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  1. Protein is protein, your body wants the amino acids and protein is the middle man. Ya' just gotta eat! Welcome to the boards!
  2. I guess sometimes it is neccessary...Although I think there should be a pointing out of a policy or a reason given, or the subject will surely surface again. We are all in this together to help ourselves as well as each other. There are different ages, demographics, religions, and general culture differences that make it difficult at times, but I think everyone has a voice.
  3. Good rant and I hope it helps you feel better, if not for just a little bit. That must have taken alot to lay all that out there! I wanted to say that I hope that not all christians are viewed this way, as I am one. I last went to church when my sunday school teacher was talking about how rough a week he had at work when he was asked by his boss to talk and try to sell a motorcycle to some lesbian group big wheel. He harped on it for a few minutes about how he felt and didn't want to even talk to her. I had to open my big mouth and say"Well, if it was the CEO of Anhieser (SP?)Bush, would you have felt the same way? Which, of these people have caused the most damage to people?" well, he couldn't say anything. I think it is a shame that "Christians" don't act "Christ like" which is to say that: having compassion is where it is all at! Not judging, not our place. I am sorry, I have read that you are having a rough time, and though I don't know you I feel so sorry that you are having a rough time. We are not all bad.... though I do agree that most I know are exactly as described here. It is sad, that the goal is to attract others to the faith yet all they do is push people away. When I went vegan, I was actually told I wasn't a christian anymore.........Crazy. Here I was trying to lead a more compassionate life, maybe like Jesus preached? Anyway I have a tat, am a recovering drug addict, a little chubby, love rock and roll, and am adopting a two year old. By the way, My "Christian friends are upset that my step daughter may be "bi" and that I am not acting more upset.... sheesh. The world is a crazy place! Didn't mean to hijak the thread... I just think you shouldn't let what people do or say get you down, I know it is discouraging. I just have to say that I think what you have accomplished is awesome and that you are doing what alot of people only dream they could do. Keep up the hard work, I know alot of people on here support you and count me in!
  4. I guess about 6 months ago I was having some health problems. I thought it was the big "C". It wasn't but... I knew from being interested in bodybuilding for so long how diet is crucial to everything. I started searching and came accross vegetarian and vegan diets. I saw the Vegan fitness dvd and ordered it after I made the choice to become vegetarian. So after reading and researching I think I was vegetarian for 10 days and said why bother and dropped the dairy from my diet and started replacing shoes, wallets etc. with vegan alternatives as things wear out. I have to say though that knowing you could gain muscle while being vegan was a big deal for me. I really owe alot to Robert for being here, putting the dvd out there, and everything. I really should thank all of you guys too, reading through these posts were so (and continue to be) inspirational as well as funny! Without this forum I hardly think I would be vegan, it shattered sterotypes for me.
  5. Push aways are really good to! Push away from the dinner table!
  6. According to Serge Nubret on bodybuilding.com these will help your abs: For abs : I was doing 2000 sit up every day, no stop, That was taking me one hour and 6 sets of leg raise: first set 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100 that is all, every day even on sunday, try it it is fun. Serge
  7. This is a great post and very needed. Here is a link to some survival foods that are vegetarian. I hesitate to post, but perhaps if there truely is an emergency this may come in handy. I have an omni family so... anyone in a similar situation that really wants to stockpile: http://www.efoodsdirect.com/index.html Most survival foods you will find, are not vegan or vegetarian friendly that last for very long.
  8. There are animal sources and lab sources. Creatine is made in the body as well, from consuming meat, hardly see how it could be carcinogenic? Maybe an overabundance could be bad, but an overabundance of anything is bad. Check this out: http://www.bodybuildingforyou.com/creatine/creatine-monohydrate.htm
  9. Neoveg


    Hey try this! I make it like once every 2 to 3 weeks! I really like it. Here is the link: http://www.giveittomeraw.com/video/video/show?id=1407416%3AVideo%3A33660
  10. I agree with this. Also, politics in bodybuilding could be seen as who would be the best "yes man". Who would promote certain ideals. I'm sure in the 70s and earlier, there were race issues also. Even though, I have heard, that bodybuilding was better than alot of sports with race issues. I'm thinking I'll use other words next time besides politics, maybe: ideal promotion, image promotion, or subservitude to the dollar are all good descriptions. These issues infiltrate everything, not just bodybuilding, and nothing is immune. I guess I use politics like "weed eater" I have a grass trimmer I call a weed eater, it isn't a weed eater brand but it's just what I call it and most people seem to know what I am communicating.
  11. I have been a big fan of Serge's for quite a while. There was a bit of politics going on. During the filming of "Pumping Iron" They filmed Mike Katz, Franco Columbu, Arnie, Lou Ferrigno, and Serge Nubret. They offered Serge like $200 to use the footage they shot in France. He took it as an insult since he had already been in a few movies and had some family money also. He did not give permission except for the public viewing in the waiting areas to go onstage in Africa. So, it is very possible that there was some animosity going around. Even in "Pumping Iron" they say it was a surprise entrance of Serge Nubret to compete.... but in reality they had shot hours of him already. This is pretty much what Serge has said about it all, so take it or leave it
  12. Yeah, and unfortunately me living in hickville, I got the other day: "What do ya' eat for meat?" uughhhh Welcome! This is the best forum!
  13. I have been doing some that has a chocolate flavor to it. Amazing Grass I think? Anyway, with just the green stuff, I used orange juice or orange-carrot juice. OR just chugged it down and held my breath with some types!! Should be some good smoothie recipes out there I would think if you hunt around, and then everyone's taste isn't the same either
  14. I think only you can answer that. If you have talents in other areas and a clear cut objective to where you want to go, then no, school doesn't matter unless it is required for what you are interested in. If you are just not sure what you want to do, then I would say college is very important, because at least while you are sorting things out you can have a management job or administration type job rather than getting locked into a deadend job. I really think it is the individual though.
  15. well, this is something that I have been facing lately. I am sure there are more busy people than myself, but if I want to continue to stay married I have to structure everything as a way of life not just a temporary thing. I try to get up at 5 am and work out or run, this does leave my evening free to cook dinner, take care of kids and await the super nurse to get home from 10-12 hour shifts. However I feel more strong in the evening or afternoon. So, for running or cardio it seems ok. I am trying to loose some weight so the morning workout is ok for me now since I am doing high rep,light weight workouts for now. I think some days, when my wife is off I will sleep in and do some heavy workouts in the afternoons occaisionally. It is a nice feeling to know that my daily workout is finished after I get off of work though!
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