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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. That's cu, I've had bad knee problems myself, but as I started squatting heavier and building the surrounding muscles, a lot of it went away. Was really nice . Could be totally different though. My injuries were from Track. I'd like to encourage you to post your other lifts anyway, but only if you want to. Often I've felt stuck in certain lifts, but when I look back, I'm able to see the changes, even if it takes months to do so! Progress can be slow and its hard to look objectionably at it. Its nice to have a record to refer back to. That's just what helps encourage me though, definatly stick to what you are comfortable posting . Take care of those injuries!
  2. Just none that will go to Juarez You are welcome to visit me anytime . Bienvenidos! As for other vegans, I've met one who saw my VF sticker on my car, but he was only vegan for health reasons and was a little creepy (kept asking me over for diner with him and his wife even though I had just met him on the street? Wouldn't a public place be alittle more appropriate? Weird.). Hum, I hadn't thought of it, we'll see . Ah, for that I think we'd need the master of disco, Bronco man himself. I was only a mere observer of all the disco-tasticness. All I know is that its getting harder and harder to stay true to hardcore as disco is taking over!
  3. I'm sure you'd destroy the trainer on your first try! Its supposed to be the easy one .
  4. Thanks again for all the welcomes . Aye, there's the catch! I'd love to go, and will eventually. There is a bus line that runs that way, I'll probably end up taking that. Just need a translator . . . Mexico seems like such a great place, I'm looking forward to learning more about it! And I remember you mentioning on VF where abouts you lived, I think it was the same area I'm at . I live really close to UTEP, within walking distance. How long were you here?
  5. Hum, I think I saw a remnant of them whilst I was over . You'll just have to try harder . What? Easing up? You?!? This is a side of you I've never seen Jonathan . Hope the crazy squatting routine goes well!
  6. Wow VeganGirl2006, I feel you pain. I work for Papa John's pizza, but I must say I probably have it better off since I'm a delivery driver so don't have to work in store for the full 8 hours. And their dough is vegan so I make myself veggie pizzas or bread sticks frequently. Although if I have to make one more pepperoni pizza, I might scream. And yes, I have inadvertently gotten in trouble a few times because the meat or cheese was too light (not a conscious effort, I swear, it just happens!). What really grosses me out is when they make me separate the "hot wings". Every order gets five arms and 5 legs *shivers at though*. Nothin' like separating body parts *shivers again*. Okay, enough horror stories. I too am looking for another job, but there aren't many in El Paso, especially for non-spanish speakers like myself (darn, I've gotta learn it fast!).
  7. Okay, okay, I know its REALLY sad, but I've been trying to close my Captains of Crush trainer for some time now. I finally accomplished it this week. Got two solid closes with my right hand, and one (barely!) with my left, wahoo! I guess the negatives with the #1 helped some, but I think it was playing with Jonathan's and Bronco's grippers while in Edinburgh that really did it .
  8. Crystal


    Hi Ian B! I just joined up myself, good to have another Texan on board (even if you are from the east side . . . ). Sounds like you are on the right track for being a fit vegan. Are you into any sports? What sort of training do you do?
  9. Hi No, I've never been to Juarez . I don't speak hardly a word of Spanish and I don't want to get in a jam over there. The traffic is different, the streets are different, and I hear all sorts of stories of people getting thrown in jail . . . All my friends that know the area and speak spanish won't go. When I ask, the reply is always "why would you want to go over there!?" Aparently only teenagers go over because the drinking age is lower in Mexico. I live not even 1/2 mile from the boarder (the view out my window is all Juarez), I could spit on Juarez, but its out of reach. Anyway, I ramble, at least I've been out of the country now, just got back from Edinburgh , yay!
  10. Are you keeping track of your weight? It would be cool to see how it changes as you go .
  11. Hi! Can I just say thanks for posting so many photos of Phipps Park! I was born & raised in Billings and miss it quite a lot sometimes . I can imagine it is pretty hard to be vegan there, are there other vegans around? Anyway, good that you are training with weights, I notice you post a lot about bicep curls. Definatly need to list more details and more lifts . You mentioned starting legs soon, but I haven't seen anything posted .
  12. Wow, fast replies! Aye, that I do. Although one of my shirts went to someone else, one fell apart , and the other is really small! Me thinks I need to get some new ones. . . And its good to see you _raven_! Definatly have missed you, too. How could I forget ?
  13. Hi All! I'm new to the VBB forum, but others might know me from the VF one. Lets see, I live in El Paso, Texas. Its great here, except for the fact that it is one of the most vegan-UNfriendly places I've ever lived . But other than that, the weather is great, the landscape is breathtaking, the people are nice, and I have a good gym to train in. What else could one need ? I'm a powerlifter, have competed a couple of times at small local events, but I would like to get strong enough to compete on a larger scale. I'm also a martial artist, studying Hapkido, although I have no school at the moment. I'm starting college again this fall for Geology, hoping to finish up as soon as I can. Go UTEP! Hum, thats all I can think of for now. This is a great site/forum and I'm glad to now be a part of it .
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