Hey folks. I posted a request a month or so ago requesting individuals whom would like to take part in a short questionnaire as part of my end of year research paper for my health and fitness college course. Have been busy working on the planning paper etc, and have now created the online survey. Its completely anonymous and only 8 questions long (5 depending on whether you supplement or not) and would be a massive help if you could take a few minutes to complete. The title of my research paper is "An investigation into the protein intakes of individuals training on variations of the standard western diet compared to those training on a plant based diet". My aim is to compare the amounts and discuss accordingly in my paper. Its pretty basic as I only look at total protein intake, though i aim to comment on the sources of protein for each group, and any health implications of said sources in the long run (if any). Here is the link to the survey: http://tolu.na/Xbzpy2 Thanks in advance guys All the best Mark