Hi All, I am new to this forum and while I am very new to a vegan lifestyle I hopping someone could help me out or point me to an expert with regards to my nutritional program I designed myself. I am a natural bodybuilder that has competed while on an animal protein plan and while I did very well I had lots of problems with my digestion most of the time leaving me feeling heavy and out of energy. Since I switched to a high raw plant based diet I have found my recovery and stamina greatly improved and while I was having one meal a day with animal protein I have decided I want to give the vegan lifestyle a chance because it makes me feel so much better. I have attached a copy of my diet and I would appreciate any advice on ways I can improve it for optimal fat loss. I can give out further details of my body composition if need be. I am not sure if the amount of fruit I consume is a problem, I may have to hike my calories up a bit more as I am often having to eat more because my metabolism is fast. Thanks in advance. Nicholas