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Everything posted by mrbear666

  1. Hi there, im pretty sure your knees arent supposed to pass your feet during any kind of squats, its probably a flexibility or machine set up issue maybe try smith machine squats instead you can move your feet around alot more because the machine is holding the bar for you. You can put your feet further infront of you and almost lean on the bar. There wont be much difference between the two as your basically doing the same thing you just have more options to get comfortable and avoid injury.
  2. 1000 lb leg press Rob you beast haha thats insane, good job though!
  3. hey Rob, ill have a look into a trap bar maybe i could buy one and use it at home as i have olympic plates etc already...... i still remember the snap of his arm bloody disgusting put me off arm wrestling for life that did haha.... "understand and make peace with the fact that the horse and cart you have been dealt wont take you to the moon". im going to use that every time i have the skinny legs chat with someone, its the best quote ive heard in a long time, nice one im with you on the alpha strength, i like to look good but being functionally strong is the best feeling ever.
  4. havent been able to get online for a while due im guessing the new layout, not keen on it but there we go........trained legs real hard last wednesday and upper body yesterday. going to legs on wednesdays and upper on sundays for a little while and see how i get on. weighing in at 101kg been eating alot more than usual and alot more carbs keeping the waist in check though so thats good. hope everyone is well and training hard
  5. Whats the deal with these trap bars ive heard them mentioned before but never really understood what difference they make. Magnus was a beast i remeber when his opponents arm snapped in an arm wrestle years ago when they used to have it in the WSM. Your right mate maybe i shouldnt worry and just lift, if they dont grow they dont grow who cares because my arms do
  6. looks good mate, i miss mountain biking cant beat it in the summer. Ill have to have a look into this fighter diet.
  7. nice to have another journal here, will definitely follow along
  8. 5'7 isnt exactly short though, maybe im just destined to have 6'4 bean pole legs trained sat and sun... sat - bench press lat pulldown tricep pressdowns arnold bicep curls side laterals all 2 sets to failure with weight that i can do no more than 10 reps. sun - leg press leg extension ham curls calf press 2 sets to failure each for 12 - 15 reps weight is on the up, weighing bang on 100kg would like to get to 105 without increasing my waist, have been 107 in the past but with a fairly bigger waist.
  9. whats up bro! I much prefer the older type physiques with wide shoulders small waists and much slimmer legs than nowadays, mine are just a bit too slim The leg press at my gym is utter shit to be honest, its a horizontal type one an theres more friction from knackered old cables and chains than ive ever felt before, i do use it but it feels really rubbish. other than the leg press i only really have leg extensions, calf press and ham curls, im a bit too scared to do squats even in a smith machine due my back issues. What do you reckon i should do Rob? you always have a good ideas when im in a pickle
  10. welcome bro, there was a few powerlifters here before but they have gone quiet these days. start a journal then the people who are active here can follow along
  11. Hey welcome to the forum, are you going to start a training journal ? they are the most popular ways for people to communicate on here
  12. maybe we should its weird how people are so different, my upper body grows well but my legs never ever grow just get stronger. Started hitting them really hard now though to see if i can stimulate some growth. Whole body workout today same as fridays.
  13. whole body workout today. 2sets of each exercise done in rest pause style. bench press palms up lat pulldown tricep press downs arnold curls side laterals calf press leg extension ham curls
  14. my legs are getting stronger but not growing in size, im going to have to sort something out because although they are half decent looking my upper body is slowly over taking them. Been to busy to train since last friday, going hit the weights again tomorrow or friday. legs first
  15. sorry to hear your rough pal, ive had that before i lost a load of weight too aswel as feeling like crap. At least you get to shovel the food in when your better!
  16. Sorry to hear of your loss pal, really sad...... got a lump in my throat reading that....nice pic though. Ive had and lost all kinds of pets over the years from budgies, ducks, hens, cats, dogs and ferrets (all rescued). I still remember and enjoy all the memories of everyone of them. You obviously gave her a good and loving home which is much much more than most people would have done.
  17. Thanks mrgrimm, ive actually already got one of these it just never makes my arms any bigger just stronger! maybe ill try doing it really heavy and see how it goes. thanks taking the time to reply.
  18. training highlights this week.........140kg bench press for 1 rep. no spotter think i could get 145-150 with someone incase i fail. lat pulldown - 13 reps with whole stack plus a rubbber weight add on so around 100 - 105 kg. feeling strong at the moment an relatively pain free weighing a fairly constant 97kg
  19. Hey, welcome to the forum its fairly quiet here at the moment so more ppl the better
  20. god dammit why didnt i think of doing it with one leg, feel like a dumbass now! if your ever over here and want a tour guide let me know, i know the mountains pretty well round here. they are only about 25 mins away and im not far from the ferry. sounds good pal, cold fresh water must have been nice after lifting heavy all week.
  21. looks good, nice and simple but effective judging by Mark himself it works/worked. I wonder sometimes how these fit athletes gets big and strong while obviously having to do a fair bit of cardio, weight seems to just fall off me if i even think of doing cardio!
  22. Alrite big Rob i had a look around the leg extension machine its covered in steel mesh with only a little slit cut out to get to the pin.....gutted, thanks though. ill just have to work out a pre exhaust program or something as im having this problem with most of the machines now haha. did legs wednesday which i logged here then i hiked up snowdon on friday with sore legs, bad idea! sunday now and they are still really hurting. its 4.5 miles eachway and gets pretty steep with gravel slopes and big never ending rock steps. its the highest mountain in wales with amazing scenery, have a google if anyone is interested. looking forward to upper body on wednesday
  23. gym highlights today.....bench 100kg x 12 improvement so im happy (eight days after my last workout) leg extension 120kg x 18 with a static hold to failure at the end. machine doesnt go any higher so just going to have to keep upping the reps.
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