 21:40 on the treadmill for the month
  8. morning treadmill - 1:00 evening treadmill - 1:20 18:40 on the treadmill for the month
  9. It feels very good to finally be losing my extra fat. I'm not going to make my 32 inch waist goal this month like I wanted. But that doesn't discourage me, it will happen, just maybe a month late. Thank you Veganitaliana
  10. morning treadmill - 1:00 evening treadmill - 1:40 16:20 on the treadmill for the month
  11. morning treadmill - 1:00 evening treadmill - 1:40 13:40 on the treadmill for the month
  12. Thanks dude Morning - 1:40 on the treadmill Evening - 2:00 8:00 on the treadmill for the month
  13. morning - 1:40 on treadmill got lazy for the rest of the day 4:20 on the treadmill for the month
  14. 2 bananas for me every morning shortly after getting up.
  15. *Edit* I'm getting bored of this treadmill walking. It's done a lot of good for me, but I need a break from it. I've been neglecting my lifting so I'm going to concentrate more on it for a while. ** I only lost one inch in the waist during August. The next hole on the belt is really close though. People are starting to notice my change and that makes me feel good. This month's goal will be the same as last months - 75 hours. But I do want to add more lifting, I'm getting weaker and I don't like that. My food intake will still be very raw. Mostly fruit and green salads. Morning - 1:40 on the treadmill Afternoon - Bench Press Evening - 1:00 on the treadmill 2:40 on the treadmill for the month
  16. I didn't think my squatting would suffer so much. I actually thought it might improve. I'm squatting less bodyweight now AND less weight on the bar. But I realize my body is going through a major change. I'll just wait til it's done fixing itself then punish it with more weights.
  17. I think that I'm going to do a little less treading and more lifting. Still need my 1-2 hours on the treadmill. At least until I'm lean. I've lost quite a bit of strength in the last couple months. Most noticably in the bench and squat. I just get very tired and weak while doing these two lifts. Some things like bodyweight dips i'm improving on. Probably because I've lost a lot of bodyweight.
  18. Mission Accomplished Not sure what I'm going to do next month. Still got some fat to lose so I'll probably be back on the treadmill.
  19. morning - 1:00 evening - 2:00 75:10 hours for the month
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