Hello guys, Well I'd really appreciate some help with this matter. I having a lot of trouble to lower my body fat %. I don't really know what am I doing wrong. So I'll post here my calorie intake and the food I eat and also what am I doing to exercise myself. I work in a computer, so I don't have a very active day despite my workouts. Truth be told, I'm quite happy with how my body is right now, used to weight 98 kg, now I'm with 72. So I'm happy with the progress, but would love to lower my fat %, right now it's between 13 to 15, I am aiming for something like 8%. Exercises: - Monday - Arms + Abs 30 min bike 3 pullup before each big meal - Tuesday - Rock Climbing Legs Workout 30 sec handstand before each meal - Wednesday - Rest Day - Thursday - Rock Climbing 30 sec handstand before each meal - Friday - Arms + Abs 30 min bike 3 pullup before each big meal - Saturday - Free Day (Usually or Bouldering, Bike, Yoga or Nothing) 30 sec handstand before each meal - Sunday - Rest Day Now for the Workouts: (I do 2-3 sets per workout) Arms 1 (6-10 reps) Horizontal Pulls Bar Dips Chin Up Overhand Flex Hang Hanging Knee Raise Pike Press Arms 2 (10-20 reps) Close Pushup Crow Hold Bench Dips Uneven Pushup 3 Direction Knee Raise Elbow Lever Legs (25 reps) Squat Calf Raises (inner, regular, outer) Skaters Lunges Side to Side Squat Bridge Hold Abs (15 reps) Leg Raise Leg Split In and Out Full Body Oblique Crunch V up Pulse Up Flutter Kicks (x100) For my diet, here is what I eat, I'm aiming for 2.1k calories per day: - High Calorie Day - x2 days 3 bananas 5 tbsp oats 1 tbsp peanut butter 1 apple 22 almonds 2 cup kale 2 cup barley ou brown rice 1 cup lentils ou beans 1 cup mixed salad (beets, orange, brocolli, zucchini, cucumber) 1 bread 1 banana 1 tbsp peanut butter 2 cup kale 1 tomatoe 1 cup lentils ou beans 1 cup mixed salad (beets, orange, brocolli, zucchini, cucumber) 2 oranges - Regular Calorie Day - x3 days 3 bananas 5 tbsp oats 1 tbsp peanut butter 1 apple 11 almonds 2 cup kale 1 cup barley ou brown rice 1 cup lentils ou beans 1 cup mixed salad (beets, orange, brocolli, zucchini, cucumber) 1 apple 11 almonds 2 cup kale 1 tomate 1 cup lentils ou beans 1 cup mixed salad (beets, orange, brocolli, zucchini, cucumber) 2 oranges - Low Calorie Day - x2 days 3 bananas 5 tbsp oats 2 cup kale 1 cup barley ou brown rice 1 cup lentils ou beans 1 cup mixed salad (beets, orange, brocolli, zucchini, cucumber) 1 apple 11 almonds 2 cup kale 1 tomate 1 cup lentils ou beans 1 cup mixed salad (beets, orange, brocolli, zucchini, cucumber) Now the embarassing part of it. Sorry for the bad poses, no idea of what I was doing. Here are some pics of me. Thank you in advance.