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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. 26 Oct 2014 - Sun DL: warm ups, 5 x 205 lbs, 230 lbs, 2 x 245 lbs, 1 x 255 lbs BB Bent Rows: 10 x 65 lbs, 85 lbs, 85 lbs BD Shrugs: 20 x 35's, 45's, 45's Tire Flips18 x ~350 lbs tire
  2. 23 Oct 2014 - Thur I'm on my phone, but I don't see my last posts. Hmmmm, gonna have to investigate when I get to a computer! Bench: warm ups, 10 x 105 lbs, 6 x 115 lbs, 3 x 120 lbs One Arm Shoulder Press: 6 x 35 lbs, 4 x 35 lbs, 4 x 35 lb Slightly frustrated with my weak shoulders, the next strongman comp has the women repping out a55 pound dumbell and I struggle with the 35.
  3. 8 Oct 2014 - Wed Sqt: warm ups, 10 x 135 lbs, 155 lbs, 175 lbs, 5 x 195 lbs, 1 x 205 lbs, 1 x 215 lbs, 1 x 225 lbs, 1 x 235 lbs - these singles were honestly just for confidence boosting Fronties: a couple, kinda crapped out on these. Good Mornings: 10 x 95 lbs, 105 lbs, 115 lbs Hatebreed's Not My Master came on my Pandora when I started. Man, I needed that. "Today is worth fighting for." Yesterday on the other hand sucked a big ol bag of dicks. Onward and upward though!
  4. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs44/f/2009/089/7/6/Don__t_Kick_The_Baby_by_RWBloodyHell.jpg
  5. Thanks C.O.! 6 Oct 2014 - Mon Yoga today, once again it kicked my butt. Also did an easy flat hike yesterday as active recovery.
  6. 4 Oct 2014 - Sat Competition Day! Axle Press/Log Press Medley: Axle weighed 85 lbs and the Log was 100 lbs. I got 2 reps of each in the 75 seconds. Pretty happy with this, they did lower the axle weight because there were a lot of newbies, but it was still good. Second place. Last-Man-Standing Deadlift: The increments the officials went by were crazy! I got second in this as well, weights went: 155 lbs, 205 lbs, 225 lbs, 245 lbs, then failed at 295 lbs because they just wanted to throw 25 pound plates on each side for a 50 pound jump. It would have been a 20 pound PR for me, but it wouldn't budge from the ground! Second place in this, winner got 315 lbs. Yoke/Farmers Walk Medley: 300 lbs yoke over 50 feet, then back with 120 lbs each farmers. Did it in 26 seconds. First place! Atlas Stones: 140 lbs and 160 lbs went up. 200 lbs would not. Almost tied this one, but was too slow! Don't remember the exact time now - the winner also failed at 200 lbs but was faster than me so second place again, and overall
  7. Yeah, not only is Giacomo well-fed and alert, but he's growing out his beard! It will be much easier to taunt him when he is depleated and hairless, makes him look like an infant w/o it.
  8. 3 Oct 2014 - Fri Yoga this morning. Probably shouldn't have done it really, lots of handstand type stuff and I was shaking from the effort! I do have a competition tomorrow!! Felt good otherwise though
  9. Uhg, it can't be only 9 months out from Austin, TX Plantbuilt 2015! That is too soon!!
  10. 28 Sept 2014 - Sun I'm competing in Utah's Strongest Man next Saturday so did a mock-meet today! Axle/Log Press Reps Medley in 75 seconds: 120 lbs/110 lbs Lastman Standing Deadlift: 150 lbs, 175 lbs, 200 lbs, 225 lbs, 250 lbs Yoke/Farmers Medley: 300 lbs/120 lbs per hand, over 50 feet The event also has Atlas Stones, but I still don't have any so couldn't train with them. 1 Oct 2014 - Wed Sqt: 10 x bar, 95 lbs, 135 lbs, 135 lbs, 135 lbs DB Bench: 10 x 30s, 35s, 40s, 40s, 40s Quick and light workout to get the blood flowing, but not so much as to leave my strength gains in the gym for this Saturday's compe
  11. Thanks Scott 26 Sept 2014 -Fri Bench: warm ups, 6 x 105 lbs, 6 x 115 lbs, 3 x 125 lbs, 3 x 125 lbs, 3 x 125 lbs , wanted more reps at that weight but such is life! Dips: 10, 8, 8 x bw Skull Crushers: 10 x 45 lbs, 10 x 50 lbs, 10 x 50 lbs Fatigue sucks. It's like living in slow motion. EVERYTHING takes effort and I have to build myself up to do the most mundane things. Hopefully this passes soon. On the plus side, when it does go I feel so energetic in comparison!
  12. 24 Sept 2014 - Wed DL: warm ups, 10 x 135 lbs, 185 lbs, 8 x 225 lbs, 5 x 245 lbs, 1 x 265 lbs, 1 x 265 lbs BB Bent Rows: 3 x 8 x 95 lbs - ugly, need to drop the weight and pause these. One-arm DB Press: 5 x 35 lbs strict, 10 x 35 lbs push, couple x 45 lbs - so weak at these! Last week ended with more pain. Haven't lifted in 6 days and was wearing all kinds of braces and things to my job just to get thru the days. But today is much better. Wearing my knee sleeves to deadlift though. Fatigue was kicking my butt as well, but if I feel good enough to lift then by god I am going to go lift come hell or high water. Nothing like being denied workouts to motivate me.
  13. 18 Sept 2014 - Thurs Bench: warm ups, 5 x 105 lbs, 5 x 115 lbs, 4 x 125 lbs, 4 x 125 lbs, 4 x 125 lbs Dips: 10, 8, 8 x bw Skull Crushers: 3 x 10 x 45 lbs BB Bent Rows: 3 x 10 x 75 lbs - rushed these, ran out of time! Uhg, have lots going on today so woke up early for this workout. I don't know how all you do this! I just feel nauseous and sweaty. Blarg
  14. 16 Sept 2014 - Tues Pause Squats: warm ups, 2 x 10 x 155 lb Squats: 8 x 175 lbs, 185 lbs, 185 lbs - goal is 10 reps at this weight, but these were a fight! Frontiers: 3 x 10 x 95 lb - not much left in my legs for these SLDL: 3 x 10 x 135 lbs Overall, a good day
  15. 13 Sept. 2014 - Saturday Small Strongman Comp Carry and Sled-Drag Medley: Carry 130 pound atlas stone 15 feet, Keg 30 feet, and 100 pound sled drag for 30 feet for time. Didn't get my time from the ref, but finished it pretty fast. Dumbell and Stone Press Medley: 60, 70, 80 pound one-arm dumbell press and 42, 82 pound two-arm stone press for time. Did NOT finish, got all the stones, but couldn't get the 70 or 80 pound dumbells overhead with one arm! Farmers and Tire Flip Medley: can't remember the farmer's weight, but it was with thick handles and not a bad weight. Ran with it for 30 feet and then flipped a 300 pound tire back 30 feet. Also went pretty fast. Keg Toss: 3 attempts for distance. Never did this before and it was super fun! 14 Sept. 2014 - Sunday Made a new axle bar to train with that was about 130 pounds, but it broke after a few rounds of deadlifts and attempts at cleans! Turns out I used some junky metal to attach the tires to the bar and it sort of shattered. Also did some bench pressing. Otherwise a pretty light day after yesterday's comp.
  16. 11 Sept 2014 - Thursday Bench: warm ups, 10 x 95 lbs, 8 x 105 lbs, 5 x 115 lbs, 3 x 125 lbs Skull Crushers: 3 x 10 x 45 lbs BB Bent Rows: 10 x bar, 75 lbs, 5 x 95 lbs Clean and Press: a few x 95 lbs - mostly for fun Loving this week, I feel like a human being and its awesome
  17. Oh man, I am pulling a Scott Shelter here and posting multiple workouts in one reply. Doh! 9 Sept 2014 - Tues Yoga in a.m. Squat: paused warm ups, 5 x 155, 175, 3 x 195, 205, 215, 2 x 225 Front Sqts: 3 x 5 x 135 lbs SLDL: 3 x 10 x 95 lbs 7 Sept 2014 - Sun Bench and overhead press. Totes don't remember numbers, but heavy 6 Sept 2014 - Sat Squat and Deadlift. Easy and light, coming off a bad pain week!
  18. Much better with day-at-a time updates! Training looks like its going really well. Awesome.
  19. Yeah, I'm just fine mouse777! It was a shock more than anything
  20. That is a good plan Scott! Next time I will say that for sure 31 Aug 2014 - Sun Bench and shoulder press day. Hips hurt so only did these. Didn't write down the amounts and now I don't remember. Since then, it has been Lupus-pain September, which means more rest and long walks with dogs when I can. And sleep. I sleep so much when this stuff goes off.
  21. 30 Aug 2014 - Sat DL: 10 x bar, 135 lbs, 5 x 185 lbs, 225 lbs Farmers Walks: 50 ft x 60 lbs per hand, 100 lbs per hand, 150 lbs per hand Tire Flips: 15, 15 x 350 lbs Strongman day in the park with a women's only strongman group I'm attempting to start. My friend and one other person showed up. Need to advertise more!
  22. 29 Aug 2014 - Fri Went for a small hike and it was seriously way harder than it should have been! Gotta do this more often
  23. 27 Aug 2014 - Wed Bench: 10 x bar, 65 lbs, 5 x 85 lbs, 95 lbs, 10 x 105 lbs Skullcrushers: 3 x 15 x 45 lbs KB Swings: 20 x 62 lbs, 15 x 80 lbs, 20 x 80 lbs Planks Another good workout. Easy and short, but just what I need. Hips are way better, but my shoulder is making itself known and I woke up this morning with hand pain, which is generally rare for me. At least it is all fairly mild today
  24. 26 Aug 2014 - Tues Yoga this morning. There was a substitute instructor so we went through what she called artistic yoga. It was nice, very fluid.
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