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Everything posted by esqinchi
Saturday, November 23, 2013: Saturday 12's Pump Day 1. DB Bench - 3 x 12 @ 140lbs 2. Single Arm Row - 3 x 12 @ 55lbs (should go up in weight on these) 3. DB Chest Pullover - 3 x 12 @ 55lbs (guess this is my favorite exercise) 4. Squat - 3 x 12 @ 245lbs 5. 24" Box Jumps - 3 x 12 6. Wide Leg Deadlift - 3 x 12 @ 90lbs 7. 3 Way Assisted Pullup (wide grip, neutral grip, supinated grip) - 3 x 12 @ 30lbs assist 8. Decline Bench - 3 x 10 @ 155lbs/145lbs/145lbs 9. Assisted Dips - 3 x 12 @ 30lbs assist Felt really great putting up those DBs on the bench. Kind of wore myself out for the decline bench, so I could only must sets of 10. Must have been killing the box jumps though because all the dickheads in that place were watching me hop up there My nemesis was there today too, which always bugs me. Had to interact with him for a moment as he left all of his weights up on the decline bench before moving on to something else. Asked him if he was done there, and he took off a plate for me, then said I should "probably be on the machines if I'm not going to lift more." I was thinking the same thing (in opposite land), and wanted to badly to mention the fact that his legs have nearly the same circumference as my arms, and "how do you stand upright?" Anyhow, not going to let that affect the rest of my kickass day! Thinking about making some taco casserole tonight, or perhaps this Diablo Beefless Chili Mac. . . hmmm so many choices!
Trader Joes is a great place, but Holland & Barrett sounds awesome as well; especially the pastries. Again, fat kid inside me. Hope you're having a good weekend bro. Going to make this taco casserole tonight, which should be tasty!
Haha yeah man, someone on here told me to eat more greens, so I took it to heart! I love working with my trainer man, he's really opened the door to so many different exercises. It's basically the best part about spending the dough on a trainer - also since he knows nothing about vegan nutrition I'm pretty sure I could go at least 4 months of training 4-5 times per week and never repeat an exercise, which is awesome! I just have to remember them all, which is next to impossible - hence the log As far as results go, I am seeing better progress now with doing strength + HIIT stuff, than in the past where I mainly focused on strength alone. I've also learned to overcome my distaste for certain HIIT exercises (like box jumps), which I used to avoid altogether. Though I doubt I'll ever be able to come to terms with some of the plyo jumps... They are just so brutally demanding! Do you have Trader Joe's over there? These quick-prep packets of bulgur/quinoa/barley are the shit!
Nice sets man, really jealous of the home training. Wish I had a set of plates to pick up, but haven't found a place to get that stuff cheap enough. Haha your thoughts on forearm curls had me busted as I saw this dude at the gym take up an entire bench, and barbell doing those with 5lb plates on the ends. I was thinking "hey dickhead, just use dumbbells and stand over there in the corner!" Those Farmer Carry's I've been doing lately really test grip strength, and upper trapezius as well. You ever try the offset hang from the pullup bar, using a towel? Seems legit. I practiced taekwondo a little when I was a kid, but not enough to remember much. I've thought about getting into Jeet Kune Do, mostly because of how badass it looks (and Bruce Lee), but it seems like a tremendous undertaking and I don't think I have the time (or cash).
Thursday, November 21, 2013: Upper Body + HIIT Day (Giant Sets) 1. Incline Bench on Machine - 3 x 10 @ 150/145/145lbs 2. Bent Over Row - 3 x 10 @ 135lbs 3. Stablility Ball Pass Back Situps - 3 x 20 4. Power Pushup - 3 x 20 (basically a child's pose, to pushup, done on dumbbells) 5. TRX Rows - 3 x 20 6. Spider Jumps 3 x 60 seconds 7. DB Chest Pullovers on Stability Ball - 2 x 15 @ 55lbs 8. TRX Iron Cross - 2 x 15 9. Farmer's Walk - 2 x 60 seconds @ 90lbs Worked with the trainer tonight, which was fun as always. REALLY looking forward to the weekend. Literally cannot stand to be around work, or anyone else, for the meantime. Just kind of negative tonight... A lot of inconsiderate douchebags at the gym, just totally fucking ignorant. Anyhow, I need to get my shit together for tomorrow. Here's what I ate for dinner:
Tuesday, November 19, 2013: Another Core Day + Lower Body Worked with the trainer today, and did a couple rounds of the following circuit: 1. Dumbbell Swings - 2 x 15 @ 30lbs* 2. Oblique V-Up - 2 x 20* 3. Burpees - 2 x 25 4. Oblique Mountain Climber - 2 x 25* (basically Mountain Climber with knees outside of shoulders) 5. Goblet Squat - 2 x 15 @ 60lbs 6. Straight Leg Deadlift - 2 x 15 @ 70lbs 7. Decline Medicine Ball Situp & Toss + Side Taps - 2 x 20 @ 10lbs 8. Bosu Hyperextension Crunch (alternating legs) - 2 x 15* (these are brutal) 9. Laying Bicycle Crunch - 2 x 40* 10. Table Tops - 2 x 25 Nice circuit tonight. The oblique v-ups were killer, as well as the bosu ball work; I know I'm going to feel these tomorrow. Still having some weird shoulder/tricep numbness (not pain, really), especially noticeable when doing the table tops, and the DB swings. Wish that would just go away. Anyhow, came home and made a HUGE salad. Plus I brought in our palm trees from the cold weather. Can you believe we bought these from Ikea 4 years ago, for $20 each, and they grew from 2 feet to now over 6!!!
Good training man! You ever try your shoulder press as Arnold Press? I like to do them standing up, with my feet staggered. Can't lift as much weight that way, but they hit pretty hard. Also, the fat kid in me says he wants that vegan cake
Monday, November 18, 2013: Bodyweight Core & HIIT Day 0. Jump Rope - 1 minute 1. SitUp Vup x 20 | Triple Situp x 12 2. HighKnees/Buttkicks - 2 x 60 seconds 3. Stability Ball Pike - 2 x 15 4. Standing Mountain Climbers/ Core Jacks - 2 x 60 seconds 5. Side Plank w/ Crunch - 2 x 15* 6. Butt Up x 20 | Hi/Lo Static Hold Plank x 60 seconds (10 seconds each position) 7. Reverse Crunch w/ Pulse Up - 2 x 15 8. Weighted Stability Ball Crunch - 2 x 25 @ 25lbs Quick set while my wife made dinner - sorry for not posting a pic. We had veggie soup with: broccoli, kale, corn, yams, garlic, onion, red beans, black beans, carrots, and.... sriracha! haha. Really ripped through this set today. Probably should have done a third round, but dinner was ready, and I was hungry/wanted to get on with the evening. Will probably do some upper body/hiit tomorrow. Gonna head out and watch this episode of The Sopranos (that piece of shit Phil Leotardo is gonna get his head split!).
Oh man, come the 4th of July our neighborhood gets lit up with fireworks for all hours of the night; and they last pretty much the rest of the summer, and even some random ones in the fall. I'd love to get some more dumbbells, but they are so damn expensive! Maybe one of those bowflex multi-DB's are in order?
turning mrbear into a mountain!
esqinchi replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
That's a pretty metal beard dude, nice! Not exactly metal, but all I've been listening to while training lately is Faith No More, and Alice in Chains. Great show I saw years ago was A Perfect Circle opening up for NIN. Both were incredible! -
I used to train after work after my old job, usually at 6:45pm, and absolutely hated the schedule. It was always crowded at the gym, and just too damn late in the day. Do you like using creatine? I tend to hold water easily, so I've been hesitant to start. Was this your experience?
Also, you know you are pure when three beers brings on a hangover!
Thanks mate. After training, some clean food, and considerable hydration, I'm right S rain. Bodyweight training is no joke! I only did this today because I didn't feel like putting up with the dickheads at my gym. Did you train today? I'll check your log. These suspension trainers I bought have totally paid off.
Saturday, November 16, 2013: Bodyweight Day 0. Jump Rope - 1 minute 1. 3 Way Pullups (wide grip, supinated grip, close grip) - 3 x 5 each (3x15 total each round) 2. 3 Way Pushup (Divebomber, Offset, Diamond) - 3 x 10/5*/10 (3x10 total each round) 3. TRX Overhand Row - 3 x 15 4. TRX Twist - 3 x 10* (3x20 total) 5. Single Leg Press - 3 x 15* 6. TRX Hamstring Curl - 3 x 20 7. TRX Bicep Curl - 3 x 15 8. TRX Tricep Extension - 3 x 15 Hungover, so this was hard as fuck today. Also, finished up and feeling absolutely famished. I always find that I am really hungry the day after consuming something high fat (I gorged on peanuts and vegan chocolate chips after my last post - probably 1000 calories worth Just couldn't help myself. Have a bunch of annoying shit to do today, and it's already noon so I'm gonna go and get on with the day. Lunch was leftovers from last night. Have a good weekend!
Haha, thanks man, I would love that. It's long been a dream of mine (like a retirement dream) to own a little breakfast shop that also serves beer (or is a brewery). A few years ago I went to this breakfast place in my hometown (before I was vegan), and had breakfast a few days in a row. I noticed how zen the line cook appeared as he made everything; and I was jealous. The sour beer fest was awesome, and featured one of the barrel aged specialists from New Belgium Brewing Co.; this lady named Lauren Salazar. She was really knowledgeable about beer, and exceedingly passionate about her career. That is so refreshing to me for some reason. It's great to see someone totally lost in what they are doing, and not be jaded by shortcomings. Maybe I can be more like that if I surround myself with people who hold the same beliefs? Something to work toward. Anyhow, came home and ate some peanuts, almonds, and a handfull of vegan chocolate chips. At the event I probably had a total of 4 beers, so roughly 800-1000 calories, plus some appetizers (crackers, mustard, grilled veggies, pickles), so in all, I'd say about an extra 1500 calories today. That makes about 2600 cals for the day, and no exercise (although I did manage about 20 pullups). That's enough for tonight... Inglorious Basterds is on the TV, and I wanna watch. One last thing... I noticed how they had a very veggie-centric offering tonight; despite also having "cold cuts" of meat available (gross, just gross). I couldn't help but think about how much more awesome it would have been if everyone there were also vegan. Goodnight!
Friday, November 15, 2013: Day of Rest + Sour Beer Fest Jumped on here for a minute just to post the meal I made before going to the sour beer fest. I've read that it is best to eat something solidly nutritious before indulging in beer/booze, as you tend to loosen up and eat whatever garbage is put in front of you otherwise. So, with that in mind, I whipped up a nice curry, with garbanzos, zucchini, carrots, and this polenta we had in the cupboard. I placed it on a bed of bulgur, dusted it with smoked paprika, and added a little bit of sriracha for some heat. What do you think? Not surprising, it was pretty damn spicy, which I hope didn't destroy my palate before tasting all of these awesome sour beers (but probably did, dammit!). I just can't help myself around the sriracha!
Dylan Kasprzyk's Brooklyn Training Journal
esqinchi replied to C.O.'s topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
Bummer about the playoffs, but the fig pizza sounds amazing. Care to share the recipe? -
Dreya Rolls are something, apparently, that come from P90X, and are named after the girl who "invented" the move. Here's a video of a guy doing them, and is one of the better examples I could find on YouTube: . My trainer told me about these, but only after I showed him this video, which is something I want to work toward. How sick are these moves?!?!? My trainer noticed the modification on the Dreya Roll in this vid, specifically at minute 8:12. This guy is a beast! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI3sOADFWq8 The sour beer fest will be awesome, as it is an event hosted by New Belgium Brewing Co. Apparently they will give lessons on brewing in the style, and then provide unblended samples for the participants to make their own blends. It's going to be awesome!! I'll post some pictures.
Thanks, man! Good to be noticed. I've really been trying to keep things interesting, and working with my trainer helps a lot. I check out your log when I need to lift some heavy weights
Thursday, November 14, 2013 Circuit Day 1. Weighted BB Lunge - 2 x 12* @ 80lbs 2. Squat w/ Medicine Ball Rotation - 2 x 15* @ 15lbs 3. Straight Leg KB Deadlift - 2 x 15 @ 100lbs 4. Alternating Medicine Ball Slam - 2 x 20* @ 15lbs 5. KB Jerk Clean & Press - 2 x 15 @ 25lbs 6. Dreya Roll - 2 x 15 @ BW 7. Piledriver Squat 2 x 15 @ 100lbs 8. Alternating Rotating Box Jumps - 2 x 10* 9. Medicine Ball Toss to Plyo Pushup - 2 x 20 @ 10lbs Worked with trainer today. Felt good to get some lower body stuff in, and some exercises I haven't done before. The dreya roll is pretty sick for a core/lower body power exercise. First experience with jerk/clean/press too. Felt nice. Have a lot on the mind lately as my wife and I are considering buying our first house. I'm quickly finding why it is called one of the most stressful situations in life. Sour beer fest tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013: Giant Day + HIIT 1. Static Hold Incline DB Press - 3 x 10* @ 60lbs/ea (keeping DB's held up entire time, press each hand for 10 individually) 2. Bent Over BB Row - 3 x 10 @ 120lbs 3. Farmer's Walk - 3 x 60 seconds @ 90lbs 4. Assisted Pullups 3 Ways - 3 x 12 @ 30lbs assistance (wide grip, supinated grip, close neutral grip) 5. Pushup Plus - 3 x 20 6. Sprint - 3 x 60 seconds 7. Static Lunge + Curl & Press - 3 x 10 @ 50lbs 8. Stability Ball Tricep Pullover to Kickback - 3 x 12 @ 40lbs 9. Ladder Plank Walk w/ Shoulder Taps - 3 x 60 seconds Great workout tonight, and really pumped about my pullups. When I did the wide-grip set I was clanking the weights against the rack, so I might have been able to go with less resistance. Really been working on pullups lately, so that was sweet. Also felt good to get a good sweat/pump in since I ate my face off yesterday - my wife made vegan donuts out of the Betty Goes Vegan cookbook. Donuts are my weakness... Well, anything baked, really. Anyhow, glad to be back after a day... wait, I trained yesterday. Oh well, onward and upward. Dinner was a salad with bulgur, edemame, and pardina lentils; 339 calories, 24.12g protein, 7.14g fat, 33.96g carb. Resting tomorrow, so see you Thursday.
Hey, nice log. Are you treating the pumpkin like squash? How do you typically prepare the pumpkin?
Monday, November 11, 2013: Sweet Sixteen Day 1. Jump Rope x 2 minutes 2. Triple Situp x 12 3. Side Plank w/ Crunch x 20* 4. Mountain Climber x 60 seconds 5. Angled Lunge x 12 @ 70lbs 6. Burpee to Jump x 15 7. Stability Ball Hamstring Curls x 20 - Rest 1 Minute - 8. Sit Up V Up x 20 9. Plank Hop-Overs x 60 Seconds 10. Single Leg Deadlift x 15* @ 35lbs 11. Squat Jacks x 60 Seconds 12. Front Squats x 15 @ 70lbs 13. Stability Ball Crunch x 25 @ 25lbs 14. Buttkicks + High Knees x 30seconds/30seconds 15. Straight Leg Deadlift x 20 @ 70lbs 16. Jump Rope x 60 seconds Ugh, honestly, felt like I was going to puke after this one. Took a long while to cool down, even including standing in front of an open door, shirtless (it's about 50*F outside). Overate like crazy yesterday - got my hands on some dairy free chocolate chips, and almonds. Best. Ever. Still, nothing worse than nausea post-workout. Can't even really focus to type this out, so I'm gonna go. Have a good day everyone.
Saturday, November 9, 2013: Giant Day 1. Bench Press - 3 x 12 @ 145lbs 2. Chest Pullover - 3 x 12 @ 55lbs 3. Elevated Plyo Pushups - 3 x 12 @ BW 4. Squat - 3 x 12 @ 245lbs 5. 24" Box Jumps - 3 x 12 6. Wide Leg Deadlift - 3 x 12 @ 90lbs 7. Assisted Pullup - 3 x 12 @ 40lbs assistance (going down in weight next week) 8. Decline Bench - 3 x 12 @ 145lbs 9. Bent Over Row - 3 x 12 @ 90lbs Felt pretty good today, may have rushed a little bit. Wanted to maximize my time at home this afternoon relaxing. Came home and ate a handful of cranberries raw, which were so tasty! Trying really hard not to think about drinking beers tonight, but maybe I'll have a couple. Trying harder not to think about dessert, or fries, or chips, or burritos full of delicious seitan, or any of the shit that I want but continuously work off every week. It's not easy, but I'm sure you already knew this. Really wish I had my own gym at home where I could do the workout above. Getting sick of the ridiculous attitude I see at my gym. It has what I suspect to be a "prison yard" feel to it; mainly because most of the dudes there look like they've served some time. Had a good ending to the work week, which was very welcome. Thinking about applying to this job, but not really sure I am ready to leave my current position. Oh well, better get out and enjoy what is left of our fall weather; snow predicted for Monday... Final thought.... Why is it, do you suspect, that I am capable of doing decline bench at the same weight as a regular (flat) bench press, with greater ease than the latter? Stronger upper pecs? Seems like my flat bench weight takes forever to increase in load. Frustrating. See you Monday.
Squat, bench, DL & occasional running
esqinchi replied to Mini Forklift 's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
If there's anything you want or need I would be more than happy to ship out to you And if you are a lawyer I'm sure you can afford it. You guys are not cheap !! Thanks mate, I appreciate the offer. I am a lawyer, but a new one, which means my salary is relatively low (also, salaries for professionals in the states are depressed at the moment due to the economy). I also clerk for a judge, so that means I am extra poor at the moment! Nice laptop by the way! I am in need of some new technology, but let me refer you to my previous sentiment. Finding time to train lately? I'm thinking I need a week of rest/active rest. Thoughts?