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Posts posted by Crystal
1 April 2015 - Wed
Bench: warm ups
8 x 115 lbs
5 x 125 lbs
4 x 130 lbs
2 x 135 lbs
2 x 135 lbs
Skull Crushers: 10 x 45, 8 x 55, 5 x 65 lbs
Climbing for my spare 15 minutes left over before work
29 Mar 2015 - Sun
DL: warm-ups
5 x 5 x 225 lbs
Tire Flips: 12, 15, 17 x 300 lbs tire
Shrugs: 3 x 20 x 45s
Planks: 4 x 35 seconds x 45 lbs
Also, went and learned some Highland Games (HG) stuffs yesterday. Learned Weight Over Bar (WOB) and Sheaf Toss. Both super fun and I hope to get into HG a bit more
26 Mar 2015 - Thurs
Bnch: warm ups
10 x 115 lbs
7 x 120 lbs
4 x 125 lbs
CGBP: 10 x 85 lbs
10 x 95 lbs
7 x 95 lbs
24 Mar 2015 - Tues
Sqt: 10 x 135 lbs
10 x 165 lbs
5 x 190 lbs
3 x 210 lbs
1 x 225 lbs
Rack-holds: 3 x 10s x 315 lbs
Good Mornings: 10 x 95 lbs
10 x 115lbs
10 x 115 lbs
Back to the grind
Thanks EdensDemise, but no, not my first comp. Certainly one of the more laid-back and fun ones I've done in awhile
22 March 2015 - Sunday
Bench: warm ups
10 x 95 lbs
8 x 115 lbs
8 x 125 lbs
3 x 135 lbs
f x 145 lbs
Axle DL: warm ups
10 x 110 lbs
10 x 160 lbs
10 x 180 lbs
Shoulder Press:
DB 3 x 55 lbs one arm at a time
Log 3 x 100 lbs
Took this week off lifting, that comp plus training right after (knew I shouldn't but couldn't help myself!) really knocked me out so I took some time off the gym. Next comp is a Strongman one in April, then I have powerlifting in Austin as a Plantbuilt team member
14 Mar 2015 - Sat
Deadlift Competition. I got 275 lbs to tie my PR
15 Mar 2015 - Sun
Usual Sunday lifting group. Wasn't gonna do much since I DL'd yesterday, but couldn't help myself!
Bench: warm-ups
3 x 10 x 115 lbs
1 x 135 lbs (just to see if I could still)
Farmers Walks:
100' x 90 lbs per hand
100' x 140 lbs per hand
20' x 180 lbs per hand - grip failed me on these!
12 Mar 2015 - Thurs
Bench: warm ups
8 x 115 lbs
6 x 125 lbs
2 x 135 lbs
2 x 135 lbs
1 x 140 lbs
CGBP: 10 x 95 lbs, 10 x 95 lbs, 8 x 95 lbs
Pretty effing happy with my bench numbers today
Thanks EdensDemise!
10 Mar 2015 - Tues
Squat: warm ups
10 x 135 lbs
10 x 165 lbs
8 x 185 lbs
5 x 205 lbs
1 x 225 lbs
1 x 235 lbs
Good Mornings: warm ups
10 x 95 lbs
10 x 105 lbs
10 x 115 lbs
I'm getting lazy at updating this log! Sunday was a fun bench and Strongman day. Did Log presses, yoke walk, tire flips, and one arm shoulder presses
4 Mar 2015 - Wed
Bench: warm ups
10 x 95 lbs
6 x 115 lbs
8 x 115 lbs - hell yeah! Rep PR
8 x 115bs
One-arm Shoulder Press:
10 x 30 lbs - strict press
9 x 40 lbs - push press
6 x 50 lbs - jerk
happy with today
2 Mar 2015 -Mon
Sqt: warm ups
10 x 135 lbs
8 x 165 lbs
6 x 185 lbs
4 x 205 lbs - a little ugly but depth was good
Good Mornings: 10 x 75 lbs, 95 lbs, 115 lbs, 115 lbs
Time to step squats up more this was too easy, i.e. I could walk to my car with no trouble and my legs feel fine
Also, forgot to log a bench session last Thurs, oops!
24 Feb 2015 - Tues
Cleans: warm ups and a few at 95 lbs
DL: 10 x 185
10 x 215
6 x 230
5 x 240
1 x 250
BB Rows: 10 x bar, 65, 85 lbs
DB Shrug: 3 x 10 x 45s
22 Feb 2015 - Sun
Bench: warm ups
10 x 95 lbs
10 x 105 lbs
10 x 105 lbs
10 x 105 lbs
Chins: a couple sad little ones
Short session today as I'm starting to bench twice a week now. Even though it wasn't super heavy I'm pretty happy with the volume.
19 Feb 2015 - Thurs
10 x bar, 95 lbs
10 x 135 lbs
10 x 165 lbs - kinda ugly but busted them out!
5 x 185 lbs - done, legs trashed
Good Mornings:
10 x bar, 65 lbs, 85 lbs, 95 lbs, 105 lbs
Doesn't look like much, but I was DONE at the end, limped out of the gym. Tried to go hiking today (its Friday now) and it was a total fail. Makes me happy and sad
17 Feb 2015 - Tues
Bench: 10 x bar, 75, 95,
8 x 105
5 x 115
3 x 125
1 x 130
F x 130
CGBP: 10 x bar, 75 lbs
8 x 95
8 x 95
Dips: 8, 7, 7 x bw
Rope tri: 10 x 60, 60, 70
11 Feb 2015 - Wed
Bench: 10 x bar, 75 lbs, 95 lbs
8 x 105 lbs
5 x 115 lbs
2 x 125 lbs
2 x 125 lbs
CGBP: 10 x bar, 75 lbs, 85 lbs, 6 x 95 lbs
Dips: 8 x bw
I haven't been posting my hikes, I've been going put 3 times a week. Some are short and only a few miles but I have been pushing some further and loving it. Time is usually my only constraint though, I go out before work.
8 Feb 2015 -Sun
DL: 10 x 135, 185
7 x 225 lbs
4 x 245 lbs
1 x 255 lbs
1 x 265 lbs
Your deload days look suspiciously cardio just kidding, looks fun though!
5 Feb 2015 - Thurs
Bench: warm ups, 10 x 95 lbs, 5 x 105 lbs, 5 x 105 lbs, 3 x 115 lbs, 3 x 115 lbs
CGBP: 10 x bar, 65 lbs, 75 lbs, 75 lbs
Dips: 5, 4, 5 x bw
February is shaping up nicely. I have to remind myself that January always sucks in Utah because the bad air always about kills me (we have BAD pollution in Jan). Feeling slowly better now
3 Feb 2015 - Tues
Cleans: 5 x 95 lbs, 2 x 135 lbs, 2 x 135 lbs
DL: 10 x 185 lbs, 5 x 225 lbs, 5 x 235 lbs, 3 x 245 lbs, 1 x 255 lbs
BB Rows: 12 x bar, 65 lbs, 75 lbs, 75 lbs
Woot, got my sad sorry behind back to the gym. Still in a bit of pain, still a smidge sick but not enough to keep me away
31 Jan 2015 - Sat
Well, I've messed up and didn't update all January . D'oh!! The rundown:
First three weeks of the month: Bronchitis and sinus infection . These hit me hard and long because the all the immune suppressant meds I take for my autoimmune disease . Missed work and the gym quite a bit.
Last week: feeling better after a good round of antibiotics only to be hit with a huge "flare up", I often get these after being sick because I cut back on said immune suppressants when I'm really sick (yes, doctor recommends this). Haven't been able to lift all week, can barely walk . Tried to take the dogs hiking today but only made it about 50 feet before being in too much pain to continue!
Jan. 16, 17: Strongman comp! Went to it despite being in the throws of illness at the time, was probably a bad idea but did it anyway.
Farmers Carry: 155 lbs per hand, distance in one minute. I went 215 feet.
One-arm Shoulder Press: 55 lbs dumbbell reps in one minute and I got 14! That is huge for me and I've really been working on this one lift in particular.
Tire Flips: 350 lbs, flips in one minute. I got 12.
Stone Carry: 160 pound rock carried 40 feet. I did it in 9 seconds (that time includes the pick)
Yoke: 365 lbs over 40 feet, did it in 10.2 seconds.
Deadlift for reps: scratched it, was supposed to be 275 lbs for reps and I couldn't budge it from the ground even once.
Atlas Stone, 145 lbs over 54-inch bar in a minute. I got 4, almost 5 but I didn't get one over the bar and dropped it.
Overall was pretty happy with what I was able to do being unable to breath the whole time, kinda bummed I was the only "lightweight" woman though so got first place by default yet again. I wish they had combined all the women into one class. I'd rather be third place behind the two "heavyweight" women that winning by default!
Those are the best workouts, 5x5 with the big 3!
Thanks EdensDemise! Hope you like it
4 Jan 2015 - Sunday
10 x bar, 65 lbs, 95 lbs
7 x 105 lbs
3 x 4 x 115 lbs
Farmers Walk:
100' x 70 lbs per hand
100' x 110 lbs per hand
2 x 50' x 160 lbs per hand
Yoke Walk:
100' x 280 lbs
40' x 380 lbs
40' x 380 lbs
Boo for injuries! Grrrr . . . And I thought you had a junk sock now? Didn't you get one for Christmas??
Thank you CO for being an awesome mod!
2 Jan 2015 - Fri
Sqt: 10 x bar, 95, 135, 145, 155 lbs
Frontiers: a few sad pathetic ones
Good Mornings: 10 x 65, 85, 95
Then some climbing. I've been bad this week and not going to the gym because I discovered hike sledding. You hike up a snowy trail and sled down. It's epically fun and I have been going every day this week instead of working out
Crystal's Powerlifting and Strongman (and other fun stuffs)
in Online Training Journals & Blogs
I'm so bad at updating!
11 Apr 2015 - Sat - Highland Games in the Park
Weight Over Bar: 13 feet (with 28 lbs)
Sheaf Toss: 14 feet (10 lbs bag)
Heavy Hammer Toss: 39 feet 9.75 inches (16 lbs)
Light Hammer Toss: 50 feet 7.75 inches (12 lbs)
Caber: flipped "qualifier" caber and then the light one.
Braemer Stone Put: 25 feet 9.5 inches (13 lbs)
Open Stone Put: 29 feet 7.75 inches (8 lbs)
Heavy Weight for Distance: 12 feet 8 inches (28 lbs)
Light Weight for Distance: 34 feet 6 inches (14 lbs)
First Highland Games event EVER for me, went in the novice womens class. There were 6 of us and I got 2nd place. It was super fun, gonna have to do more of these!