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Posts posted by muchidna

  1. awesome, i just ordered a (rather pricey) set from fitbit, called the fitbit aria, it automatically uploads each weighin and plots it on a graph on a webpage for you, will be very useful i think,accuracy isnt important, just as long as i can see if i'ts going up or down

  2. From the sounds of it, you are getting loads of carbs, and very little protein and fat, bananas and salads/fruits don't have much protein in them at all


    if you are working out and want to build the muscles bigger, you might like to change your diet


    if you arent, and just want to loose body fat so your abs show, try counting your calories for a few days, then reducing it and tracking progress on some scales

  3. soy is a very complete protein ( it's what tofu is made from), from my knowledge it has a very balanced amino acid profile


    as for relying on tofu for a good deal of protein intake, i probably wouldnt, some have a good amount of fat (less than beef i think??) and from my memory, i don't believe tofu is very calorie dense, meaning you would have to eat alot more tofu to get the same amount of calories ( and therefore protein ) as from say, beef


    just from checking nutritiondata.com, the best tofu i could find, came in at 6g of protein per 84g serving, whereas sirloin beef (i have no idea what that means, i was looking for mince) for an 84g portion of it, it would be 17.7g protein, approximately 3x as much


    if you wanted to replace beef in a bodybuilders diet, you would have to feed them 3x as much tofu, so it's not too viable, i like to add it to stir fries and stuff, for a decent protein hit, but i wouldnt be relying on it heavily for protein because i'd have to eat too much of it

  4. Do the assisted pull ups, find out what weight you can do at 3x15 ( split between the different grips on the machine, ie one set could be 5x grip A, 5x grip B, 5x grip C ) and just remove a weight every week or two as you get stronger, or as andi said, negative pullups


    when i started i did negatives at home, and later when i joined a gym i did the assisted pullups, the assisted pullups are a little less awkward to do, and the variable weights are helpfull

  5. hi, i know the feeling, vegan diets tend to be much more filling per calorie, particularly with fruit, more fiber and stuff, meaning you could feel alot fuller, with alot less calories

    if it were me, i'd either swap some meals for more calorie dense meals or add some stuff to it, stuff like wholemeal sandwiches with bean patties, or wholemeal wraps , anything calorie dense, i particularly like whole grains + beans as both have a good amount of protein in them


    but yeah, vegan, unprocessed diets tend with an emphasis on fruits/vegetabled tend to be less calorie dense, more filling than other diets

  6. well, i'm not a raw vegan, but here's what i'd say

    first two questions arent exactly related to being a vegan but

    1: just like everybody else, use a site like myfitnesspal and track calories and macros

    2: when i started, i used a calorie calculator to tell how much i needed, and used some online reccomendations to see how much more i needed to gain weight, i'd suggest using a calorie calculator (won't be hard to find, google "calorie calculator bodybuilding" or something) and add 200-500 calories per day for gaining weight, though these calculators arent extremely accurate, so you'll have to figure out how your body reacts and adjust your calories on your own

    3: healthy? i don't know what you mean, is any diet unhealthy when working out?, if you're living off of big macs, it would still be beneficial to work out, only time it might not be healthy is if you're very thin and at a caloric deficit or something, but that could happen with any diet

  7. the only health food shop round here is much overpriced, they sell stuff like wheat gluten, dry beans, dry chickpeas, agave syrup, coconut flour, proteins etc


    but yeah, i could buy almost any of them off the net including shipping for cheaper

  8. yeah, there really isnt much you can do about it other than washing hands, once the virus makes contact with your body, it's then a matter of, can my immune system deal with it, by having had this cold before, and if not, i have a cold


    also, you might consider eating oranges rather than juice, i like juice also, but if you're watching your calories, an orange will have some fiber and other stuff that's removed when it's juiced, will also be less concentrated, and have no preservatives/added sugar

    alot of orange juices are also reconstituted/ concentrated and stuff which will also drive up calories


    vitamin c tablets are fun also, they taste like oranges


    again, i'm no doc lol

  9. Hi mythil, my usual safest bet is italian resturaunts, they usually have meatless pasta with tomato sauce and stuff, and olives for side dishes


    second best bet is indian, great food, but they sometimes use butter, and ghee, and yoghurt in some breads and stuff, but alot have dishes cooked with vegetable oils and stuff


    then there's health food places, they'll usually have nice wraps and stuff, but maybe not the best atmosphere


    and last but not least, is local resturaunts owned by locals, we've had a few things at local resturaunts where we know the owners, and they have been able to prepare a small menu especially for me, usually involves pasta, or stir fry type dishes, but yeah, the locals are usually willing to arrange something special for you if you call ahead, or just ask when you get there



    though the pizza without cheese stuff... not worth the calories lol, not to mention, in my more naive years, when i was vegetarian, we looked up dominoes, said they used non-animal rennet cheeses, and had an occasional pizza with them, but almost every time there was meat or shit mixed up with the toppings, stopped eating pizza pretty quick


    anyway good luck

  10. Hi madeleine, i think it's just bad luck, i had a few colds this year, whereas last year and the year before i didnt have any noticable ones


    Usually when i get a cold, i try to eat as much fresh fruit, especially containing vitamin C as i can, also try to eat as much raw food as i can with the most micronutrients, like spinach, brocolli, celery, just general raw fruits and vegetables- i think vitamin c has some sort of properties that help fight cold and stuff, i'm not sure


    but yeah, there really is no way to prevent getting one, unless you've had it before, a good diet can certainly limit the duration and severity


    other things (i believe) a good (vegan or otherwise) diet really helps with is headaches, and puking sickness, i havent had either of these since i went vegetarian over 10 years ago while the people around me have these all the time


    summary: to prevent a cold, wash hands regularly, whenever you touch people, things that get touched alot, especially in cold/flu season, to help once you have a cold, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, and plenty of water

  11. hey guys, just wondering if anyone has had any experience with body fat scales?



    i'm thinking of buying some just to keep track of my body fat, i wouldnt care if it's accurate, just as long as it's consistant


    so yeah, anyone ever used scales like these before?

  12. Choline and inositol are classed as vitamin B complex factors, they are not considered as essential vitamins because the human body can synthesise them. ~ info on some choline supplement on amazon


    yeah, i'm thinking we produce and eat enough to be healthy, which is why we never hear about choline


    this is a semi-stupid statement, but if beef has so much choline in it, then either grass is a amazing source of choline, or the body produces it naturally

    could be stupid because it could be a cumulative effect of eating 2mg/day over 5 years


    either way, i aint worried, if i find a supplement or something with extra choline, i'll give it a shot, but i'm not too concerned

  13. weird, my multivitamin has choline added to it, but only at 15mg, the max i can find in a supplement is 50mg


    i'm thinking, either we get alot of small doses in the diet, making up enough of it or

    it's produced in our bodies


    i don't remember anything about choline in my last blood test also, if i find a choline vitamin, i'll add it to my next order

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