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Everything posted by AndiMorris

  1. I have the same problem with back squats, my chest falls forward when I reach a certain weight. My coaches have said that I need to gain strength in my core and lower back to help this, so things like plate twists, glute-ham-raises, toes-to-bar, etc. Also, yes front squat, as you have to keep your chest up then as has been mentioned.
  2. Crossfit 04/03/14 Warm Up: 3 rounds of: 100m run 5 hang clean 5 front squat 5 push press Increasing weight each time. Then, 5 minutes of hip cleans Strength: 5x3 Clean @ 75% - 45kg 5x3 Push Press @ 70% - 50kg (only 3 rounds complete, out of time) WOD: 4 x 200m sprints 1:1 rest. I need to spend some time on cleans again. I'm performing the second pull too early, and also there isn't enough shrug in there so the bar ends up going forward. This did get better as I went through the sets however, so it's just practice required. I have no idea what my 1RM push press is, so guessed at 50kg for my 70%. It felt manageable, but still heavy so was probably about right. Perhaps I could have gone a tiny amount higher. Frustratingly we ran out of time to complete the full 5 sets of 3. Ugh, sprints again, second day in a row! This time 200m. These weren't actually timed, so I'm not sure, but I know I was a lot slower in the last two runs than I was in the first two. I could feel that my tank was running empty. Still, all of them were attacked with whatever I had in me, so it was a good burnout.
  3. It's not super fast by any shot, but thanks anyway. I know I've got plenty more in there. Would like to get closer to 1:15 next time.
  4. Also, bulking not going too well. Weighed in at 69.4kg this morning.
  5. Crossfit 03/03/14 Warm Up: 400m run 3 rounds of 10 push ups 10 wall balls 10 burpees 30 second lying kettlebell hold (shoulder joint mobility) 30 second shoulder floss Lift: Bench Press 3x6 @ 75% - 45kg WOD: Run 400m for time - 1:26 (PB) 2 minutes rest, then: 2 minutes burpees - 28 2 minutes sit ups - 38 2 minutes wall balls (7kg) - 23 1 minute burpees - 10 1 minute sit ups - 20 1 minute wall balls - 10 30 seconds burpees - 5 30 seconds sit ups - 10 30 seconds wall balls - 5 2 minutes rest, then: 400m run for time - 1:43 Managed the bench press at 75% with not too much effort, the last two reps of the last set were a struggle, which means that the right was about right I suppose. Annoyingly as it would suggest that my bench still isn't getting much stronger. The WOD was tough. I was pretty please with getting a PB on the first run. I think I could have gone faster too. I'm not sure why, but I just had a burst of energy for it. The rest of the WOD was a real burner, no let up at all, and the 2 minute rest before the final run felt like nothing at all.
  6. Crossfit 28/02/14 - The Crossfit Open 14.1 So the Crossfit Games has begun again for 2014, with a pep in my step I woke up at 5:45 ready to get dressed, eat a banana and find out what the first open workout will be for the year. 14.1: 10 minute AMRAP 30 double unders 15 power snatch @ 35kg Not too bad, I can do all the movements, my double unders are usually ok, and I can power snatch 35kg. However, there are two reasons why I scaled to the below version: 14.1 - Scaled 10 minutes AMRAP 60 single unders 15 power snatch @ 25kg Reason 1 - Whilst I can power snatch 35kg, doing it for time and high reps I would struggle to maintain form. My 1RM is only 40kg (last time I tested) for power snatch, so this is a bit close to the mark to do at pace. Reason 2 - At Celtic Crossfit they are running a box competition alongside the open workouts. We've all been placed in teams, and the team score is calculated on how well we all do in each workout. I've said from the outset that I'll be doing the scaled versions of the WODs, and so the points will be calcuated accordingly. It wouldn't make sense for me to do some of the open workouts at Rx, and some scaled, I need to do them all at the same standard for a fair representation. So - 6:30 this morning I did 14.1 Scaled and got 360 reps. That's 4 complete rounds, and 60 single unders completed. I'm pretty pleased with that. See you next week Castro for 14.2
  7. Ha me too! I desperately need the bulk. Can't seem to get above 70kg at the moment, but I'll get there I'm sure.
  8. Can't be arsed to do a food log for yesterday. It's pretty much the same every single day anyway apart from on the weekend, when I don't eat enough. Training - Crossfit 26/02/14 Warm Up: 2 rounds 10 pipe passthroughs 10 double unders 5 burpees 10 power cleans @ 20kg Lift: 8x2 on the minute snatch @ 70% - 25kg WOD: 5 rounds 5 power cleans @ 60% - 35kg 7 over bar burpees 50 double under buy out Finished in 6:40 Snatch today just didn't feel right at all. I was initially going to go at 30kg, but when I worked out my 70% I was quite surprised. However 25kg was right considering how much I just couldn't get the movement nailed today. I don't think I warmed up the movement enough. The WOD however was different, I felt like I totally flew through it. I did the level 2 version, the only difference being that Rx had 10 burpees instead of 7, and had a 100 double under buy out. I probably should have done this Rx, but still it was a really good blow out, and the burpees into the double unders were lung burners and crept up really quickly.
  9. I get I'll the least out of everybody when we tour and I know that's because I don't eat the crap that they do.
  10. Pizza and hoppy IPA. Cheat night heaven.
  11. Food log 24/02/14 Breakfast 1.5 banana, 1 scoop protein, 2.5g creatine, 1 desertspoon flax/pumpkin/sunflower seed, 40g oats, water. Morning snack 75g granola with almond milk Lunch Bean curry with brown rice Afternoon snack 25g mixed nuts 1.5 banana, 1 scoop protein, 2.5g creatine, 1 desertspoon flax/pumpkin/sunflower seed, 40g oats, water. Dinner Carrot, chilli and kale soup Evening snack Carrot, chilli and kale soup Training No crossfit last night, I was exhausted after another tour with little sleep, plus I'm fighting off a throat infection at the moment. So I just attempted the next stage of the hundred push up challenge, and the 30 day plank challenge with my girlfriend. The plank was only 30 seconds, and was pretty easy. I can see that this is going to get more difficult pretty quickly however. After the scoring 22 push ups in the initial test last week, the programme told me to jump straight to week 3, which I did. I had already done week 3 day 1 (forgot to log it) and found it difficult but doable. Last nights was supposed to have a 90 second rest between sets, or longer if required. I needed much longer. I was around 90 seconds for the first 3 sets, but needed more like 2-3 minutes for the final two sets. Set 1 - 14 Set 2 - 19 Set 3 - 14 Set 4 - 14 Set 5 - Max (at least 19) I managed all of them apart from the last set which I only reached 15. Pretty annoying, so I'm going to repeat this day on Wednesday when I'll hopefully get it.
  12. Food log 20/02/14 Breakfast 1.5 banana, 1 scoop protein, 2.5g creatine, 1 desertspoon flax/pumpkin/sunflower seed, 40g oats, water. Morning Snack 50g oats, 5g chia seeds, 30g peanut butter Lunch wholewheat pasta with fake bolognese Afternoon snack 25g mixed nuts 1.5 banana, 1 scoop protein, 2.5g creatine, 1 desertspoon flax/pumpkin/sunflower seed, 40g oats, water Dinner Indian takeaway and a pint of American IPA (date night before I go off on tour again) No training yesterday aside from a 30 second plank. Crossfit 21/02/14 Warm Up: 300m row 10 pipe passthroughs Then snatch complex, slowly increasing weight each time (snatch first pull deadlift, hang muscle snatch, overhead squat, hang snatch) Lift: 5x2 snatch @ 30kg WOD: "Nancy" 5 rounds 15 overhead squat @ 42.5kg (scaled to 10 OHS @ 30kg) 400m run 15 minute time cap Lift felt good today, I think I probably could have gone heavier than 30kg for the lift session, but the idea was to drill technique so stuck with that. Makes me think that my actual 1RM is higher than I have actually achieved before though. The WOD is a good one. I did this before, again scaled to 30kg and 10 reps, but last time it was a 300m run. I finished bang on the time cap and was pleased with that. I could have done 15 reps at 30kg I think, but I would have gone over time. Still, getting better though, and the technique on the OHS felt comfortable, going unbroken in every round.
  13. Food yesterday Breakfast 1.5 bananas, 40g oats, 1 desert spoon flax/pumpkin seed, 1 scoop protein, 2.5g creatine Morning snack Overnight oats with almond milk, raisins and syrup Lunch Chilli with brown rice Afternoon Snack 25g mixed nuts 1.5 bananas, 40g oats, 1 desert spoon flax/pumpkin seed, 1 scoop protein, 2.5g creatine Dinner Pasta bolognese Training Nothing much last night. I'm getting my girlfriend into a home strength programme as she's started getting into pole dancing and needs to gain bodyweight strength, so I'm doing the 30 day plank challenge, and the 100 push up challenge alongside her. Only at the very beginning stages so not too strenuous yet, but I was pretty pleased at getting 22 push ups for the initial test. I think that's the most I've ever done in one set before. Plank - 20 seconds Push ups - 22
  14. Just had a sports massage on my adductors as they're always quite tight, especially after squatting. HOLY FREAKING SHIT it hurts!!
  15. Crossfit 17/02/14 Warm up: 3 rounds of: 30 second handstand hold facing wall (maintain hollow position) 10 ring rows 5 push ups (instead of ring dips) 20 unbroken double unders 2 minutes rack position mobility Lift: 3x5 push jerk - 45kg WOD: Elizabeth - 21-15-9 - Power clean (60kg)/Ring Dips - 8 minute time cap Scaled to 40kg power cleans and box dips x2 - DNF A good session last night. I think this was the first time I've ever done push jerk as part of the lift session, and so wasn't sure just how heavy to go. I'm not doing the conjugate system, and am following a linear strength program, so found a weight that I could do the 3x5 without fear of failing, whilst still feeling heavy. I built up to 45kg and stuck there, although I think I could have probably gone heavier. This will become apparent as the linear progression continues. I went for a mix of level 1 and 2 for the WOD as Rx would have just taken too long to complete. 60kg power clean is my 1RM, so 45 reps is a bit on the high side, and my ring dips are ok, but slow. I opted for a 40kg power clean, and then double the amount of box dips. I think I chose well, the power cleans were fine, a struggle in the last set, but got through them. Double box dips were really hard however. The first set of 42 went without hitch, but the second really hit me hard and they were broken into 5s. I reached 3 reps of the last 18 box dips when the 8 minute time cap ended, so probably could have jsut finished if I'd just gone that little bit quicker on the cleans beforehand. A brutal workout, and I haven't felt lung burn or muscle fatigue like that in a while. Fun times.
  16. Cheers for the link Rossco, hope you feel better soon.
  17. Weekends training. Saturday 15/02/14 Front Squat: Warm up to working weight 5x5 60kg 1RM Power clean 57.5kg - PB!! Sunday 16/02/14 - Barbell Club Snatch warm ups 3x3 position snatch (High-hang, low hang, below knee) @ 50% - 20kg 2x2 snatch @ 60% - 25kg 2x2 snatch @ 70% - 30kg 2x2 snatch @ 80% - 32.5kg
  18. How are those pull up bars? I could really do with one for strength building in that area, but I've always thought there would be a high chance of ripping the door frame off.
  19. So no training for nearly two weeks thanks to being on tour, and then some insane calf cramps due to sitting on a plane for 24 hours, not drinking enough water and not getting enough sleep for the week previous to that. However, because of this I got my first ever sports massage yesterday. It was only a short 20 minute session so it was concentrated on the cramped up calves, but holy shit do I feel better today! My calves are like new! I think I'm going to book another one next week and see if they can go a bit deeper this time.
  20. Looking good! That is a serious amount of food. I think I need to follow your lead when it comes to ingestion!
  21. We are right in the centre, staying in Sukhumvit. Thanks for the advice, will they understand if I just ask for Jay food? I'd be interested in knowing where that food stall is.
  22. I'm interested in this too, I'll be in Bangkok Thursday and Friday.
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