My name is Wendy and I am married with 5 children (ages 4 months to 21 years). I only recently started a plant-based, whole food diet (about 2 months ago). I stopped eating meat and eggs (never was obsessed with it, so that wasn't too hard for me) and started restricting dairy as well (tougher as a certified cheese lover). I chose to change my diet for health reasons primarily and environmental reasons secondarily. I feel so much better! Within a week I felt a change and it has just gotten better over the past couple of months. I think I am ready to take the leap and eliminate dairy and other animal products completely from my diet. At the same time, I am ready to start working out in earnest again after too long of a break. I am inspired to see so many strong vegans represented here! I am restricted to cardio until after my hand heals (right hand surgery coming this Friday), but I am so looking forward to getting SERIOUS about fitness. Thanks for having me.