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Everything posted by esqinchi

  1. Saturday, February 8, 2014: Saturday Pump Day 1. DB Bench - 3 x 10 @ 140lbs 2. Single Arm Row - 3 x 12 @ 65lbs 3. DB Pullover - 3 x 12 @ 65lbs 4. Sumo Piledriver Squat - 3 x 12 @ 70lbs 5. Box Jumps - 3 x 12 @ 24" 6. Wide Leg Deadlift - 3 x 12 @ 90lbs 7. Assisted Three Way Pullup - 3 x 12 @ 15lbs assist 8. Decline Bench - 3 x 12 @ 135lbs 9. Farmer Carry - 3 x 200' @ 90lbs Ahhhh so good to get into the gym for a big lift day. Has been a couple weeks since I've been able to do this, and it was thoroughly enjoyed. Wanted to hit the BB squats, but there was this dude doing 5 minute squats at the time; as in, one set, wait five minutes, do another, for six rounds. So anyway, I had to adapt. Came home and had a lunch of bulgur, with a can of beans on top. Left rotator cuff was bothering me today. Pretty sure it is from all of the shoulder press/raises I've been doing with the trainer. Need to give that shit a rest. Probably won't get back to training until Tuesday, what with the move coming on Monday. Hope you all have a good weekend! Celebratory beers, and a cheat meal tonight. I'll post a pic!
  2. Thanks man, I've been working legs pretty hard lately. Must be genetic, since my dad runs marathons. Though, I'll take low body fat as well!
  3. Holy volume man! You need to find a gym to do this at so you can see the jaws hit the floor haha! Never heard of Spartan pushups, I'll have to look into these. Nice training today man. Also, fuckin so jealous of your trip to the beach - I need that in my life!
  4. Hahaha! Cheeky! Love me some lunge jumps - they are brutal! Thanks for the congrats man, it was quite a process; and one I don't hope to repeat anytime soon. Come for a visit!
  5. I've always found that Bulgarian Split Squats, and Stability Ball Hamstring Curls rock my hamstrings... Similar to the hamstring curl machine, the use of the stability ball engages the hamstring, but also the core, glute, and lower back. Here's a video. Skip to 0:41, because this idiot takes forever to explain what is painfully obvious. You can also do these on the TRX, or other suspension trainer. Those really kill! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co79nkOrqRo
  6. Hey man, have you seen this? Has some pretty ridiculous bodyweight stuff you (and I) could try. This is what I'm aiming for... The posing is dumb, by the way.
  7. Thursday, February 6, 2014: Leg Day 1. Front Squats - 3 x 12 @ 70lbs 2. Squat Jumps - 3 x 15 3. Angled Lunge - 3 x 12* @ 70lbs 4. Lunge Jumps - 3 x 15 5. Bulgarian Split Squat - 3 x 12 @ 50lbs 6. Single Leg Deadlift - 3 x 12 @ 35lbs Great news! We closed on our house today! How did I celebrate? By coming directly home, and training legs haha! Felt like I had been lazy this week, so I got a quick bit of training in - nothing too dramatic, and only spent about 25 minutes doing this. Tried to make it quick, but intense. Anyway, I'm so relieved that the house thing is finished. Now we just have to move, in the dead of winter, and when it is guaranteed to snow on Saturday (moving is Monday). More snow training tomorrow, in anticipation for the move. Then I'll hit the gym Saturday morning. Dinner was beans, on a grain, with a vegetable. Feeling good! Here's a pic of my hamstrings, in addition to those above... I don't think they are much, but he (she?) asked.
  8. Well since you asked like I'm a stripper... I've only had those gnarly veins for a couple months now. Not sure how I feel about them...
  9. Damn dude, five sets of twenty lunge jumps??? Even I'm not that crazy! If you had DOMS today, just wait for tomorrow haha! Seriously though man, that's not pussin out at all.
  10. Tuesday, February 4, 2014: Trainer Day Got carried away last night, and forgot to update the log. Trained with my guy last night and did the following mix of upper/lower body stuff: incline bench (2x10 @ 115), pushups, front raise, curls, tricep extension, dips, squat jumps, lunge jumps, jump rope, sled push, rows, good mornings, weighted lunges, pullovers, fly's, KB swings, burpess, renegade rows, kb squat/curl/press . . . that's pretty much all I can remember. Sorry these are so disjointed, but that just goes with his style of training I guess. In other news, we get to close on our house tomorrow! Very relieved this process is over. Look for more positive posting from me in the future. Now if I could just put an end to this winter... No formal training today, but there is a shit-ton of snow to be shoveled.
  11. Next time you hit the wall sits, add a front raise in there, with arms fully extended. Try it for reps, or if you're feeling beastly, go for time.
  12. Honestly bro, this looks a bit like some of the stuff I've been doing for a while. Maybe I should switch up and do some powerlifting stuff! haha. Really though, I think you'll find this training style to be very challenging. Maybe look into getting yourself some suspension trainers too. I found them to be pretty versatile.
  13. Sunday, February 2, 2014: Superbowl Session 1. 3 Way Pushups - 2 x 30 (10 each; offset "grip" R/L, then center pushups) 2. Delt Raise - 2 x 12 @ 50lbs 3. Hammer Curl - 2 x 12 @ 50lbs 4. Military Press - 2 x 12 @ 70lbs 5. Seated Bent Over Row - 2 x 12 @ 70lbs 6. Incline DB Fly - 2 x 12 @ 70lbs 7. 3 Way Pullup - 2 x 15 (neutral, wide, supinated grips; 5 each) 8. Decline Diamond Pushups - 2 x 20 9. Close Grip Curls - 2 x 12 @ 50lbs Was planning on doing three sets of each, but felt like dogshit after the second. Slept horribly again, with a 2 hour interruption from 3am - 5am. More stress dreams. Felt horrible after this session too, just absolutely irritable to the point of sheer anger. Also, our puppy has been having pre-ictal episodes kind of all morning, which isn't surprising given the weather; she's epileptic, and pre-ictal is the phase before the actual convulsion. Managed to get no packing done today, but did manage to find myself in the middle of a Walking Dead marathon. Haven't watched the show before, but it is interesting; and exceedingly violent. Knew I shouldn't have trained today, but didn't want to be lazy. Made something new for lunch: vegetable soup, and mashed potatoes. Sounds pretty simple, except for that I used our immersion blender to really break down the soup, almost into a bisque. Then I ladled it onto the potatoes, sort of like gravy. Man, it was delicious. Not much to look at, but here's a pic:
  14. Made a pretty decent pesto prima vera tonight. Very rarely have pasta, and bread, and here's a beer from this amazing brewery in Wisconsin, New Glarus Brewing; can you tell I'm a fan? This is their Moon Man IPA. The piney hops really went well with the pesto. Did I mention how awesomely delicious the bread was? And the beer?
  15. Still some solid work man. I took the day off to be a lazy bum, and watch some of these Olympics. Edit!: By Olympics, I mean old XGames reruns of snowboarding competition.
  16. Whoa dude looking fuckin huge! Also, terrifying! haha. Are you going to dye your beard red like Scott Ian?
  17. Saturday, February 1, 2014: Day of Rest Woke up with some pretty gnarly chest congestion; honestly, I've been fighting this all week. Felt just fuckin run over after this week. Still no resolution on the housing end, which has tried every ounce of my patience. Possibly for the rest of my life. Tried to go to dinner with my wife last night, and ended up with a flat tire on the way there (one of my new tires, actually, the same one as last time, taking the same route, and it was snowing). So, I had to pull over and change the fucker. Thankfully I had some of those plugs in my trunk, so I was able to mend it pretty easily, and get it back on. Getting the tire off was another story, as the shop had just put a new one on a week ago. They used the pneumatic gun to set the bolts in, so it was a bitch getting them to turn over. Does that count as a deadlift? Anyhow, felt really cranky this morning. Also, I woke up with nightmares re: the house, around 3am, and couldn't fall back asleep until around 5am. Slept til 9am, which is far later than usual. So, pretty sure this is all a good fucking sign to take the day off - even though I hate taking the day off on Saturday. I did manage to clear some of the new snow that fell overnight, so I guess I got a little bit of back/core work in. I'll hit the gym tomorrow morning, unless I give in and have a couple beers tonight. Maybe I'll do both. Making some badass pasta primavera tonight with pesto. I even bought a baguette of bread, which I never ever eat. I mean, I bet I haven't had bread in nearly a year. I'll post up some pics.
  18. Pretty much. Still sore today from Thursday. Hence, no training today.
  19. Thursday, January 30, 2014: MONSTER LEG DAY (this isn't exact, but just what I can remember) 1. Sled Leg Press - 3 x 12 @ 305 2. Front Squats - 2 x 12 @ 70lbs 3. Triple Lunges - 2 x 30 seconds @ 70lbs 4. Bulgarian Split Squats x 10* @ 70lbs 5. Long Jump to Pushup to Burpee x 24 6. Sled Push 2 x 100' @ 90lbs 7. Single Leg Stepup x 10* @ 70lbs 8. Kettlebell Swings 2 x 30 seconds @ 35lbs 9. Romanian Deadlift x 30 seconds @ 70lbs 10. Pushup to KB Renegade Row x 60 seconds @ 25lbs* 11. Walking Lunges x 60 seconds @ 70lbs 12. Body Weight Squats x 60 seconds 13. Jumping Jacks x 60 seconds 14. Squat Jumps x 60 seconds 15. Plank x 60 seconds 16. KB Squat/Burpee/Pushup/Curl/Press x 60 seconds @ 50lbs And then we did some stretching with those giant rubber band things. Holy fuck I could barely walk up the steps to our condo when I got home. Plus, I was freaking starving immediately after this session, and the dude wanted to check the schedule for next week. I was thinking "hey, bro, I'm about to pass out from low blood sugar - can we do this another time?" I know I'll be crazy sore tomorrow, and probably into Saturday as well. Despite not being able to remember everything we did all that well, I'd say that this session was pretty killer. I'll have to give him some compliments next time I train. Came home and ate an apple, immediately left to get my wife some medicine, then returned home to a giant bowl of beans and bulgur. Fuckin love my beans boy WHEW!
  20. Nice training over the past few days man. Sorry I've been MIA. For some reason, I'm not getting the email notifications - WTF!?!?!? haha. 95Kg bench??? Damn son, you're to be swol as fuck after that. Is that you over there on the right? You've stolen my quads!! hahaha!
  21. Tuesday, January 28, 2014: Trainer Day Focused on upper body work today, and, from what I recall, did the following: 0. Jumping Jacks - 60 seconds 0. Pushups - 60 seconds 1. BB Bench - 2 x 12 @ 155lbs 2. Pushups - 2 x 12 3. Shoulder Raise - 2 x 12 @ 45lbs 4. Hammer Curls - 2 x 12 @ 60lbs 5. Incline DB Bench - 2 x 10 @ 80lbs 6. Diamond Pushup - 2 x 12 7. Military Press - 2 x 12 @ 50lbs (weak!) 8. Shoulder Pushups - 2 x 12 9. Concentration Curls - 2 x 8 @ 30lbs* 10. Dips - 2 x 30 seconds 11. Lat Pulldown - 2 x 10 @ 135lbs 12. Single Arm Tricep Extension (on rope attach.) - 2 x 10* @ 30lbs 13. Rope Attachment Curls - 2 x 10 @ 50lbs 14. Rope Attachment Tricep Extension - 2 x 10 @ 50lbs 15. Single Arm Row - 1 x 12* @ 35lbs And then we did some stretching.... Looking back, that seems like an awful lot of stuff for just one 45 minute session. I wrote the dude an email and said that I would appreciate incorporating some more weight based training into our HIIT routines. Plus, I mentioned that I thought it would be cool to focus more on individual muscle groups per session (i.e. upper body on Tuesday, lower body on Thursday), and that I could handle those which we don't hit on my own - along with a full body lift on Saturdays. He listened, but maybe took it too far one way. I left tonight with arms like spaghetti, but not a whole lot of sweating. So, work in progress, I suppose. Anyway, I came home and finished off the chili I made on Saturday night. Man, I love chili. And this batch, I made predominantly with tomatillos, and about a half cup of a nice and piny IPA. Betcha I can't lift my arms tomorrow!
  22. I'm so jealous of your squats dude!! Get some videos? That way you can see if you're going parallel or not Thanks fellas. MF I was reading up on the alkaline diet today, and thought you might be interested in something like that. Beans are in there for sure, but I think it advocates more dark leafy greens. And yes, my abs were sore as hell today! Ross - I'll try to get a vid this weekend, but no promises in case I'm not all the way parallel - IM SHY! hahaha! I think my leg strength might be my one physical genetic quality. My dad runs marathons (at 62 years old), and I played soccer for most of my life. So yea, predisposed for big quads.
  23. Monday, January 27, 2014: Core Day 1. SitUp Vup x 20 2. Side Plank w/ Oblique Crunch x 15* 3. Burpee x 20 4. Stability Ball Knee Driver x 20 5. Side Bend x 20* @ 35lbs 6. Russian Twist x 15* @ 25lbs 7. Bicycle Abs x 50* 8. Hanging Knee Raise x 20 (Rest 2 Minutes) 9. Triple Situp x 10 10. Side Plank w/ Oblique Crunch x 15* 11. Stability Ball Passback x 12 12. Stabilit Ball Knee Driver x 20 13. Side Bend x 20* @ 35lbs 14. Russian Twist x 15* @ 25lbs 15. Hanging Knee Raise x 20 16. Bicycle Abs x 50 Home early with a bit of post-nasal drip; giving me a sore throat, and a bit of nausea. Cold as fuck here, with a high temp of -2*F, low of -17*F, and wind chills pushing things down to -35*F. YIKES! Good news is that it wasn't a busy commute today, which is always appreciated. Got this quick set in before helping the Mrs. continue packing our stuff. Feeling a little sleepy, but otherwise everything else is solid. Should have a firm answer re: the house by Thursday, if not before. Everything seems to be coming together, but not without a whole heap of bitching and leg work!
  24. Looks like a pretty good setup man. This is pretty much what I've been eating regularly for the past couple months. I feel amazing all the time, and, I've noticed that pretty much any time I add in processed foods (seitan, tofu, junk, chocolate, and, sadly, beer) I feel absolutely terrible for at least a day or two therafter. It just really shows you how sensitive you can become after eating so pure for a while.
  25. Thanks buddy! Seems I can't get enough beans, and bulgur! Sometimes I wonder if I go low enough on these squats. I'd say I'm right at parallel to the floor. It was cool to see some bend to the bar though!
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