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Everything posted by FormicaLinoleum

  1. I experience this, too. There have been a few times I've thought that I've been getting sick because I've felt a bit tired and achey, but the full-blown cold or whatever never really kicked in. I figure my body just manages to fight off whatever it was without my getting too ill, but with a brief period of feeling sub-optimal.
  2. I figure that if people have bad associations with the word "vegan", by describing myself as one I have the chance to change those associations. If people know me at all, they'll know I'm not some weirdo so will learn that vegans can be "normal", non-preachy people, too.
  3. Roller derby! I commute by bike but don't think that counts as playing a sport.
  4. Work is finally a bit slower, so I've been able to get back to exercise and now have a chance to log. March was really bad for me as far as work getting in the way of exercise/practice. My practice attendance for Jan and Feb was over 80%. In March it was 20%! Here's hoping April will be much better. Saturday 31 March 2012 Lifted weights at home. I've lost a bit of strength as I haven't done this regularly for a month or so. Sunday 1 April 2012 3-hour scrimmage derby practice Monday 2 April 2012 1.5 hours off skates (speed/agility/quickness and weights). Session is 2 hours but I missed a bit as I was trying to find someone who was a bit lost to help her get to the place. Tuesday 3 April 2012 Cycling home --> work --> practice --> home Have 2 hour derby practice tonight
  5. I haven't really done any exercise in about 2 weeks, due to going on holiday, being busy at work, and also prepping for a job interview tomorrow. I hate it! I'm hoping that by Wednesday things will be back to normal and I'll be able to get back to my regular schedule. We (the travel team) have a big game coming up at the end of April (http://www.londonrollergirls.com/details/42-london-brawling-vs-euro-all-starsbrawl-saints-vs-leeds-roller-dolls). I really want to be on the roster for it and actually get to play, and that will mean some hard work between now and then.
  6. Just got back from a holiday with friends in the Yorkshire Dales. It was lovely and relaxing! Did a lot of walking, but no other exercise.
  7. Have negelected my blog again because I've been really busy with work and derby. Had my two games this weekend. First game we lost, but by a tiny amount. We very nearly won it. I'm really proud of my team (I'm captain), even though I didn't feel like I played as well as I could have. I felt loads better about my own playing in the second game. That was a travel team and we won by loads. Here's a highlights video from my previous home-team bout, not the one from this weekend, but the one from February. There's a brief bit of me jamming.
  8. Wed 29 Feb 2012 Exercise None Food Breakfast: smoothie Lunch: hummus sandwich, chips Dinner: schnitzel, soba & broccoli Notes Though this was just yesterday, I can't recall my food perfectly. I probably had a snack but I can't remember it. Had to work on a job application in the evening, so didn't do any exercise.
  9. Tues 28 Feb 2012 Exercise cycled to work to practice to home 2-hour derby practice Food Breakfast: usual smoothie Lunch: tofu/veg/noodle, cucumber maki Snack: flat white, banana bread Snack: picknicker Post-practice/cycle: protein shake, crisps and hummus Notes My practice attendance is definitely getting better, and now that the weather is nicer and I'm mostly over my cold I'm riding my bike more regularly. I've also been doing the off-skates stuff (DSA) for four weeks now. So my exercise has increased. I'm still at 70kg, which isn't surprising as I feel like I'm eating loads and not very healthy stuff. The increase in exercise means a decrease in time at home; I basically have no more than two evenings a week where I'm not out training, and as I generally get home no earlier than 10pm and usually more like 11pm on those days, it's so hard to figure out when to prepare food. And my partner does all the same stuff, so she's not home to cook either. It's something we're going to have to work out, though.
  10. This weekend is another two-game weekend. First one (Saturday) is a public bout of my home team against another home team. It's going to be a tough one. Sunday is a closed door bout of our A travel team against a Scottish team. I currently have a lingering cough that is making me feel less than 100%, but I'm not too bad. One of these days I'll post some current pictures.
  11. Mon 27 Feb 2012 Exercise off-skates DSA training (1/2 hr speed/agility/quickness, 1hr strength) cycled to DSA (so little distance it doesn't really count) Food Breakfast: pancakes (fluffy American kind) Lunch: teriyaki tofu, udon noodles, bak choi Snack: hot chocolate Pre-training: can't recall having anything! Post-training: same smoothie I usually have for breakfast
  12. Sat 25 Feb 2012 Exercise Finally lifted weights (all amounts in pounds): Cleans: 74x5, 79x5, 84x5 Overhead press: 69x4/3/3 Deadlift: 158x8 Food Can't remember everything but I think it was a pretty random eating crap day Sun 26 Feb 2012 Exercise 2+ hours of derby practice (scrimmaging) Food Breakfast: apple/cinnamon oatmeal (homemade) Lunch: salad, spaghetti 'bolognese' Dinner (post-practice): a bit more spag bol, bread w/ hummus
  13. Fri 24 Feb 2012 Exercise Cycled to work Food Breakfast: smoothie Snack: tea, cocoa mint Nakd bar Lunch: lentil/veg soup, cake Dinner: pizza Notes We finally had a totally free evening tonight, so took it easy, watched some movies, and ordered some pizza.
  14. Thurs 23 Feb 2012 Exercise 2-hour derby practice Food Breakfast: smoothie Snack: coffee, choc chip mini weetabix Lunch: veg pie Pre-practice: lentil/veg soup Post-practice: ramen
  15. Wed 22 Feb 2012 Exercise none Food Breakfast: pancakes (belated pancake day celebration) Snack: tea Lunch: potatoes, rice, chickpea curry Snack: mint choc 'cheesecake', tea Dinner: Indian buffet Notes I had dinner with my brothers. We wandered around looking for somewhere not too crowded and ended up in a veg Indian buffet.
  16. Tues 21 Feb 2012 Exercise cycled to work to practice to home 2-hour derby practice Food Breakfast: smoothie Snack: cocoa mint nakd bar, tea Lunch: loads of food (buffet) Snack: half a brownie, tea Dinner: falafel wrap Post-practice/cycle: protein shake, 'schnitzel' Notes Off-skates training last night was pretty tough and my legs are feeling pretty tired, but I'm still cycling and skating! Haven't lifted weights for a while outside of the off-skates (DSA) training, and we're all mostly going over form there so nothing heavy yet. I hope to lift weights tomorrow night, but my partner won't be working so I'll have to do things I don't need a spotter for.
  17. Mon 20 Feb 2012 Exercise 2-hour off-skates training (1hr speed/agility/quickness, 1hr strength) Food Breakfast: smoothie Snack: flat white, pecan bar Lunch: selection of salads Dinner: Falafel sandwich, picknicker Post-training: protein shake
  18. Sun 19 Feb 2012 Exercise 3-hour derby practice, all scrimmage Food Breakfast: choc chip mini weetabix, tea Snack: pecan bar Lunch: mince/veg pie Dinner: vegan Chinese
  19. Sat 18 Feb 2012 Exercise none--rest day Food Breakfast: choc chip mini weetabix, tea Lunch: 'schnitzel' on bagel Dinner: bunch of snacky things, mince/veg pie, pecan squares Notes In the evening we had a team bonding get-together, which was a pot luck. I ate a bunch of crisps and bread and hummus to start. For the mains and dessert, the only vegan things there were the dishes I made, which were a pie with vegetables and mince and some pecan squares.
  20. Fri 17 Feb 2012 Exercise cycled to work to practice to home 2-hour derby practice Food Breakfast: usual smoothie Lunch: chili, brown rice, chickpea curry Dinner: sandwich, crisps
  21. I've let my log slip for a couple of days, but I'm going to try to get back on it! I forgot to mention that we had a travel team selection a couple of weeks ago, and I am still on the A team. And it seems I'm currently assessed to be in the top 14. So far so good, though I definitely know that I'm on the border so I need to keep improving!
  22. Tues 14 Feb 2012 Exercise 2-hour derby practice Food Breakfast: smoothie Snack: tea, half a big cookie Lunch: veggie dogs with black beans and salsa Dinner: chili, rice, curry from hot food bar
  23. Mon 13 Feb 2012 Exercise DSA training: 1/2 hr speed/agility/quickness, 1hr strength Food Breakfast: smoothie Snack: coffee, cake Lunch: Maoz falafel Dinner (pre-training): salad (romaine, cuke, tofu) Post-practice: protein shake Notes I made my partner a cake yesterday for Valentine's Day (we have practice on Tues so it had to be a little early), so I had some this morning.
  24. I'm confused--it doesn't seem to be a vegan or even a vegetarian restaurant? The Groupon description and their own website all refer to seafood and meat and it really doesn't seem like it's referring to "faux" stuff. OK--it seems like there are multiple "Wild Ginger" restaurants. I found the site for the vegan one, but the Groupon deal is for some other place that is not veggie.
  25. Sat/Sun 11/12 Feb 2012 Well, that cold got worse! On Saturday, I led a 2-hour rec league session. As I was leading, it wasn't really much in the way of exercise. Though I was on skates, I was mostly demonstrating stuff and slowly skating around watching people. On Sunday I felt hideous! Sinus pressure was really bad and gave me a headache that wouldn't budge. So I spent the whole day in bed and skipped my usual practice. So no exercise for me. I can't remember everything I ate, but pancakes, tofu scramble with black beans, and leftover spaghetti were in the mix. Still feeling a bit ill, but I don't have the headache like yesterday so I am at work and am determined to go to the DSA session tonight.
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