Hello, My name is Adora and I adore the health and fitness industry period. I gave my nutrition over to a competitive body builder/trainer but I am ready to look into vegan body building to see how I feel and I believe it is a much kinder choice. What I am struggling with is getting simple nutrition together that will give me the right amount of nutrients and will keep me lean and shredded as well as healthy. Today I taught a bodypump class but I only did half of it with the class and I taught a 45 minute piloxing class. Also, I started out well with my nutrition this morning with a banana/protein and aloe vera juice shake. After class I had a dipped ice cream cone and a smart one ravioli dish as well as a spoon of peanut butter. My goal is to get back to 6 small meals a day with at least 115 grams of Protein per day, 55 in healthy fats but I am not sure about the carbs before my carb intake was 112 but I am seeing on this site that I should allow for more carbs so I am not sure. I saw this template in someone else's journal and am thinking I may start here. Meal 1- Shake with fruit, Aloe Vera Juice, protein powder, spinach etc. M2-stirfry with lots of veggies and tofu and/or beans M3-Something like trail mix, apple with pb, salad or etc. M4 and 5-Protein shake before and after work out M6-A healthy dinner with lots of vegetables and protein with carbs being moderate to low.