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Everything posted by mrbear666

  1. havent had time to do legs, hopefully going to do them tomorrow. Been having some good forearm work from a 9 inch grinder in work. my hands were aching this morning after 9 hours of grinding rust yesterday. will be hitting upper body at the end of the week hoping to improve on my bench press or i wont be happy
  2. hi Andi, im pretty sure theres something you can do to raise testosterone your self there are a few supplements you can get such as d-aspartic acid which im pretty sure is vegan. There are others too which would be worth looking into. Diet plays a big role in hormone regulation too i dont know much about this but im pretty sure that eating healthy fats from nuts etc... plays a part in it. Also the big exercises such as squats, deads, millitary press and bench press apparently help to boost test levels also. Im pretty sure if you looked into these things and found a few more it would all make a difference. mike
  3. You dont need any juice with weights you lift! Very motivational, shows you can be big and strong even when circumstances are less than perfect.
  4. chest and back on tuesday, got DOMs from hell today i cant straighten my arms or raise them past shoulder height. only did 1 set of bench to failure 100kg 11 reps......not happy at all with that. then close grip pull ups for 14 reps with 6 negatives straight away, think they are the pain culprits! going to do legs on the wkend.
  5. i used to love going on the bag in my friends gym, makes you feel like a badass! hope you enjoyed the tacos and beer.
  6. i always wanted to try krav maga if i ever had the time to do some martials arts, looks pretty hardcore! interesting training you definitely keep busy
  7. 400kg leg press??? thats getting silly heavy, some other big weights being moved there too! good job Do your friends follow HIT type training too? mike
  8. Hmmmmm maybe ill have to start training my back harder then haha, gym has just had some thick handled curling bars and straight bars maybe ill try those and see if they do anything.
  9. welcome mate, the forum definitely needs more people start a journal its a good way for people to connect on here with each other.
  10. welcome training journals are a good way to get advice on what your doing diet and training wise. Start one then people can follow along and comment and give tips on what your doing etc....
  11. cheers mate yeh they sure do, good if you take a few steps back from the machine too so the cable is really pulling your hands away from your body in the contracted position. did another workout on friday which i think is too much as im acheing like hell today and been really fatigued all weekend, really been enjoying it so maybe ive got a bit carried away. it was high intensity and less demanding more isolation type exercises than i had done earlier in the week. never mind couple of days off now and let the growth commence
  12. cheers pal legs today. calves press 260kg leg extensions with static holds at 100kg leg press to finish with feet high to hit the hamstrings a little. havent done leg properly for a while pretty tired afterwards HIT takes alot out of you when doing legs.
  13. Got rained off from working outside today so made the most of it and went to the gym this morning and did a upper body HIT routine. Havent been in there for a long time. 1 warm up, one working set per bodypart. bench press lat pull downs (quite happy to get the whole stack for 12 reps) tricep pressdowns cable with rope attachment bicep curls (i like the supination of the hands with the rope) cable side laterals (one side at a time) all done to total failure and carried on going until the reps were only a couple of inches of movement, apart from bench press. DOMs inbound tomorrow i think
  14. sounds like a good plan how is it getting protein and other supps for you in brazil? is it as easy as it is here? im looking forward to pumping some heavy iron soon and eating plenty in preparation haha.
  15. good to have you back pal, will follow along
  16. Hey Andi, definitely start a journal again.......good to see you back
  17. been eating well again this week, just building up my energy reserves ready for some heavy weights this weekend, been using bands and doing alot of stretches to keep supple.
  18. any one have any forearm training tips/tricks? i train at home so have limited equipment. thanks
  19. great pic, sounds like you had a good time
  20. yeh thanks mate only just started eating today so got a few pounds to put back on but most of it will be dehydration i think, bring on the big portions i think they must have reheated my rice or something not ever been that sick i dont think. bastards.
  21. glad to hear all is good with you. ah the dreaded weight training plateau, do you think its is training or food problem? never hurts to eat a bit more
  22. looks good pal, does this way of training help with the maxing out the weight stacks problem?
  23. maybenot! how you doing pal? all good in brazil? im back here after a layoff going to try and stick around this time, its nice to chat with all my old friends again!
  24. Had a good HIT chest workout sunday, treated my self to a takeaway afterwards and got food poisoning. feel rough as hell havent eaten since sunday night
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