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Everything posted by FormicaLinoleum

  1. I think the important thing is that the issue being discussed in the original article is incredibly narrow. All he's saying is that if you can eat exactly the same number of calories, it doesn't really matter what those calories are made of, as far as gaining/losing/maintaining weight goes. There are loads and loads of aspects of diet and eating that he's saying nothing at all about. Those including the following: - what's healthy - what's practical - what tastes good - what is satisfying to eat - how easy or hard it is to eat a lot of calories of a given food - and so on All those things will affect what actually makes sense to eat. In real terms, all the above things, which he's not addressing at all, make a difference. For example, I like the Eat to Live diet. You don't need to count calories on that. Why? Because the recommended foods are not calorie dense, so it's hard to get a lot of calories in eating that food. So things like that--like calorie density and food bulk--make a difference to how much food you can eat and how satisfied you'll feel after eating them. This guy doesn't say that calorie density doesn't make a difference to how much you can eat. He simply does not address that at all.
  2. Find the nearest dictionary. Look up "sarcasm." Baby Herc That's needlessly rude of you. I understand that it was sarcasm and that you don't actually mean that the Olive Oil Only Diet would be a good idea. I'm not a complete idiot. But sarcasm is used to make a point and I was addressing the point that I understood your sarcastic post to be making. You said that as a calorie is calorie, why don't we go on the Olive Oil Only Diet. Of course I did not take this as a literal recommendation to consume nothing but olive oil, but as an attempt to show how stupid the idea that a calorie is just a calorie is. You were implying that if we accept that a calorie is a calorie, we would then have to accept that consuming nothing but olive oil would be an acceptable diet. Any reasonable person would agree it would be crazy to try to live off of olive oil. So if we reject the idea that an olive oil only diet is reasonable, we must reject the idea that a calorie is a calorie. That's how interpreted your post. My point was that nothing in the article or about the idea that a calorie is a calorie specifically with regard to weight loss/gain/maintenance would suggest that it would be OK to consume nothing but olive oil. So the idea that an olive oil diet is ridiculous doesn't mean that anything in the original article is ridiculous. In other words, you were saying (through sarcasm), "if A, then B", where B is something clearly false. Readers would realise B is false, and if they accept that A must lead to B would then have to conclude that A is also false. I'm saying that A does not actually lead to (or imply) B, so the fact that B is false has no bearing on the validity of A. B is false, but the reasons it is have nothing to do with A. (That is, in this case, olive oil only diet is not viable because olive oil has no nutrients, surely no one could bring themselves to drink olive oil every day, etc.)
  3. That would be a terrible diet, but for reasons completely unrelated to the number of calories it contains. It would be void of nutrients and therefore terribly unhealthy. The original article is quite clear that he's discussing the calories in a diet and how that relates to weight gain or loss only, and that diets are not equivalent as far as health promotion ("ome diets are better or worse for medical reasons"). I'm pretty sure he would not argue that all diets of equal calories would be equal as far as practicality, enjoyability, nutrition, etc.
  4. Awesome. Love this: "Just because I can't do it today, doesn't mean I won't be able to do it SOME day."
  5. Got back last night from four days with my family. No exercise other than a bit of walking. But today is our first derby practice back after the break and I think training is going to be pretty intense in the lead up to Playoffs, which are at the end of September. My Sunday practices are now going to be 4 hours.
  6. It definitely takes up a lot of time. We have group training four times a week (three on skates, one off skates). And then there's the time we put in to run the league and put on events. I got started right when I moved to London so didn't know anyone and had nothing else to do so it worked out pretty well. Which league did you see? I used to live in Baltimore and thats where I first discovered roller derby and decided I had to do it.
  7. Yup, there are two leagues in Birmingham! It's grown massively in UK and the rest of Europe. I started over 5 years ago and at that time there were around five leagues in all of Europe. Now there are around 200!
  8. Tues 3 July Cycled to and from work Wed 4 July 2-hour off-skates training Weight portion focued on higher-rep, lower-weight squats and sumo deadlifts.
  9. Had a bit of a break while my dad was down in London. I'll be going up north to meet up with him again next weekend for 4 days, so that will be another chunk of time without exercise. Sun 1 July Went for a bike ride with some friends. I think I covered about 20 miles total, so not very much, especially for the amount of time it took! But it was a rather leisurely ride and largely on shared paths, which meant having to keep the speed down. Mon 2 July Off-skates training session Lately the format has been about 50 minutes of weights (last night focused on squat and deadlift), then speed/agility, then vision training, then circuits. I like that set up. Food-wise, my diet has been OK, but it could be better. My partner and I are trying to be frugal now, so we'll be doing less eating out at lunchtime and more bringing our own food. Still on derby break. First practice back is one week from today.
  10. Jane Velez-Mitchell is a vegan herself, right? (That link takes me to a video about the Queen visiting Northern Ireland so I haven't watched the clip with BB.)
  11. Fri 22 June Cycled to/from work Sat 23 June Played in a bout. Was our B team. We won and it was a lot of fun! Sun 24 June Nowt Mon 25 June Off-skates training: agility, weights, circuits Tues 26 June Nowt My dad is over from the US so I'll be seeing him today and tomorrow, so no exercise for those days.
  12. Tues 19 June No exercise Wed 20 June Off-skates training (speed/agility/quickness, strength/weights) Thurs 21 June 2-hour derby practice
  13. Thanks! Despite it being our month off, we have a training session on Thursday and a bout (the B travel team) on Saturday. Meanwhile... Mon 18 June 2-hour off skates training
  14. Had two bouts this past weekend. Saturday was a home team bout. We won, and by enough of a point difference to become our league's season champions! It's the first time: we've generally been the league underdogs. So I'm really pleased about that as a team member and the captain. Yesterday was an inter-league game with our B team. We won, but we came pretty close to losing it at one point as we were an absolute mess with penalties. That game definitely didn't feel as good as the one on Saturday! So now it's our 1-month break and I'll have to find other exercise to do. I have off-skates training tonight.
  15. I got back from visiting my mom on Monday evening. (In the UK it was a 4-day weekend with Mon and Tues being bank holidays.) Yesterday I went for a team picnic where I ate lots of food--people made and brought all sorts of vegan stuff including vegan cookies. Today is back to work and back to eating semi-well and doing some exercise! Planning to lift weights tonight. This is our last week before a one-month derby break. I have two bouts this weekend--one on Saturday and the other on Sunday. During the break we'll be doing our off-skates training twice a week instead of just one, which is good, but I'll need to work out what to do on the other days. Probably some kind of plyo, maybe one more day of weights (the off-skates sessions include weights).
  16. I don't buy much online. Basically just protein power, which I currently buy from Inside Organics. I buy food in-store, but I'm in London so it's not hard to find what I need in shops. We've got Whole Foods in our neighbourhood and Vx (SSOV) not far from work.
  17. Sadly haven't done much exercise this week... Tues 29 May Cycled to and from work Did plyo at home in the evening Wed 30 May Cycled to and from work Thurs 31 May No exercise I got over the feeling horrible bit that I experienced on Monday, though that might be due to drinking tea (no sugar or soy milk) the remaining days. I'm a bit disappointed I didn't do more exercise (esp not doing a derby practice) to see if I have more energy. However, I was suddenly able to do pull-ups! OK, partial ones. But previously I couldn't really pull myself up at all and when I tried today I was able to do a partial pull-up (not starting at a dead hang). That was kind of weird. I did about 6 total, but not all consecutively. I'm going to visit my mom this weekend, which is a 4-day weekend here in the UK. So I won't be doing any exercise other than walking around for a while. My eating plan for the future is to eat well (but not as strict as this week) during the week but allow treats (without going crazy) on the weekend. That will still be an improvement over my previous habit of eating something in the cake family pretty much every day. I'll be weighing myself tomorrow. I was right around 70kg last week.
  18. I tend to find that the first couple of days of me taking a caffeine break are roughly equivalent to hell on Earth. Or at the very least heck on Earth. It was horrible! Maybe I should have powered through instead of having tea, but I'm not too concerned about being completely caffeine-free. I mostly want to elimate all the sugar in my usual coffee drinks, so am not having those.
  19. Thurs 24 May 2-hour derby practice Fri 25 May Only exercise was riding my bike to/from work Sat 26 May None--had a really lovely day at the seaside with a bunch of rollergirls Sun 27 May 3-hour derby practice Mon 28 May None--felt absolutely hideous (see below) I started my "eating healthy" experiement on Sunday. I did start the day with Wheetabix and coffee, but once I got my groceries it was all veg/fruit/beans/nuts. I don't have much time to prepare food so I'm eating a lot of the same food and drinking a lot of smoothie, but I'm trying to make sure each meal that I make is well-balanced so it's fine to eat a lot of it. I've been having my usual smoothies (spinach, blueberries, apple, pear, banana, and protein powder), but multiple times a day instead of just for breakfast. Other things I've eaten are a salad of black and adzuki beans, corn, red pepper, red onion, and cilantro/coriander and today I'm having a soup with lots of lentils, quinoa, carrot, greens, and broccoli. I'm not adding oil to anything and am being very sparing with salt. I'm nibbling on nuts and raw bars that contain nuts so it's not too low fat. Yesterday I felt absolutely hideous. I had the worst headache I've had for a very long time. I'm not sure exactly what caused this. Could be withdrawal from caffeine. But I also generally eat sugary stuff and baked goods and fried stuff, so there are a lot of things I'm giving up this week. Anyway I decided to go ahead and have tea, just without the sugar, and that seemed to help. Feeling much better today. But I felt so bad last night I couldn't go to my off-skates training. Tonight I have practice and am riding my bike. I'm doing this super healthy thing just through Friday. On Saturday I'm going up north to visit my mom, so wouldn't be able to stick with it then. I'm also doing this mostly as an experiment to see how I feel eating like this and also to break the habit of snacking on unhealthy stuff like cake and chips. I won't be so strict from after this, but will try to have a better diet (still lots of veg and beans and so on but will be less strict about a bit of oil in food and so on) with an anything-goes day once or twice a week.
  20. I think it's probably very likely he will do it again.
  21. I'm going to try a little bit of an experiment and do a week of really strictly having only fruit, veg, beans, nuts and seeds. I'll probably have a lot of smoothies to make it easier because I don't have much time to cook. If I actually stick to this, it will force me not to have coffee or tea or cake or fried stuff, which I struggle with.
  22. Mon 21 May Off-skates training: 1/2 hr speed/agility/quickness, 1 hr strength Tues 22 May No exercise. I had the day off to go to a funeral. One of our skaters died a couple of weeks ago. She was 37 and had a daughter who's around 12. She had ovarian cancer; she'd fought it for a couple of years but recently went downhill really quickly. We were all a bit shocked when she died. Anyway, loads of us went to the funeral and practice was made non-required for the evening. Wed 23 May Only exercise was cycling to and from work.
  23. Been a bit busy... Friday 18 May 2-hour derby practice Cycled home to work to practice to home Saturday 19 May Led a 3-hour derby boot camp Sunday 20 May Played in a bout with the A team Though I'm now an A/B crossover, I got to play in an important game for our league on Sunday, as two of the A players were on holiday. It's all a bit complicated, but basically we want to go to our region's playoffs in September, and to do that we need to be in the top 10 in our region for the period of April-June of this year. We have to play at least 2 games in our region in that time. As the Europe region is still growing and isn't yet an active one, our region is the east coast of the US, so it can be hard for us to get games. There are 3 other WFTDA members in Europe who are also part of our region, so we are playing them. Yesterday we played the first of those games. We won, 667 to 18. That's a new WFTDA record for point margin. But you can see why we don't get many games with other UK leagues; there's a really big gap between us and most other leagues in Europe. Tonight I've got off-skates training. Then practice tomorrow. I think I'll take Wednesday as a rest day.
  24. Recent exercise... Tuesday 15 May 2-hour derby practice Wednesday 16 May Lifted weights on my own at home Did a bunch of cleans, working on my technique. Sets of 5, building from 59lbs up to 94. A little bit of overhead pressing. Definitely have lost a lot of strength on that. Did 64lbs--I think my reps were only around 3/4 per set. Did some "speed deadlifts" with a small amount of weight, around 100lbs I think? Then just a few slower reps with 153lbs. Thursday 17 May 2-hour derby practice Tonight I have 2-hour derby practice again and I'm also on my bike. Tomorrow I'm leading a 3-hour derby boot camp. Sunday I have a bout, but I probably won't get very much track time.
  25. I'm hoping to get back into logging my exercise at least. April was better attendance-wise... I got 67%, which is much better than May, but not at the 80%+ I want to reach. May will be at that level. I have no choice--I have to attend every practice between now and the end of the month in order to keep my average high enough to play in inter-league bouts. I had a bit of a setback because I was not chosen to be on the roster for the big game at the end of April. And at the last selection I was chosen to be a crossover, on both the A and B teams. So despite my lofty goals stated at the beginning of this thread, I've now dropped down instead of moving up. The really big deal is in September, which gives me a little bit of time--but not that much--to really improve to get on the roster for that. The problem is that everyone else is really improving as well, so I have to improve even more than they are. The people we do our off-skates training with are going to start to do mental conditioning with us, so I hope this will help me with planning and goal setting and to deal with some of the mental stuff that I think holds me back a bit.
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