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Scott Shetler

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Everything posted by Scott Shetler

  1. It's totally cardio! Friday, 2/6/15 - deadlift and long cycle technique stuff long cycle: 16kg x 24 / 3:00 deadlift: 210x3, 240x3, 270x3, 295x3, 335x3 rack pull #4 pin: 365x3 pulldown: 3x8 reverse hyper: 3x10-12 hammer curls: 3x8 weighted abs: 3x15 Thursday, 2/5/15 - long cycle long cycle: 16kg x 8 / 1:00, 20kg x 3 / 0:30, 24kg x 3 / 0:30, 24kg x 3 / 0:30; 24kg x 24 / 4:00, 16kg x 28 / 3:00 trail run x 20:00 Tuesday, 2/3/15 - long cycle and lower stuff long cycle: 16kg x 8 / 1:00, 20kg x 3 / 0:30, 24kg x 3 / 0:30; 24kg x 18 / 3:00, 16kg x 24 / 3:00 squat: 155x3, 175x3, 200x3 sit-ups: 3x12 running x 12:00 intervals Monday, 2/2/15 - long cycle and upper stuff long cycle: 16kg x 10 / 1:00, 20kg x 4 / 0:30, 24kg x 3 / 0:30; 24kg x 20 / 5:00 bench press: 115x3, 130x3, 150x3, 95x12 row: 5x10 pushdown: 3x12 weighted abs: 3x15 Friday, 1/30/15 - long cycle long cycle: 12kg x 10 / 1:00, 16kg x 8 / 1:00, 20kg x 3 / 0:30, 24kg x 3 / 0:30; 24kg x 15 / 3:00, 16kg x 20 / 2:00 Accessories: barbell press, pulldowns, weighted abs, and curls for some sets and reps
  2. Thursday, 1/29/15 - deadlift deload warmed up with reverse hypers, lat pulldowns, and RDLs deadlift: 135x3, 155x3, 185x3 good morning: 95x5 / 2 barbell row: 95x5 / 2 reverse hyper: 2x8 3-way band abs: 2 sets kettlebell snatch: 16kg x 24+24 / 3:00 *grippers and pull-ups - GTG throughout the day...
  3. Tuesday, 1/27/15 - long cycle & bench press deload long cycle: 12kg x 12 / 1:00, 16kg x 10 / 1:00, 20kg x 4 / 0:30, 20kg x 36 / 6:00 (steady 6 RPMs) bench press: barx5, 65x5, 95x3 / 3 sets seated row: 120x8 / 5 sets pushdowns: 2x12 reverse sit-up: 2x8 *pull-ups and heavy grippers GTG throughout the day bike: 4:00 x 50%; 0:20 x 100% / 0:10 x 50% x 8 rounds; 4:00 x 50% Monday, 1/26/15 - long cycle & squat deload long cycle: 12kg x 10 / 1:00, 16kg x 8 / 1:00, 20kg x 6 / 1:00, 24kg x 3 / 0:30, 24kg x 15 / 3:00, 20kg x 12 / 2:00, 16kg x 24 / 2:00 squat: barx5, 95x3, 115x3, 130x3 GHR: 2x8 GHR sit-up: 2x8 bike x 20:00 intervals *pull-ups and heavy grippers GTG throughout the day Friday, 1/22/15 - GPP 3lb Indian club swinging chin ups x 10reps 1-arm KB swing/2-arm KB swing - 12, 16, 20, 24kg x 5/5/5 kettlebell snatch: 16kg x 154 / 10:00 (77 reps each hand) heavy grippers and Janda sit-ups x 3 rounds Thursday, 1/22/15 - long cycle long cycle: 12kg x 5, 16kg x 8/1:00, 20kg x 7/1:00, 24kg x 3 / 0:30, 24kg x 5 / 1:00, 24kg x 8 / 1:30, 24kg x 5 / 1:00, 24kg x 5 / 0:30, 16kg x 31 / 3:00 jumping squat: 135x20 / 3 sets pulldown: 3x8 sit-ups: 3x20
  4. Tuesday, 1/20/15 - deadlift & long cycle deadlift: worked up to 275x5, 315x3, 335x1, 365x1 long cycle sprint sets 30sec on / 30sec off: 24kgx4, 20kgx5, 16kgx6 / 3 circuits bench press: 4x8-10 seated row: 4x12 weighted abs: 4x15 Monday, 1/19/15 - running day running x 35:00 Sunday, 1/18/15 - Long Cycle long cycle: 12kgx10/1:00, 16kgx9/1:00, 20kgx14/2:00, 24kgx12/2:00, 20kgx12/2:00, 16kgx20/2:00 jumping squat: 135x20 / 3 sets pulldowns: 3x8-10 kettlebell press: 3x8-10 abs x 100 reps running x 15:00
  5. Friday, 1/16/15 - Running Running x 33:00 Thursday, 1/15/15 - Long Cycle warmed up with 3 sets each of reverse hypers and lat pulldowns long cycle: warm up sets - 12kg x 5, 16kg x 8, 16kg x 8, 20kg x 6, 24kg x 1; work sets - 24kg x 15 / 3:00 (5,5,5); 16kg x 28 / 4:00 (7,7,7,7) squat / jumping squats: 95 x 5 / 15, 115 x 3 / 12, 135 x 1 / 10 lat pulldowns: 3x8 weighted abs: 3x15
  6. Tuesday, 1/13/15 - Long Cycle & Deadlift long cycle: warm-ups - 12kgx5, 16kgx3, 20kgx2, 24kgx1: sprint sets - 24kgx9/1:00, 20kgx19/2:00, 16kgx32/3:00 speed deadlifts: 205+chains x 3 / 3 sets pulldowns: 3x10 weighted abs: 3x25 running x 8:00 sprint intervals followed by a 6:00 cool down run Monday, 1/12/15 - Cardio running x 23:00 Sunday, 1/11/15 - Long Cycle warmed up with reverse hypers and light long cycle sets… long cycle: 16kgx8/1:00, 16kgx8/1:00, 20kgx6/1:00, 24kgx14/2:30, 16kgx25/3:30 abs x 100 reps running x 22:00
  7. Thursday, 1/8/15 - Long Cycle warmed up with 2-arm kettlebell swings, kettlebell presses, kettlebell snatches long cycle: 12kg x 5, 16kg x 5, 20kg x 3 1-arm jerk: 24kg x 3+3, 28kg x 1+1 long cycle: 24kg x 12 / 2:00, 16kg x 22 / 3:00 jumping squats: 95x25 / 3 sets kettlebell mil press: 16kg x 8+8, 7+7, 6+6 pulldown: 3x8 abs x 100 reps
  8. Tuesday, 1/6/15 - Long Cycle & Deadlift warmed up with: 3 sets of reverse hypers and lat pulldowns deadlift: 205x3, 225x3, 255x3 long cycle: 16kg x 5, 20kg x 5, 24kg x 4, 16kg x 6, 20kg x 5, 24kg x 5, 16kg x 6, 20kg x 5, 24kg x 5 → 30 seconds on / 30 seconds off x 9 sets - NBL=46, volume=1,816kgs running x 20:00 ball sit-ups: 4x25 forearm and wrist exercises
  9. Yep - but it was Giacomo's personal one, like a toddler's footie sock... There's a reason powerlifters wear knee socks! OH YEAH I went there! Monday, 1/5/15 - GPP hard stretching and lots of Indian club swinging with the 2lb clubs… cardio: 2-arm kettlebell swing x 25, jump rope x 50, bike x 4:00; 2-arm kettlebell swing x 20, jump rope x 50, bike x 4:00; 2-arm kettlebell swing x 15, jump rope x 50, bike x 4:00; 2-arm kettlebell swing x 10, jump rope x 50, bike x 4:00; 2-arm kettlebell swing x 5, jump rope x 50, bike x 4:00
  10. Sunday, 1/4/15 - long cycle warm-ups: squat x 2/4/6/8/10, push-ups x 2/4/6/8/10, pull-ups x 1/2/3/4/5 - done in ladder order long cycle: 24kg x 4/0:30, 20kg x 7/1:00, 16kg x 12/1:30; 24kg x 3/0:30, 20kg x 6/1:00, 16kg x 12/1:30; 24kg x 3/0:30, 20kg x 6/1:00, 16kg x 14/1:30 - NBL=67, volume=2,456kgs overhead holds: 28kg x 20s ea., 15s. ea., 10s ea. jumping squat: 95x25, 135x20, 185x15 reverse hypers: 3x10 ball sit-ups: 3x25 barbell wrist extension/flexion: 3x15ea. running x 23:00
  11. Thanks C.O.! Happy New Year to you! Crystal - I've been out for the past over two weeks with a bad back injury. Grrrrrrrrr. Far from strong.... Might as well get some bikini bite and a junk sock and start bodybuilding.... Friday, 1/2/15 - long cycle & running *today was the first day my back was feeling close to 100% in over 2 weeks, so this is my first session back to kettlebell sport training… Warmed up with reverse hypers and lat pulldowns and some light long cycle and lots of Tiger Balm. long cycle: 16kg x 10 / 1:00 -- rest / 1:00 x 10 rounds→ NBL=100, volume=3,200kgs running x 20:00 ball sit-ups: 3x20 Tons of stretching... Tuesday, 12/30/14 - nothing really a few light kettlebell exercises, nothing much though... Monday, 12/29/14 - light strength training squat - worked up to 185x1, 155x2 / 2 sets → back still hurts big time bench press - worked up to 135x1, 115x5 / 2 sets chin-ups x 20 reps abs x 3 sets *tried to do some kettlebell snatches got to 10 reps per arm but back was hurting to bad Sunday, 12/28/14 - extra workout 1a. barbell extension: 45x10, 55x8, 65x6 / 2 sets 1b. barbell curls: 45x10, 55x8, 65x6 / 2 sets 2a. pushdowns: 50x12 / 3 sets 2b. dumbbell curls: 20x12 / 3 sets 3a. rope pushdowns: 40x12, 30x11 3b. cable curls: 40x8, 30x11 4a. lateral raise: 15x10 / 3 sets 4b. rear delt raises: 15x8 / 3 sets
  12. Monday, 12/15/14 *warmed up with 2-arm swings and lat pulldowns long cycle (light technique set): 16kg x 16 / 2:00 squat / jump squat combo: 145x5 / 20, 165x3 / 15, 185x1 / 10 bench press: 105x5, 120x5, 135x5; w/RAM 135x12, 135x8 chins x 30 reps kettlebell snatch: 16kg x 27+27 / 3:00 heavy and light club swinging to finish x a bunch
  13. Friday, 12/12/14 - Long Cycle *warmed up with 2-arm swings and lat pulldowns long cycle: 16kg x 8,8,8,8,8 40 / 5:00; 16kg x 5, 20kg x 3, 24kg x 1 / 3 rounds-NBL=67, Volume=2,264kgs
  14. Thursday, 12/11/14 - Deadlift *warmed up with reverse hypers and lat pulldowns deadlift (rack pull off the #1 pin): worked up to 330+40lbs of chains x 4; 330+80lbs of chains x 2 lat pulldown: 3x10 weighted abs: 2x12, 1x20 hammer curls: 4x6-8
  15. 12/9/14 - Long Cycle + lower body assistance *warmed up with reverse hypers, pulldowns, light KB long cycle long cycle: 16kgx9 / 1:00, 20kgx8 / 1:00, 24kgx8 / 1:00; 20kgx8,8 / 2:00; 16kgx8,8,8 / 3:00-NBL=65, Volume=2,400kgs squat / jump squat: 135x5 / 25, 155x3 / 20, 185x1 / 15; 205x1 / no jump squat, 225x1 / no jump squat pulldown: 3x8 BB wrist curl: 2x15 med ball abs: 3 x 15/15/15, 12/12/12, 10/10/10 heavy club gamma casts, light club shoulder mobility, forearm pronator/supinator, heavy grippers x 3 circuits
  16. Monday, 12/8/14 - Long Cycle + upper body assistance *warmed up with Indian clubs, reverse hypers, pulldowns, and light KB clean & jerks long cycle: 16kg x 9, 20kg x 8, 24kg x 8; 16kg x 10, 20kg x 8, 24kg x 8; 16kg x 10, 20kg x 9, 24kg x 8, 28kg x 6-NBL=84, Volume=3,416kgs seated row: 4x12,10,8,15 -- lat pulldown: 1x15 bench press: 4x8,6,4,12 -- incline bench: 1x10 pushdowns: 3x15,10,10 weighted abs: 3x15,12,15
  17. Don't sweat it - I will never de-gas but oddly, I've never been gassed....
  18. Friday, 12/5/14 - long cycle warmed up with kettlebell swings and lat pulldowns long cycle: 16kg x 10; 20kg x 8; 20kg x 8,8,8; 24kg x 8; 24kg x 8; 20kg x 8; 16kg x 10,10-NBL=86, Volume=2,944 kgs 1-arm overhead KB holds: 24kg x 30 sec. each arm / 2 sets partial squat / jumping squat combo: 95 x 20 / 30 -- 2 sets forearm flexion / extension: 95 x 15,12 ea. abs: 4x15-25 running x 20:00
  19. Good! It's what she gets for being a fraidy-cat!!! Thursday, 12/4/14 - deadlift warmed up with reverse hypers and pulldowns deadlift (rack pull off #3 pin): worked up to 385x4, 370x4 lat pulldown: 4x6-10 weighted abs: 4x15-20 hammer curls: 5x6
  20. Don't go stir crazy! Watch Gilmore Girls re-runs on Netflix like Kelly and I do!! Hope the surgery went well and you're degassing!!
  21. Tuesday, 12/2/14 - long cycle long cycle: 24kg x 5,4,4,5 (18 / 4:00), 24kg x 8 / 1:00, 16kg x 18 / 2:00-NBL=44, Volume=1,824kgs snatch: 16kg x 26+26 / 3:00 running x 20:00 Monday, 12/1/14 - long cycle long cycle: 24kg x 7 / 1:00, 20kg x 11 / 1:30, 16kg x 20 / 2:00, 24kg x 5 / 0:30, 20kg x 6 / 0:30, 16kg x 6 / 0:30-NBL=55, Volume=2,088kgs squat: 2x8, 1x4 incline bench: 1x7, 2x6 lat pulldowns: 3x10 weighted abs: 3x12-15 reverse sit-ups: 3x10-15
  22. Friday, 11/28/14 - kettlebell GPP Easy KB circuit: -KB squat x 5 -1-arm clean & press x 3 ea. -2-arm swing x 10 *performed 5 rounds of this with a 50lb. kettlebell Thursday, 11/27/14 - yoga 90 minute yoga class Wednesday, 11/26/14 - long cycle *warmed up with 2-arm swings and lat pulldowns long cycle: 24kg x 4,4,4,5 / 4:00, 24kg x 8 / 1:00, 24kg x 9 / 1:00-NBL=34, Volume=1,632kgs running x 20:00
  23. Tuesday, 11/25/14 - Deadlift and strength training *warmed up with reverse hypers and lat pulldowns deadlifts (reverse band w/ average band): worked up to 405x5, was supposed to do 415x5 but my right hip was in a lot of pain so I skipped the last set. bench press: 110x5, 130x3, 145x1; w/ram 145x15 seated row: 90 x 12 / 5 dumbbell curls: 4x10 pushdowns: 4x10-12 weighted abs: 4x15-25
  24. Monday, 11/24/14 - Long Cycle *warmed up with foam rolling, 2-arm kettlebell swings, lat pulldowns, and Indian Club swings long cycle: 24kg x 4,4,4 (12/3:00), 24kg x 7 / 1:00, 24kg x 8 / 1:00-NBL=27, Volume=1,296kgs running x 30:00 abs x 4 sets
  25. Friday, 11/21/14-long cycle long cycle: 20kg x 6,6,6,6,8-NBL=32, Volume=1,280kgs 1-arm long cycle: 24kg x 14+14 reps each arm, volume=336kgs/per arm pulldown: 6x6-10 running x 20:00
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