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Everything posted by mrbear666

  1. Hey Rob, thats very true about the press ups, its funny how examples like that really highlight the HIT message! Ive had good results with a program like that a good few years back. Mine was pec dec, and weighted pull ups one day, then leg extesion and calf press the next workout 6 days or so later. Grew well with that, felt sick regularly too! The intensity and pain for those few sets was almost trance like. Is there any exercises that you wish you could do, but cant due to the back injuries and so on you have told me about? hope all is well over the water
  2. welcome Arden, i just assumed japan would be a good place for a vegan, obviously not! good luck reaching your goals.
  3. welcome Kona, with a good diet vegan can build muscle just as good as anyone
  4. It certainly looks good especially with a good squeeze at the 'top' of the rep, ill check out the dvd as a couple of his clips on youtube look good! He is still pretty big by all accounts. Im looking forward to it now, havent done push ups for a long time, hopefully i can do more than 10! Right its bean smoothie o'clock, have a good sunday pal.
  5. welcome jeff, looks like the lifting is off to a good start!
  6. there are also just as many studies which show it doesnt.
  7. good job on the deads mate, watch that lower back though you are well into the danger zone with weight now did you see eddie halls world record? thats the most insane lift ive ever seen
  8. Alrite pal, i think all the trouble ive had over the years have stemmed from my neck and now that ive managed to resolve most of them through physio etc...its kind of like that last thing to fix if you know what i mean. Ive got trapped nerves in my neck that seem to have caused back and shoulder problems in the past when i thought they were separate injuries. Its seems to be battling to the bitter end though but ill get there eventually i try not to get down about it and just do what i can around it as theres people much worse off than me It does get annoying as i used to be able to lift alot of weight when i was young. I used to squat 200kg for reps, deadlift 220kg, bench 52kg dumbells for 14 reps, i used to power clean 140kg and then do reps of shoulder press with it and that was all when i was 19-20 years old. None of that is going to happen again maybe its that lot that has made my neck hurt
  9. thanks alot Rob, i always appreciate it when take the time to help out. I have been doing the cable crossovers exactly like he says not to haha, so ill try it his way as it looks pretty good! Nice to see an ifbb pro not saying you have to do a millions sets and exercises too. I will try the press ups too, do you think palms facing each other or standard hand position is best? I imagine somewhere in between would be good but interested to know your take on that? They should be quite hard as im a heavy brut like you Ill experiment a bit with the incline flyes starting light, but i think some pre exhaust with the markus cross overs, some feet up press ups followed by machine dips when im a bit tired so the machine will be heavy again will do the trick thanks again Rob, you should defo write a book one day, ill be your first customer!
  10. Hey stan, welcome to the forum......Im sure i understand the question, but i think its quite difficult to overeat when following a vegan diet. I would suggest planning how much protein carbs fat etc... you need then divide it into to the amount of meals you want to eat every day.
  11. Having trouble with my neck at the moment which also affects my shoulders, so training is on hold while i get it fixed by my osteopath. weight is staying the same due to high calorie intake hoping to train again next week. i think i could get up near 115-120kg bodyweight if i could train properly without having to stop all the time due to nagging injuries.
  12. Hey Rob, interesting stuff with your training, just wanted to ask you if you could help me with my chest training. Im having some trouble with my neck at the moment and the only exercises that dont cause me grief are machine dips and cable crossovers, but i dont really feel that they do alot. Ive tried using the cable crossover to pre exhaust before the dips but im not really feeling it to be honest. Just wondering if you could think of anything i could do? my chest has deflated a bit since stopping benching which has always produced good results muscle wise for me but bad results injury wise. sorry to clog up your journal but i i know you like to talk training
  13. good to see another journal here to read theres not many about here these days.
  14. Hey man, just replied in your journal i didnt realise you had written here......good to see back here. Wales is ok thanks cold and wet as usual spring and some sunshine is on the way though i think! hope all is well with you, looks like your getting pretty damn strong.
  15. Ross!!! hows it going pal? i thought your island had floated away or something, good to see you back!
  16. training is going well, 3 times a week, fairly low volume just a couple of exercises per muscle group, not training arms much which seems to be better for me growth wise! weighing just over 107 kilos so pleased with that.
  17. welcome, why dont you start a training and food journal, they are lacking here these days but a good way for people to connect
  18. Hey Rob, hope you are having a good new year! theres no fake tan or thongs here, just a power belly and more hair than a real bear lol. i keep trying to lower my reps but i always end sneaking up again, i kind of feel out of the injury danger zone when im above 10 so maybe thats it.....and ive been doing more than one set usually 2-3 to failure but thats only because im loving lifting at the moment and ive got a nice routine going that doesnt aggrevate any injuries so its nice to be in the gym for a little longer hows your training these days? still laughing in the face of heavy weights?
  19. Right 2017 is here, time to eat and grow, upped my calories alot lately really seems to be helping strength. plans for 2017 are to get bigger and stronger and spread the meat free word. currently weighing 103/4 kilos want to get 110 kilos. lifts im happy with at the start of this year - whole stack seated cable rows 12 reps whole stack lat pulldowns 16 reps whole stack machine dips 20 reps 5kg side laterals 100 reps (could get more i think but i was bored) 30kg dumbell arnold curls 12 reps big food, big weights, big bear........ thats the plan.
  20. Been training regular and hard, going to start posting properly soon just so busy. hope everyone is well.
  21. Hey buddy glad to see you still about! have a good xmas and new year if we dont speak on here before. mike. Congratulations also!
  22. Hey, Rob long time no speak, hope all is good and have a good xmas if we dont bump into each other here! mike.
  23. still training and eating in between trying to do everything else, will be posting properly again soon, hope everyone is good.
  24. Welcome mate the forum always needs new people! start a journal of your superhuman program for us to follow
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