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Everything posted by mrbear666

  1. pantera! yeeeeaaaahhhhhhhh lol one of my fave bands, like most of the ones you mention, im a huge amon amarth, machine head and megadeth fan! ill check you music out now
  2. hi craig nice to meet you, i joined yesterday so am a newbie 2, is this your first time training after a lay off or anything like that? do you feel ok apart from the soreness? not feeling like your coming down with something? my best recovery always seems to be when i eat a load of fruit before and after my training (whole fruits + juices ) ill eat a few bananas before training, drink pure orange juice (tesco's finest with bits - amazing) during training and usually some more bananas, some grapes and raisins afterwards! , i dont eat a huge variety of food so probably get now where near the protein you do but recover well nonetheless. hope this helps mike
  3. loop a towel over a chin up bar and hang from the two vertical pieces of towel........ forearms destroyer!
  4. thanks mate looking forward to finally meeting people with the same views and interests as me!, it was printed on vegan t shirt on ebay........
  5. ill check em out, im always looking for new music! heavy metal while training........heaven
  6. some more pics, bit of a useless before pic (above^ ) but its the only one i have .
  7. hey joined the site tonight, just sharing some pics as its good to have a face to put to a name. pic with my late staffie cross is from 2011 when i was eating high animal product diet, no idea what the ratio of nutrients was but it wasnt good! the other pic is tonight eating a high carb, low fat, low protein, vegan diet for 10 months. nursing a slight neck injury at the moment so havent been able to do a huge amount of training, but starting again monday hopefully! mike
  8. any heavy metal loving vegans out there?
  9. hey, abs and chest drive me nuts! everywhere else leans out much sooner and easier. abs and chest always seem to stay behind for much longer. also being really tall is a curse and a blessing, i like being tall but its harder to look bigger. but wouldnt change any of it, just gotta keep training!
  10. hi there everyone im mike from wales, uk. im a cycling and bodybuilding fanatic! i have been a vegan since january and its the best change ive ever made to my life! i love studying nutrition and fitness and listening to other peoples experiences and views on them also. i have many rescue animals including ducks chickens and ferrets, there one of the reasons i became vegan. look forward to chatting to like minded people!
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