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Rob's High Intensity Training Log
mrbear666 replied to HIT Rob's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
Whats up Rob long time no speak, all that talk of tasty food has got my mouth watering, be sure to post up your new training so i can yet again steal your ideas -
Hey buddy, just checking in as i havent been here for a while, glad to see your still about
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
Afternoon all, been a while since i was here been megabusy and had alot on my plate, still been training hard though. hope everyone who is around is well. cheers Rob got some zma in the end and its does help, more so than the other sleep supplements i tried, thanks -
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
trained upper body yesterday and legs today, struggled a bit through both no new weights but did have to drop any either, had a few nights bad sleep so thats probably what it is. might go and hit legs again tomorrow. -
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
had a busy week training wise, done upper body twice and legs twice and also been clmbing so pretty tired today, few days off now with plenty of food......104kgs bodyweight now 107 is the goal. -
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
upper body today machine dips supersetted with cable crossovers lateral raises one side at a time tricep pressdowns arnold curls managed 30kg dumbells for 12 reps last two had a bit of swing to them so ill call it 10. missed legs last week as i went climbing again so legs and back will be sometime this week. -
hey man, are those 80 pull ups in one go? hats off if they are
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
upper body today, minus back. machine dips lateral raises arnold scoop curls got 25 kg for 12 x 2 sets 30kg next time! tricep pressdowns (managed the whole stack for 10) doesnt look much but i really hammer them and it feels good, feels like a even workout with nothing getting worked much harder than the other. going to do back with legs on the weekend. stuck at 16 1/2 stone and its annoying me, more (again) food beginning tomorrow . -
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
scoop curls, i like it, didnt leroy have the first "offical" 21 inch arms or something? trained legs thursday or friday cant remember which......or what i did but i remember feeling sick afterwards. wish the gym had a good leg press the one they have is shit, no where round here has a proper 45degree ones just horizontal rubbish sticky squeaky uncomfortable grinding pieces of crap. adding more carbs to my diet in the form of rice and high protein pasta, i get much better pumps and strength when im carbed up. and less angry ;p -
Rob's High Intensity Training Log
mrbear666 replied to HIT Rob's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
agree with you on the being ripped thing, i never feel as good when im really lean, aslong as your chest is bigger than your waist all is good -
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
i forgot how bad it can be, maybe my forearms will grow with once a week bouldering sessions. Arnold curls, at least i think thats what there called are really good, just grab a dumbell then bend over and grab something like the dumbell rack...... let the other working arm just hang down almost like your about to do a one arm row..........then just curl the dumbell up, it really focuses it on your bicep but without the restriction of preacher curls etc... -
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
only just recovered from climbing my forearms were destroyed on monday i couldnt even open a bottle lol. arms chest and shoulders today. liking the machine dips im learning slowly how to target my chest properly with them. highlight was 25kg arnold curls for 10 reps each arm, i dont recall ever doing them that heavy so pleased with that! also did 100 reps of side laterals, only with 5kg but had a crazy pump in my delts that ive never had before. -
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
gave legs a good hammering today, felt really sick and couldnt catch my breath for ages after so must have done something right! off to the bouldering walls tomorrow for a change, havent been for a while so going to be rubbish at it and have destroyed raw hands.......no pain no gain! -
Rob's High Intensity Training Log
mrbear666 replied to HIT Rob's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
50kg one handed dumbell bench press? thats impressive, everytime i read your journal theres something that shocks me, i bet thats proper hard to balance. -
sounds good ive been looking for easy to make protein treats
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
I bench pretty slow, never bounce it off my chest, just a bit more than shoulder width grip. I do have the bar towards my upper pecs at the bottom as it hurts my shoulders a bit if i do it towards to lower part of my pecs. Maybe its just one of those exercises that doesnt agree with me once it starts getting heavy. Ill try the feet up press ups like you suggest, nice and slow. ive never got this fast press up thing with clapping etc, asking for tendon issues if you ask me. I think ill try super setting machine dips with the press ups and see how it goes Its lucky your dont charge for your training advice Rob, or i would have a pretty big bill by now Yeh i read an interview with the mountain after that sparring session, he said he went easy on mcgreagor incase he hurt him, i think he was scared i would be anyway. -
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
Its a shame i love benching, i have hurt myself in the past with it though. Im in it for the long haul now so i better give it a miss. Sounds like a plan with the cross overs and dips combo. what do you think of the old school dumbell pull over? The mountain, i reckon he will win it for sure one day, hes one big strong dude thats for sure, must be a sight in real life being 6'9 and pretty much 30 stone. hoping to finish early tomorrow and get in the gym. -
Hey dave, welcome its pretty quiet here these days so its good to get new members
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
Yo Rob, has it? i didnt think benching was that bad, do you think its a good idea to stick to dips? was also thinking cable crossovers, from high to low almost like a most muscular pose. Yeh its a shame about kevin, good effort though, his upper body looked good. Worlds strongest man to look forward to next pal -
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
trained back and chest today, nothing much to report, wasnt very strong today been working really hard so maybe that has had an effect, enjoyed it anyway, havent didnt do legs last week, going to hammer them this week at some point then arms and shoulders on or before the weekend. Been doing alot of deep stretching and really enjoying it so im going to set myself a goal of doing the splits. -
Hey there, it sounds like you might do well on a HIT isolation type routine, i have back and shoulder problems but i weigh 225lbs and can lift some fairly heavy weights, even though i dont do the "bread and butter" bodybuilding exercises. Isolation exercises can build alot of muscle if trained intensely and infrequently and they also dont put as much stress on the back and so on......I would look into HIT (high intensity training) especially the writings of mike mentzer and then use the principals to build your own routine with the exercises you like and dont cause any discomfort and then work on progressing on them all. Food is important too, dont eat processed rubbish, just concentrate on eating plenty of clean food with maybe a protein powder thrown in a couple of times a day.
Hey welcome to the forum, feel free to chat and ask questions in peoples journals and so on, theres some strong people around here and are all friendly too
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
cheers Rob, loving training at the mo apart from a slight pain in my left pec when benching so i have stopped for now and doing dips instead (machine versions) just for maintenance. I do follow it a bit, more out of habit than anything as i dont really like the physiques anymore, i tend to watch disabled/disadvantaged bodybuilding more i find it really inspiring. He looks unbelievable almost better than he did in the 90s. He has that grainy dense old school look even though he is huge. Would be good to see him in the top 6 as he doesnt have the pregnant gut of some the others, if he comes in anything like he used to then he should definitely place higher than some of the other pregnant monsters. < watched this the other day, very motivating Hey Chris, you mention a few things i havent thought about there, i think i will get one at some point, i will have to do it outside though i think incase i go through the floor haha.... -
Hey John looks like we are the only ones about at the moment! How do you find the trap bar ? im thinking of getting one for my home gym but have never used one.
turning mrbear into a mountain!
mrbear666 replied to mrbear666's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
Trained upper body yesterday, usual low volume heavy weights. highlight being whole stack of lat pulldowns for 19 reps the most ive ever done by 5 reps. Also up to 15kg dumbells for side laterals doesnt sound much but ive always been weak on these even though they are one of my favourite exercises. where has everyone gone by the way????