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  1. Magus66, How easy to clean is the Green Star Elite Tribest? Is it a centrifuge juicer? Dr. Walker died a long time ago. I think juicer technology might have come a long way since then, that is why I ask. I read his books a life time ago. I don't think what he wrote had science behind it. I have other reason for wanting to drink vegetable juices. No disrespect intended. Thanks for the recommendation. I will check out the reviews for the Tribest juicer.
  2. BlueFountain, there are other soy foods other than just tofu, explore. Like there are many uses for flour, there are many ways to use tofu. Like flour it is basic ingredient. Explore recipes. Beans, peas, and lentils. Again, explore recipes.
  3. A vegan diet is like any other. The more you eat out, the more you buy ready to eat thing, the more you will pay. The more you make things yourself, the cheaper it will be.
  4. Why are you switching over from paleo?
  5. Recommend a juicer? * I want a juicer, not a blender * Something EASY to CLEAN * Something that does green leafy vegetables well * Something durable. Anything else I should know? Any big differences between centrifuge juicers and presses? Will a presser juicer let me make juice I don't have to drink right away?
  6. Hello. I used to post here years and years ago. Probably a completely different crowd now. I thought I would drop in and say "Hello" anyway. I saw an article about Mindy Collete the other day on Twitter, she is still going strong with her thing. I follow Deborah Nasmyth's page, watching the buildings she literally builds herself. It has been so long I don't remember other people's names. I remember a weight lifter and nurse I used to chat here with a lot. A doctor who is into bodybuilding to. Also a crazy raw foodist cycler who lived in the Baltimore area. Of course I remember Richard and SyrLinus. I remember a short woman with long brown hair who unfortunately quit being vegan. She had all sorts of health issues, still a nice person. I remember another guy I met almost a decade ago at a DC Vegfest, he was travelling with his bodybuilding girlfriend. I also remember a tall blond mom with a lot of kids who was a fixture here and an inspiration. She told me about Dale Carnagie's classic book "How To Live Without Fear And Worry" which I am forever grateful for.. I follow another woman Isis' page who I also met here. I don't remember her username here. Old timer or new timer, I wish you all well.
  7. I think social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have eclipsed web boards and blogs.
  8. Bernie didn't deserve this and these protestors have hurt all animals by making AR activists look bad. They did this for their own needs for attention not to help animals. When I read this I felt ashamed CNBC: Animal rights activists disrupt Sanders rally in Oakland http://www.cnbc.com/2016/05/31/animal-rights-activists-disrupt-sanders-rally-in-oakland.html
  9. Study finds no apparent creatine deficit in the brain of vegetarians and vegans. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24290771
  10. Chimpanzees Would Cook if Given the Chance, Research Says http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/03/us/chimpanzees-can-cook-a-mean-potato-research-says.html
  11. "Half of Dr. Oz’s medical advice is baseless or wrong, study says" http://wapo.st/1Ccb8vu
  12. I think most people here know that Virginia Messina R.D. is one of the top vegan nutritionists and nutrition book authors around. She blogs too and recently had a post I found interesting having lost two friends to cancer. My friends were health nuts, athletic, and vegan. They tried every treatment under the sun, one even losing her home and her life savings. They still died. From http://www.theveganrd.com/2014/12/vegan-diets-cancer-and-disease-shaming.html
  13. "Becoming Vegan" was the most comprehensive vegan nutrition book I have ever read and it was written by authors whose credentials could not get much better. I just learned that the updated, comprehensive, edition just came out a few weeks ago. http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Vegan-Comprehensive-Brenda-Davis/dp/1570672970/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1411036491&sr=8-3&keywords=becoming+vegan Enjoy!
  14. Jack Norris RD is a cofounder of Vegan Outreach and like his coauthor is a vegan registered dietitian. I highly recommend that you read is nutrition book "Vegan For Life", follow all of the advice, and get into the care of a really good MD. It can take time for a human body to recover from malnutrition. Eat a balanced diet, get some exercise, get PLENTY of rest and be patient.
  15. I would say eat more legumes, that is where the lion's share of protein and other important nutrients come from on a vegan diet. Do you have a degree in medicine or a related field? I don't. No disrespect, but it takes training and experience to able to interpret what a study means. I've heard the exact opposite, that phytoestrogens block out much stronger estrogen at receptor sites. Like I said, I am not a doctor. You put yourself on an extreme diet. Sometimes it just takes an abused human body a long time to recover. Learn your lesson, and do not take anything from the internet or alternative medicine people on faith. Do your own reading, do not jump into things. Eat more legumes, eat more healthy fats ( avocados, nut butters, etc ), do some resistance training as your body can handle it ( not being tired all of the time ). Also testosterone measurements can vary day by day, even time of day, so don't stress yourself over the last, lowest measurement. Get a doctor who will also measure your free testosterone levels without you having to ask. No harm in a second opinion.
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