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Everything posted by mrbear666

  1. haha you can be on the cover with the pink bands aswel if you want ? Ill look up some of those names, would be interesting to read some older info, dont worry about the ramble, feel free here i like learning new stuff.... Was thinking while i was loading trailers with a digger in work today (its boring and dont have to think much lol) about training with like 1.5 rep maxs as a set. say you can bench 1 rep of a 100kg but you try for another and get 1/2 to 3/4 of the way up and fail after a massive effort. Or maybe make it 2 reps so its easier to calculate the next workouts weight. i was thinking it would decrease the volume even more, and still get you to fail or do you think its better to decrease the volume by just doing static holds etc? Thats the only thing with HIT training, is i spend more time trying to find harder and different styles all the time theres not much you can do with conventional programs really is there or you wont have any energy left for your 30th set btw have you been to see any bands in the year or so since we spoke last?
  2. good to hear things are on the up! you have really moved around alot bet russia is really cool place.........i havent been here posting for a while due to working and injuries/no training so i was suprised to see how quiet its gone here now so i definitely think you start posting again! be sure to post a pic of your russian dog if you get one
  3. Some serious weights being moved there buddy! hope your neck heals up quick its a horrible feeling when you hurt something, especially when things are going well in the gym!
  4. Hey there, welcome! forum is pretty quiet these days which is a shame, but theres still a few of us kicking about. plenty of info to found here still
  5. well, did have some DOMs not alot but some, and it was nice! saw my mate earlier who i see all the time, and he asked me if ive had pec implants haha so the HIT must be working. really like the isolation type HIT training going to stick with this for a while and perfect it. Your right with the growth hormone i think Rob, not that im a scientist or anything but your body knows overload it doesnt know 'oh they were only bicep curls im not going to produce much this time'. i think we should get together and write a book on all our training and experiments/ideas we've done over the years pal.
  6. Thanks for asking. I've been pretty consistent for about a 22 month run at this point. I switched things up a lot a few months back and enjoy the results. 22 months!? that puts me to real shame haha. good job hope the results continue for you
  7. i used to think cardio was essential to get lean, but im the leanest ive ever been at the moment with no cardio what so ever and just a huge emphasis on clean diet. heavy weights and good clean diet no too high in calories but just enough to get bigger and stronger and you should find youll naturally get leaner.
  8. havent posted for a while, journal looks consistent john, training going well?
  9. bicep and tricep workout tonight finished in one 5 minute rammstein track my arms feel crazy now really hard to touch when relaxed. i normally do (as i guess most others do too) arms after other bigger bodyparts, so do them from the start tonight was really cool. Feels like you can generate so much force with them when you train them first when they are fresh. some light warm ups then 1 set of bicep curls lying face down on an incline bench, feels alot harder this way especially at the top you have much more gravity effect due to angle of the upper arms, much better contractions. stood up immediately when i failed then did some negatives using a little momentum to get the bar up and lowering it as slowly as possible. then 1 set tricep press downs to failure followed immediately by contracting against a thick rope just a fraction before lockout in the same pressdown position for as long and hard as i could. kind of hard to do somethings at home with minimal equipment so trying to be resourceful. yo Rob, the targeted isolation thing sounds good ive never really thought of it like that, makes sense though. I suppose your stimulating one muscle 100% rather than 4 or 5 muscles at something maybe less than 100%. Im trying to think of a way to do delts, i dont love pressing movements just incase i flare up and injuries so im kind if stuck with laterals of some variation or another . looking forward to see if ive managed to cause any DOMs in such a short time tomorrow.
  10. Hey and welcome. The forum is quite quiet these days but alot of good onfo can be found still
  11. Hey Rob, ive never been able to do dips without discomfort, shame as i know they are a productive exercise. Have heard them described as the upper body squat. have been thinking of doing a 4 day routine of one set a day not including warm up. I find it really hard to do nothing for days on end in between HIT workouts so was thinking of doing something like this...... monday.- bench press, warm ups followed by one working set to failure + rest pause. tuesday.- pull ups, warm up with pink bands ;p followed by one working set to failure + negatives thursday.- leg press.- warm ups followed by one working set to failure + rest pause. friday.- military press or side laterals warm ups the one working set to failure and continuing on into partials till failure. (if doing laterals) the shoulder day isnt essential i just like doing them. my thinking is that, sometimes i literally have nothing left after my one working set, so if i did the next bodypart the day after i would have enough energy to go balls out again, may cause a bit of overlap in recovery but the work outs are mega short, less than 10 mins easy so i think i could recover well with good rest and diet, and really its only 3 or 4 work sets a week just spread out a bit so i have more energy to force into each one. Or maybe do monday tuesday and legs on the wednesday and bin the friday shoulder workout. OR maybe im just thinking too much haha
  12. consistent training pal, looks pretty hard too
  13. happy birthday for yesterday boss, hope you had a good birthday workout
  14. Never really tried cold plunges, i used to go and sit in the sea sometimes as i felt it helped with my injury inflammation. maybe i should start again. Did HIT bench press wokout tonight took about 15mins including warming up with the bands and putting the purse, flip flops and hand bag away etc .... feel shaky and a bit sick now so guessing it worked. could do with a spotter for some forced reps or negatives but ill start using rest pause again instead as ive had good results with benching that way in the past. 6 reps with 120kg was the heavy workset which i failed half way up on the 7th so did a kind of negative as i battled it down to the low bar catchers.
  15. hey pal, hows things over the pond? nice to see a couple of people still keeping the forum alive im going to try and post a bit more regularly. hows training these days?
  16. hahaha i must admit i do feel a bit of a tart using them but if you do it right you can have a good workout, they'll never make you big...... but use them for rehab type training and warming up and their good, especially when you start doubling and tripling them up that sounds interesting, kind of like a giant rest pause thing, i might give that a go i bet it really takes it out of you though especially if you go to proper failure again the second time round. ive been concentrating on bench press and pull up workouts for now as these dont cause me any injury issues. I did a hard and very brief pull up workout the other day going to failure then jumping up and doing negatives to failure, having not done any in a year or so it wasnt the best idea as i couldnt even put a t shirt on the day after the pain was unbelievable it was hurting when i wasnt even moving! i love it though! ill have a read up on max contraction im not 100% familiar with that i dont think. Im going to really get into HIT again now, i think its the way for me. Because i train for less time (even though its heavier) it feels like it doesnt aggravate my injuries the same way as more volume lighter weight does. have you ever read any of stuart mcroberts brawn books? ive been thinking of getting one just for something fresh to read but didnt want to incase it was full of mainstream training crap. pleasure talking to you again Rob informative and interesting as always p.s what the hell is it with flip flops, ive never got it. i wear boots. like a man. all year round.
  17. sounds good pal, im all for the brief training still injuries are getting better ive done basically no weights for a year just resistance bands, but to be honest i really like them. Im just starting to toy with the weights again now very slowly and carefully usually with a really long thorough warm up and just a couple of heavy sets to finish. Just a modified HIT routine to fit in with my injuries but its going well. I only weigh 95ish kgs now but alot leaner than i used to be. Is you twice a day training for different body parts? i think im going to design a cluster type routine again like we discussed in the past, i enjoyed that way of training. Has the weather been boiling hot with you like it has here? watched this the other day thought you might enjoy it if your bored sometime
  18. Hey big Rob, how you doing pal? im ok thanks, just realised how long since ive been here so thought i would come and see whos about. Hows your training these days? made any new discoveries? looking strong from the quick look i had in your journal!
  19. long time no post, just wondering if theres any old friends still kicking about?
  20. @Ross i think its just an little injury thats turned into a big one after years of abuse, i used to work around it but the nerve damage is quite bad now.......nevermind it will get sorted eventually, the osteo i see is really good and has helped alot already hey maybenot, long time no speak, hows things in brazil pal? still training ?
  21. 4 cycles of that?????? doubt i could do one haha
  22. my back and shoulder are not good lately so havent trained, physio is costing me a fortune too but i dont have a choice really! still got the viking warrior spirit for training tho just biding my time until i can do it again........hope all are well and injury free?
  23. mrbear666


    welcome lots of friendly people with good info here! good luck with your vegan journey.
  24. awesome physique! welcome to the forum
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