Hi All! I'm new to the VBB forum, but others might know me from the VF one. Lets see, I live in El Paso, Texas. Its great here, except for the fact that it is one of the most vegan-UNfriendly places I've ever lived . But other than that, the weather is great, the landscape is breathtaking, the people are nice, and I have a good gym to train in. What else could one need ? I'm a powerlifter, have competed a couple of times at small local events, but I would like to get strong enough to compete on a larger scale. I'm also a martial artist, studying Hapkido, although I have no school at the moment. I'm starting college again this fall for Geology, hoping to finish up as soon as I can. Go UTEP! Hum, thats all I can think of for now. This is a great site/forum and I'm glad to now be a part of it .