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Everything posted by Charlotte_may

  1. Ok thanks for the advice. Im from England, female, 20 Where are you from? Charlotte
  2. Ok thanks so I have a plan: Breakfast: 2 whole meal slices of bread with peanut butter 295kcal, 6g protein Lunch: kidney beans, light choice baked beans and wheat gluten 880kcal, 71g protein Dinner: Baked beans and wheat gluten 620kcal, 55g protein Snacks: apple, banana or/and satsuma Total calorie intake 2000 1 hour cardio with 1 hour weights 6 times a week, Sunday off. Will that work? Thanks for you advice
  3. My goal is to get to about 15% body fat, not too bothered about weight
  4. I eat: Breakfast - porridge with soya milk Lunch - lentil soup with saiten (wheat gluten, mock duck 285g) Dinner - sandwich with low fat houmous and tomatoe Snacks - alpro soya plain yougurt or fruit Execise - 1 hour cardio. Alternative days do upper body and lower body weights for 1 hour each season For example chest and triceps one day and lower would be deadlift and squats. Etc. But how many calories should I be on? And how much exercise with the calories? Also what about protein intake? Thanks
  5. Well I have researched that sietan (wheat gluten) is the guest form of protein for a vegan. 16g per 100g So how much Protien would I need to eat if my BF is 21 I want to be about 15 BF. Thanks
  6. Hey, Right basically I am 21. 5ft 6inc. 10stone 7lb. BF % 21. I'm not very toned. I go to the gym 6 times a week performing cardio for an hour each session and weights for 1 hour. My weight goes up and down but I'm looking to get toned, well defined. I've been a vegan since I was 7. Any advice? Thanks Charlotte
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