My workout today: Warm up Strength work: Bench press 3x10@60% 1RM 1xAMRAP@ 60% (I got 16) WOD: 10 OH squats (155/75 rx/scaled) I used 53lbs (I use the 33lb chick bar) 30 KB swings (24/16) I was rx 4 rounds 50 HRPU The four rounds + 50 push ups for time I did it in 17:35 - slow for me but OH squats are hard for me technically so I am coached to do them slower to get them right. When I started I hadn't trained at all in about 18 months. My deadlift has gone up 80lbs, my squat went up 60lbs in our recent "30 days of squats" super compensation set and I've gone from literally a 15lb snatch to 73lbs in 6 months. I get in, I get out, I get stronger. Not for everyone I'm sure - like I said earlier it's the wild west out there with the box coaches and credentials - but if you do your homework you can find a good box! (I'll get off my soap box now I clearly drank the kook-aid!)