I started training for the Soweto marathon last week. Now I am no runner and have not been active in any sense since 2005. I started a business, and all time and energy was spend to build it. My health went to the dogs in this time. I am currently on depression, cholesterol, BP and pain medication. My weight ballooned to 119 kgs a few weeks ago. BP at all time high 160/105 when on medication. But after seeing a picture of myself that my wife took, I decided that I need to pull my finger out my backside and start getting serious about getting healthy! Part of my decision was to train for a marathon in November, and Comrades (89kms) middle of next year. I switched my diet to a plant based vegan, so no artificial foods or anything. Just healthy fresh fruits and vegetables, and some smoothies after training. I am for now following a Heart beat running program until I am at a better weight( currently doing 140 HR for one hour per day/6 days) to start going into cardio(150 HR) So I will update weekly on my stats: - Weight at start of program 3 weeks ago - 119kg - Current weight - 111kg - training 6 days per week for one hour/day at HB 140 - Goal - to run a full marathon on November 4 2013 - Comrades 2014