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Everything posted by esqinchi

  1. Saturday, January 25, 2014 Saturday Pump Day + Snow Shoveling 1. BB Bench - 3 x 12 @ 155lbs 2. DB Single Arm Row - 3 x 12 @ 65lbs 3. DB Pullover - 3 x 12 @ 65lbs 4. Squat - 3 x 12 @ 300lbs (calculator online said my 1RM was 427lbs - that's crazy!) 5. Box Jumps - 3 x 12 @ 24" 6. Wide Leg Deadlift - 3 x 12 @ 90lbs 7. Low Close Grip Lat Pulldown - 3 x 12 @ 105lbs 8. Decline Plyo Pushup - 3 x 12 9. Hi-Lo Woodchopper - 3 x 12 @ 42.5lbs 10. Bosu Single Leg Crunch - 3 x 15* 11. Battle Rope Waves - 3 x 30seconds 12. MB Slams - 3 x 12 @ 15lbs Felt fucking awesome to get in and lift some actual weights, instead of just doing the same bodyweight training shit I've been putting up with all week. Stoked to reach 300# on the squat, and wholly afraid of even trying a 1RM on that - pretty sure I would fold up like an accordion! Came home and had a delicious curry, spike with some BBQ sauce - a little Kolkata by way of Kansas City. I love food fusion. Lately my favorites have been Indian and Mexican, or Indian, and Southwest American/TexMex. The sun is out today, and although it is going to snow again tonight, or tomorrow, I should get out there and clear some of this endless bullshit before the movers come and haul all of our furniture straight through it in a couple weeks (and I get to eat more!). BTW, I'm willing this house thing to happen. Here's what I made - not too far from my standard "A bean, on a grain, with a vegetable." Actually, that's exactly what this is... (there's a little mango chutney on there too)
  2. Thanks brother. Things will be ok in the end, I'm sure. At least I'll be alive! Only a few more days until our fate is sealed anyhow. I did have some beers: Monk's Flemish Sour, Cuvee De Jacobins (another Flemish sour). Good stuff, but a little middle of the road. Hope you're having a good weekend buddy.
  3. 1/25/14 Giant Set Of: Squat - 3 x 12 @ 300lbs Box Jump - 3 x 12 @ 24" Wide Leg Deadlift - 3 x 12 @ 90lbs
  4. Thursday, January 23, 2014: Late Session - Core Day 1. Stability Ball Pike x 12 2. Stability Ball Passback x 12 3. Side Plank w/ Rotation x 12* 4. Oblique Raise (side bends, whatever) x 20* @ 35lbs 5. Hanging Knee Raise x 20 6. Stability Ball Knee Driver x 20 7. Weighted Crunch x 15 @ 35lbs 8. Jacknife x 15 @ 35lbs 9. Side Plank w/ Rotation x 12* 10. Hanging Knee Raise x 20 11. Bicycle Abs x 40 12. Uh... Hanging Knee Raise x 20 So I was planning on doing some more functional training (read: shoveling snow), but the snow was all frozen, and I wound up not being able to shovel much. Also, I ended up doing some more shit for this house thing - GODDAMNIT let this be over! - So I was feeling unaccomplished today, and thought "hey, it's only 7:00pm, I could get a quick set in." So here's what I did. I'd be lying if I said I broke a sweat doing any of this crap, and even then, I was interrupted somewhere near the end to handle some more shit for this goddamn house. Plus, I had already done that 12th item, the extra hanging knee raises, maybe 10 minutes before I decided to formally train tonight. Ugh. I really really cannot wait for some normalcy in my life. So, everyone from my job (including my boss) is going out for drinks after work tomorrow. I really don't want to have a beer on Fridays, given my Saturday training goals, but I've been so stressed lately that maybe one won't kill my pump day game. Who am I kidding? I can't have just ONE beer. haha!
  5. Thanks mate! I was a bit worried whether I could put the whole thing down, but, never fear, I'm always hungry! This week has been alright so far, and almost over to boot. It's been a roller-coaster of a life lately with our attempting to purchase our first house. Seems like it should be easy enough but, no, not at all. I'm sure you can relate! I did the Insanity program a couple years ago, which was fun. However, I was too out of shape at the time to really see much benefit. I think it took me about a month to even make it through the warmup without wanting to die. I wonder how I would fare today? Maybe I'll give it another run. Hope you, the family, and the business are well!
  6. Right you are bud, and this is why I didn't go to med school ahaha! 440lb deadlift eh? Pretty sure my spine would snap like a twig, or my arms would tear right off! Something like this... http://youtu.be/-eXFYuskXE8 Nice training today tho.
  7. You train today man? Where's the 400lb deadlift???
  8. Wednesday, January 22, 2014: Trainer Day, Redux Trainer work today... Another bout of similar exercises from yesterday, even some re-peats. I'm not saying this guy doesn't work me out well, its just that I really miss the variety the other trainer brought to the table. This guy just doesn't have the experience, and I would bet that I know more exercises than he does (shout out to well informed trainers!). AAAAAnyhow. Tonight we focused mainly on upper body, with some additional core work. I'd say we did the following: - Diamond pushups, close pushups, pushups on box (hands, not feet), TRX "I"s, TRX Iron Cross, SB Knee Thrusters, Side Planks, Squat Curl Press, DB Fly's, DB Pullovers, MB Woodchoppers, Bicep Curls (again), tricep kickbacks (again), KB overhead press, KB single arm row, burpee curl press, pullups, chinups, wide grip chinups (seem dangerous given the twist on the forearm), wide grip pullups, pushups on medicine ball w/ static hold... I'm sure I'm missing at least one or two.. You get the picture... A bunch of random stuff, most done for time, no repetition of sets, and basically all over the place. I've never done P90x, but does anyone recognize this workout? I have this feeling that he pulls a lot of stuff from that. Anyway, looking forward to doing a more focused set tomorrow - likely all core. Hey, here's a fucking huge salad I ate when I came home! (sorry it's blurry, and the banana is there for scale, not consumption)
  9. Thanks mate, I'll do just that - on Saturday, when I break 300#!
  10. Tuesday, January 21, 2014: Trainer Day Worked with the trainer tonight, as the aforementioned might suggest(!). Anyhow, another round of disjointed exercises, working pretty much the entire body. Most of them are for time, which I find challenging as far as pacing goes; I tend to blow my load right up front not knowing how many/how long remains for the exercise. If I were to describe what we did, it would be as follows: curls, squats, squat jumps, a ton of fucking squat jumps, lunge jumps, static lunges while doing curls, tricep press, tricep kickback, dips, pullups w/ static holds, and the list goes on and on. Then, he did some stretching at the end, which I thought was kind of a waste. I never stretch, ever, and I feel fucking fine. Thanks for the condolences, mate, but when I came home I weighed in again and was already down to 160. I'll get that shit back by the end of this week! Scheduled another training session for tomorrow!
  11. Tuesday, January 21, 2014: Feeling like utter dung today, given all of the junk food I consumed over the weekend. Woke up this morning and weighed in at 162, a whole six pounds above my Friday weigh-in of 156. GROSS! I'm sure it is mostly water weight, but I really feel like shit having consumed so much seitan, and tortilla chips! Seriously.... I'm going to swear off all processed foods for the time being. I'm also going to flip my lifestyle, and only have cheat meals once per month, as opposed to twice per month, or even once per week. It's too much on my stomach, and stalls my progress - I'll be spending the rest of this week, and possibly some of next, to get back down to 156. Training tonight!
  12. Those are some pretty big numbers up there for the shoulder work, making me feel like a little girl! Glad you had a solid weekend mate, and that you're getting your gear back in action. I wish I had some (or all) of the equipment you've got - especially the barbell!
  13. Saturday, January 18, 2014: Saturday Pump 1. DB Bench - 3 x 10 @ 140lbs 2. Single Arm Row - 3 x 12 @ 65lbs 3. DB Pullover - 3 x 12 @ 65lbs 4. Squats - 3 x 12 @ 295lbs 5. Squat Jumps - 3 x 12 6. Deadlift - 3 x 12 @ 175 7. 3 Way Assisted Pullups - 3 x 12 @ 15lbs assist 8. Decline Bench - 3 x 15 @ 135lbs 9. Farmer Carry - 3 x 200' @ 90lbs Felt great to get back into the gym today after kind of a wonky week. I could tell I needed a couple days of rest there. Passed up on doing 12 exercises, as I knew I was going to have to push my car around in the parking area to get it on a tow truck (from 3 weeks ago). Came home and had some chickpeas, bulgur, and salsa with extra hot sauce. Slept like shit last night for some reason - couldn't fall asleep, and then once I did, I kept waking up all night. Now that I'm sitting at home, I really don't want to call a tow at all - too tired! haha
  14. Thanks man, it was fun to try! I'll be having some pints this evening, so I'll let you know what I put down. Hope you have a good weekend!
  15. Note: If your YouTube URL has an "s" after "http" - you must remove the "s".
  16. Friday, January 17, 2014: No training today, and I bailed on training yesterday due to issues I had to deal with re: the mortgage. Anyhow.. As I was watching some TV, I was curious if I could ever do a one-armed pushup... Well, I tried, and I could! So awesome, I even took the time to make a little video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSMqB2hbnCk
  17. Dude 80kg bench is pretty fucking mighty! You can't deadlift in the rain? Come on man!
  18. Well mate it appears as I've been pulled to be a judge for this Winterbrew homebrewing competition thing... I didn't drink last weekend either, and I'm a bit on the fence as to whether I want to drink on Saturday (which would also require me to miss my Saturday training, as the competition starts at 9am). Plus, I'm fucking beat from this week. I think I'll pass on the competition... Maybe haha! Otherwise, I plan to drink some sour beers (http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/1146/71994/, http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/590/96366/). The second one I've been sitting on since September, and is very special. Probably the best beer I've ever had, and I only have one 12oz bottle left. Do you like sour beers? Most don't, but I think they are awesome - kind of like a cross between beer and wine. I might also have a nice golden ale, or maybe a solid brown ale, since its a bit chilly outside. Do you have a favorite style?
  19. Woah that training is all over the place haha but that's cool! Awesome on the weight loss dude!! You thought about getting on a programme once you're done with personal trainers? That would give you much more organised workouts let me know if you do, I've got good recommendations and I could give you a hand How's the big cold USA anyway dude? Everything alrighty? Oi. The USA is cold, bleak, and unfriendly; and I live in the middle of the shitstorm. When I'm done with the trainer, I plan to continue with what I was doing before this new dude, namely: Mixed HIIT and weight training, four days per week, focus on legs, core, upper body on three individual days, and full body on the fourth. I enjoyed that more. His style is ok, but like I said, it's disorganized. I'd prefer to have things a bit more compartmentalized. It breaks up the week, and prevents overtraining an individual muscle group. I think he's probably more used to training people who only train when they have sessions - i.e. not a real athlete who trains on his own, sometimes harder than when with a trainer. Thanks for the offer mate. I'd love to trade exercises. I know you're on me to take up 5x5. I don't want to gain a ton of mass, just continue to tone to the point of being thin, and ripped. You know, like a board, covered in muscle haha. I can put together super organized stuff, since I learned so many different exercises from my old trainer; and they are all individually focused on specific muscle groups. I'm just saying that this dude is a little disorganized... Things have been really fucking stressful lately with this house purchase; or, rather, attempted house purchase. Still waiting on things to go through, yet the closing date is in three weeks, from today... I'm glad I got down to 159 - that makes a total of 89lbs lost (tho I've hit 158 in the past - for a full 90 ). Either way, this shit has taken over my life - one constant fire to put out after another. I'm ready for the weekend, where I plan to drink myself silly.
  20. Tuesday, January 14, 2014: Trainer Day Worked with the trainer again last night, which included more of the same from the previous session. A lot of random, mixed bodyweight/weight exercises, such as: kettlebell shoulder presses, bicep curls, tricep extension, dips, squat jumps, pullups with static holds, pushups on medicine ball, pushups on platform, and some sled training (pushing two 45 plates up and down the length of the room). I'll be honest, the sled training was pretty tough! In retrospect I feel like the training is a bit disorganized, but I definitely worked up a good sweat - which was nice because I'm still stressed as hell. I don't mind training in this style, but I wish it were a bit more organized. Taking today off, as I've lost 7 pounds in the last 12 days - so I need to rest. Down to 159lbs this morning.
  21. Yes, it could be genetic. Presumably, you want to look fabulous on the beach for... other people? I don't mean to offend, but that might be a little misguided, and potentially emotionally destructive. That position won't necessarily help or hinder you from reaching your goal, but if it were me, I'd resign myself from the expectation that I will have a six pack in two weeks. I believe they take much MUCH longer. In fact, it took me nearly two years of training five to six times per week, and a strict diet, to even see my lats from the front. Keep in mind, I also lost 90 pounds in the interim, so I had a lot further to go. Nevertheless, I sympathize with your feelings of frustration. I'd be willing to guess that you're already going to look better than the majority of beachgoers anyhow. Nevertheless, if you are dead set on your goal, which I completely understand, I believe the adage is that "abs are made in the kitchen." Some people believe in protein powder . . . I, for one, do not. I found that they made me bloated/gassy/uncomfortable, and I rarely saw benefits, if at all. If I were you, I'd focus more on whole foods, especially fruits with diuretic properties (grapes, watermelon, citrus, etc.). Plus, it is more likely than not detrimental to train abs every day. With constant training, you are not allowing time for the muscles to repair - therefore, you are inhibiting growth. Also, if you find the number on the scale increasing, you are either putting on muscle, or consuming too many calories. I am of the opinion that people who adopt competition style diets/regimen do so with the specific intention that they are short term processes. In other words, those who strive to have six packs, striations, and clearly visible veins, typically do so with the intention of maintaining that physique for a short period of time (i.e. long enough to reach competition day).
  22. Monday, January 13, 2014: Core Day 1. Stability Ball Pike x 20 2. Burpee x 20 3. DB Swings x 20 @ 35lbs 4. Oblique Crunch x 20* 5. Stability Ball Passback x 20 6. Mountain Climber x 60 seconds 7. Hanging Knee Raise x 20 8. Bicycle Abs x 40 9. Side Raise x 20* @ 35lbs 10. Russian Twist x 15* @ 25lbs 11. Stability Ball Pike x 20 12. Burpee x 20 13. DB Swings x 20 @ 35lbs 14. Oblique Crunch x 20* 15. Stability Ball Passback x 20 16. Flutter Kicks x 15* 17. Hanging Knee Raise x 20 18. Bicycle Abs x 40 19. Side Raise x 20* @ 35lbs 20. Russian Twist x 15* @ 25lbs Stressed as fuck, but got this in today. Possibly how I managed 20 consecutive pikes on the stability ball. Don't feel like posting much, except for: GET THIS SHIT OVER WITH ALREADY! Training tomorrow w/ the new guy. In a bad mood. Music Tonight: Soundgarden, Superunknown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh5JTWxuYE8 ps. Why the fuck doesn't the youtube function work anymore?????
  23. Aye, indeed! And if I wasn't feeling it before, I will tomorrow!
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